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hello everybody ... in fact i dont know how to start
as you all know i am an arabian person ... i decided to make a topic in an arabic forum about math '' enjoy the math '' and i need some questions , tricks , math magic ... to put there so i need your help lovely members !!! who can give me links ? who can put questions not difficult ones but cool and nice question which make you interested in math
thanks again
ImPo$$!BLe = NoTH!nG
Go DowN DeeP iNTo aNyTHinG U WiLL FinD MaTHeMaTiCs ...
views : 16
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ImPo$$!BLe = NoTH!nG
Go DowN DeeP iNTo aNyTHinG U WiLL FinD MaTHeMaTiCs ...
You could start with Add Two Numbers and the Answer is Always 1089
And then choose from Maths Puzzles and quizzes
And then onto Math and Logic Puzzles
"The physicists defer only to mathematicians, and the mathematicians defer only to God ..." - Leon M. Lederman
You could always use my historical proof that i[sup]i[/sup] = e[sup]-π/2[/sup] ∈ R. I did it for a talent show and won, so I guess it could be used as good mathematical magic. It was a great day for mathematics. If you would like me to write out the problem, just ask.
Zhylliolom, I get
, where n is an integer. Could I see your work?Interesting question though, I have to say.
"In the real world, this would be a problem. But in mathematics, we can just define a place where this problem doesn't exist. So we'll go ahead and do that now..."
Hopefully we all know Euler's formula:
For this problem, let 0 ≤ θ ≤ 2π. Now ask yourself, for what value of θ will e[sup]iθ[/sup] = i? Why yes, it's π/2!
So now we know that e[sup]iπ/2[/sup] = i. Now let's take it to the next level:
Now if we remove the restriction 0 ≤ θ ≤ 2π, then we get the general solution
where n ∈ Z. I'm not sure why you have just n and not 2n, Ricky. Odd values of n in your solution would give
Now take a simple case of some 0 ≤ θ ≤ 2π that could give e[sup]iθ[/sup] = -i. 3π/2 is our value. Then
So, given the same interval 0 ≤ θ ≤ 2π, (-i)[sup]i[/sup] ≠ i[sup]i[/sup], so I will conclude that your n should be 2n.
Last edited by Zhylliolom (2006-07-13 10:07:19)
sin(3pi/2) doesn't equal 1, does it...
"In the real world, this would be a problem. But in mathematics, we can just define a place where this problem doesn't exist. So we'll go ahead and do that now..."
Hey you guys are discussing something too difficult here!
Though I read it too.
Mathsisfun is good at fun maths and perhaps he is the best person you can consult to.
thank you alot guys
mr.mathisfun ... i think u have got alot of these topics ... i really like them
can i see more ?
ImPo$$!BLe = NoTH!nG
Go DowN DeeP iNTo aNyTHinG U WiLL FinD MaTHeMaTiCs ...
Or you could just try looking in the Exercises forum. We're adding some every now and then, so check back regularly!
Last edited by Devantè (2009-02-14 11:18:30)
Pages: 1