Math Is Fun Forum

  Discussion about math, puzzles, games and fun.   Useful symbols: ÷ × ½ √ ∞ ≠ ≤ ≥ ≈ ⇒ ± ∈ Δ θ ∴ ∑ ∫ • π ƒ -¹ ² ³ °

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#1 2009-01-09 03:28:25

Jai Ganesh
Registered: 2005-06-28
Posts: 49,179

Senior level #1

The levels of difficulty vary from question to question. Don't judge about the questions too early! a

1.A Company has seven Chartered Accountants, six Engineers and three scientists. In how many ways can they form a committee if the committee must contain two members from each field.

2. Find the value of 'r' if


3. Differentiate with respect to x:


4. Differentiate with respect to x:


5. Differentiate with respect to x:


6. Differentiate with respect to x:


7. If

show that

8. If

show that

It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.

Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.


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