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K well the only way i can figure out this problem is that even though the 9's would go on for an infinity you must take in consideration that if it ever stopped that when multiplyin by 10 you are moving the decimal backwards, therefore takin away 1 of the nines in the sum. The sum ends up workin out as long as you take into consideration that there must be an end.
is it true
Some things really do go on forever, however unprepared our finite minds are to deal with that.
El que pega primero pega dos veces.
You are talking about 0.999... = 1, is that right?
The problem with infinity is that it is not really a "big, big, big number" - it is a concept of going on forever.
When we say 1/3 = 0.333... we are saying "one third equals zero point 3 repeating forever".
By the way 3 × (1/3) = 3 × 0.333... = 1
"The physicists defer only to mathematicians, and the mathematicians defer only to God ..." - Leon M. Lederman
Every number has 2 types:
But if the number is like Pi it hasn't.
IPBLE: Increasing Performance By Lowering Expectations.
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