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please help me with my homework
We don't actually do your work. We help you understand what it is you're trying to do, then guide you along. This is not a place where your work gets done for you.
I tried, but they didn't do it. So I stuck around and now I'm a Power Member!!!
Don't ask me anything about maths unless it has anything to do with irrigation systems.
Friends are angels who lift our feet when our own wings have trouble remembering how to fly
How many tons of chicken feathers can I get through 10 miles of irrigation systems?
Boy let me tell you what:
I bet you didn't know it, but I'm a fiddle player too.
And if you'd care to take a dare, I'll make a bet with you.
what does your signatre mean
lots of love from jU
What type of homework did you mean, exactly...?
Ninety-nine war ministers/Match and gasoline canister/Held for sly people / itterten already fat prey / called itself: war and wanted power / man, who would have thought that? / That it once so far comes / ways ninety-nine air balloon / ninety-nine air balloon
Literally translated by the nice computer at Free
I have no idea what he is on about.
Friends are angels who lift our feet when our own wings have trouble remembering how to fly
I've found a mistake in Zach's signature... it should be
Witterten schon fette Beute
Friends are angels who lift our feet when our own wings have trouble remembering how to fly
thanks for noticing that