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We have already talked about coming up with some more formal site rules, so this is the place to talk about them.
Any messages posted here not to do with site rules will be deleted, so that we can stay on topic.
Suggestion 1:
No Personal Attacks. It's OK to disagree with someone, but personal attacks or disrespect will be deleted - we want to keep this a friendly place.
"The physicists defer only to mathematicians, and the mathematicians defer only to God ..." - Leon M. Lederman
Rora's suggestions (here) were:
No spamming. These kinds of posts include things that have no relevance to the topic, or are merely one-word comments...or comments that only have things like ": )" or "^_^".
No putting down others. I want this board to be a place where we discuss, not where we fight. If you've got constructive criticism to say, say it nicely and don't go overboard.
No additional accounts. You get ONE username, ONE account, and that's it! Any more accounts that you make will be deleted.
No bad remarks or comments about other people. It will not be tolerated. Other people have feelings like you.
Any person who chooses not to follow these rules will be chastised, banned for a short time, or even deleted entirely from the board.
And Zach responded:
My advise on the warning system would be this.
Warn - Ban (10 days) - Warn - Delete - Eternal Ban
The 10 days gives them time to reflect on their own reasons and such.
But, I'd advise caution on banning certain people. There are certain providers that connect through a single gateway (AOL and Comcast come to mind). By banning one person, you'll have banned -all- people on the board using that provider.
I can suggest some IP tracers that find the provider.
"The physicists defer only to mathematicians, and the mathematicians defer only to God ..." - Leon M. Lederman
I would advise this rule:
Only certain swear words will be allowed on this forum. This forum is classified as a 'Universal' forum and thus, can have any age of people on. For those younger users and for the users that feel that profanity is not to be tolerated. Anyone found to be using profanity that is against the rules, then your post shall be deleted.
We do have a Censorship active, but this is not an excuse to be using profanity. Restrain yourself and remember: You cannot let something 'slip out' on the internet.
Boy let me tell you what:
I bet you didn't know it, but I'm a fiddle player too.
And if you'd care to take a dare, I'll make a bet with you.
Also, for the Gateway users.
If you break the rules and are using a Gateway IP address, then we will remove you from this site and your service provider will be contacted.
Give me a day and I could probably write out those rules in a big set of paragraphs.
Boy let me tell you what:
I bet you didn't know it, but I'm a fiddle player too.
And if you'd care to take a dare, I'll make a bet with you.
i do agree with most of theese rules but you are not saying how the rules can be broken as such eg if you are vulgure and abusive to people you will be *insert punshment*
you cannot have the same rotar for any type of bad act.
the allmighty spatula * want a tip* dont eat yellow snow: the meaning of life is a number and that number is 1
The only rule for that should be the one account rule. The accounts should be addressed and asked which account wishes to remain active, then delete the opposing account.
Boy let me tell you what:
I bet you didn't know it, but I'm a fiddle player too.
And if you'd care to take a dare, I'll make a bet with you.
Try to keep in mind that these are the drafts, I have written up a propost on the Rules and a Code of Conduct for the staff members.
Rules ( Version 1.0 )
These are the rules of this forum and are to be abided by at all times. Anyone found
to be in breach of these rules will be punished appropiatly by the Forum staff as soon
as possible.
1. Only certain swear words will be allowed on this forum. This forum is classified as
a 'Universal' forum and thus, can have any age of people on. For those younger users
and for the users that feel that profanity is not to be tolerated. Anyone found to be
using profanity that is against the rules, then your post shall be deleted.
We do have a Censorship active, but this is not an excuse to be using profanity.Restrain yourself and remember: You cannot let something 'slip out' on the internet.
2. Spamming is forbidden in any shape or form. Spamming is classified as; the
repetition of annoying posts in a row, replying to a post by using only one word or a
simple 'Emotion' (E.G.
, ^.^, ^_^, etc.), sending posts that have no relation to the
topic at hand and sending a post without using words but instead just a single picture
that it is not relevant, aimed to annoy or aimed to insult.
3. There will be no intentional putting down of others. These forums are not a place
to be mean to others and these posts will not be tolerated. The staff understand that
sometimess constructive criticism can sometimes be offensive and this is allowed if it
is said politely and if you do not go overboard with it.
Remember, other people have feelings too and these will be respected. Remember torespect the users and staff alike and remember "Those who give respect shall recieve
4. This site only tolerates 1 account per person and your IP will be checked to see if
you are using 2 accounts. If found to be, you will be publically addressed and asked
which account you wish to keep. The opposing account will be deleted by the
admiistrator as soon as possible. If you are found to have done this again, then you
will be banned for a period deemed appropiate.
Anyone found to be in breach of any of these rules will be dealt with the apporpiate
way. The way will be explain below unless otherwise stated.
Those who are able to be banned will follow this type of punishment:1- 3 Warns ( Warnings may also include deletion of post) - Ban (2 days) - Warn - Ban
(10 Days) - Delete Account - Eternal Ban
If someone is on a gateway IP, which I will not explain, then they will be subject to
this punishment; 1-3 Warns ( Warnings may also include deletion of posts) - Deletion
of Account - Warn - After this, if you still persist, your service provider will be
[ Liable to be edited ]
The Code of Conduct
Staff Code Of Conduct ( Version 1.0 )
All staff are to be bound by the Code of Conduct which explains what they are allowed
to do. Ultimately, the decision on what they do is up to the Forum Administrator.
1. The staff are not excempt from the rules and must abide by them. If they break the
rules, they will be dealt with as a user and there is a possiblity that they will lose
their staff privilleges.
