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#1 2007-12-29 00:17:11

Jai Ganesh
Registered: 2005-06-28
Posts: 49,672

Middle School Mathematics - III

1. The ratio 115:138 in its simplest form is:-
(a) 2:3  (b) 3:4   (c) 4:5   (d) 5:6

2. The ratio of zinc and copper in an alloy is 2:7. If the weight of copper in a sample of alloy is 10.5 grams, the amount of zinc is:-
(a) 3 grams  (b) 7.5 grams  (c) 36.75 grams  (d) 2.33 grams

3. The ratio of boys and girls in a school is 14:5. If the number of girls is 1045, then the total strength of the school is:-
(a) 2926  (b) 3971  (c) 5225 (d) 3861

4. The sides of a triangle are in the ratio 3:2:5. If its perimeter is 80 centimeters, the length of the smalest side is:-
(a) 12 cm  (b) 8 cm  (c) 16 cm  (d) 24 cm

5. The first, second and fourth terms of a proportion are 16, 24, and 54. The third term is
(a) 32  (b) 48   (c) 28  (d) 36

6. The mean proportional between 18 and 72 is:-
(a) 4  (b) 1/4  (c) 1296  (d) 36

7. 4% is equivalent to the fraction
(a) 1/4  (b) 4/1  (c) 1/25  (d) 2/5

8. What percent of of 7.2 kilograms is 18 grams?
(a) 25%   (b) 2.5%   (c) 250%  (d) 0.25%

9. A man spends $1650 per month and saves 25% of his income. His monthly income is:-
(a) $2000 (b) $2200  (c) $2062.50  (d) $2360

10. 96% of the population of a village is 23040. The total population of the village is:-
(a) 24936  (b) 24000   (c) 25640  (d) 32256

It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.

Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.


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