2. Staff are not allowed to abuse their rights and must not ban / warn anyone without
warning. Doing so to a friend is also classified as an abuse of power and this will
result in a removal of privelleges.
[ The Code of Conduct is liable to be altered and things added to it at any point in
time. ]
I also propose a Staff Only board which can be used to discuss staff members -if- you don't already have one.
Remember, these are only proposals and drafts and not the final versions nor are they endorsed by the site staff, as of yet, and if they ever are, then they are liable to be edited by the Administrator at any times with permission by myself.
Boy let me tell you what:
I bet you didn't know it, but I'm a fiddle player too.
And if you'd care to take a dare, I'll make a bet with you.
Very Excellent !
I think it is ok to have short answers *occasionally* - sometimes a short word, smiley or image IS the best answer. So we could rephrase that somewhow.
People are now conditioned to avoid reading the "fine print", so we would want each rule to have a bold heading which summarises the rule.
But all-in-all, looking pretty good!
BTW I was thinking of putting the rules as a Locked "Sticky" at the top of each forum, or creating a whole forum with just the rules.
"The physicists defer only to mathematicians, and the mathematicians defer only to God ..." - Leon M. Lederman
2. Spamming is forbidden in any shape or form. Spamming is classified as; the repetition of annoying posts in a row, replying to a post by using only one word or a simple 'Emotion' (E.G. , ^.^, ^_^, etc.), sending posts that have no relation to the topic at hand and sending a post without using words but instead just a single picture that it is not relevant, aimed to annoy or aimed to insult. Though, these posts are exceptional at times, a repetetion of them will not be tolerated.
Boy let me tell you what:
I bet you didn't know it, but I'm a fiddle player too.
And if you'd care to take a dare, I'll make a bet with you.
i believe that spam is part of the nature of human life and a bit off putting-down builds character
I come back stronger than a powered-up Pac-Man
I bought a large popcorn @ the cinema the other day, it was pretty big...some might even say it was "large Fatboy Slim is a Legend
Put downs don't build character, they reduce self-esteem. Most people who beleive that put downs build character are bullies, and are just looking to increase their abysmmal self-esteem rate.
Boy let me tell you what:
I bet you didn't know it, but I'm a fiddle player too.
And if you'd care to take a dare, I'll make a bet with you.
I second that.
School is practice for the future. Practice makes perfect. But - nobody's perfect, so why practice?
i third that motion
the allmighty spatula * want a tip* dont eat yellow snow: the meaning of life is a number and that number is 1
i said nuttin twas all Zach...blame him
I come back stronger than a powered-up Pac-Man
I bought a large popcorn @ the cinema the other day, it was pretty big...some might even say it was "large Fatboy Slim is a Legend
OK, here is the first final draft:
This is a Forum, it is not instant chat. Leave your message, and come back later (hours or days) to see what responses you got.
No Personal Attacks or Put-Downs. This is a type of bullying, and just makes you look insecure.
This is not a place to be mean to others and these posts will not be tolerated. Light banter or constructive criticism can be allowed if it is polite and friendly. Remember, other people have feelings too. "Those who give respect shall receive it."
No Swearing or Offensive Topics. Young people use these forums, and should not be exposed to crudeness. There is a bad language filter on this website, do not try to "get around it".
No Spam. Spam includes messages that have no relevance to the topic, that are annoying, repetitious or promotional in nature. Overuse of short comments is also spam.
Make Yourself Understood. It is ok to sometimes use shortened words such as gr8, but too much of this will clasify your post as spam.
Possible Actions: At first you will be gently warned or have your message edited or deleted. More serious cases may result in banning or other measures.
Remember: We Are People Here! And some of us are quite young.
"The physicists defer only to mathematicians, and the mathematicians defer only to God ..." - Leon M. Lederman
That's what I said just simplified.
Boy let me tell you what:
I bet you didn't know it, but I'm a fiddle player too.
And if you'd care to take a dare, I'll make a bet with you.
Thats me - I'm Simple.
"The physicists defer only to mathematicians, and the mathematicians defer only to God ..." - Leon M. Lederman
It's funny because it's Wallace and Gromit and the bike is red.
Boy let me tell you what:
I bet you didn't know it, but I'm a fiddle player too.
And if you'd care to take a dare, I'll make a bet with you.
That's gr8.
School is practice for the future. Practice makes perfect. But - nobody's perfect, so why practice?
OK, so we all seem to be happy with the rules - but why aren't we RESPECTING them?
I had to delete multiple posts from Vulcan which were obviously spammy (plus I had to delete other peoples comments in response, or they would have been left hanging looking silly), and Mr T keeps on wanting to post the "feathers" link which would not be good for some visitors.
"The physicists defer only to mathematicians, and the mathematicians defer only to God ..." - Leon M. Lederman
This is where it gets interesting. Maybe we could start banning..........
I deleted the ones I could of the "tip to make money" posts that there were millions of.
School is practice for the future. Practice makes perfect. But - nobody's perfect, so why practice?
while were on the subject of walace and gromit, lets have a show of hands to see who's planning to see "Walace and Gromit and the curse of the Wererabbit" I personally think it looks rather beastly
HAPPY HAPPY, JOY JOY Fatboy Slim is the band of the 90s, thats if you want to call it a band because its really a one man name
The wallace and Gromit film is coming out soon. The new one.
School is practice for the future. Practice makes perfect. But - nobody's perfect, so why practice?
yeah, it looks good. walace and gromit is an absolute classic
HAPPY HAPPY, JOY JOY Fatboy Slim is the band of the 90s, thats if you want to call it a band because its really a one man name
And it's made by British People. For once.
School is practice for the future. Practice makes perfect. But - nobody's perfect, so why practice?
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