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#1 2007-01-06 17:15:33

Jai Ganesh
Registered: 2005-06-28
Posts: 49,845

Jinxed career.....

It was June, 1986.......
I had got the nod for admission to undergraduate course in Mathematics in Madras Christian College, one of the most reputed institutions of the city...of the country too.....
As luck would have it, I went there on June 30, a bank holiday!
I reutrned home to find an admission card for UG in B Sc Physics from AM Jain College affiliated to Madras University.....
The next day, discarding the admission in MCC, I went to AM Jain for the interview....
HOD, Physics Department, Prof JS asked me what was the charge of an electron......
I said it was minus 1.6 multiplied by 10 power minus 19 coulumbs....
I had scored 87% in Mahtematics, 85% in Chemistry and 59.5% in Physics in the Pre-University exams....
The HOD suggested I take Mathematics as my major.....
I was obsitante....
And what a costly mistake that turned out to be.....
That was the first major mistake in a jinxed career, a jinxed life....

It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.

Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.


#2 2007-01-06 19:58:44

Registered: 2005-01-21
Posts: 7,713

Re: Jinxed career.....

(sounds OK so far ... waiting to hear more!)

"The physicists defer only to mathematicians, and the mathematicians defer only to God ..."  - Leon M. Lederman


#3 2007-01-06 23:26:37

Jai Ganesh
Registered: 2005-06-28
Posts: 49,845

Re: Jinxed career.....

I was a student of Physics....abysmally poor at physics, though.....
In the first year, I got 40/100 in Mahtmeatics and cleared my languages too...but in my major, I had failed....In Heat and Thermodynamics, I was well below the 40% required to get through!
There was a big reason that contributed to this....I nev er worked hard....I never studied....Not even days before the University exmination....I simply hated physics...My mind was thinking all about numbers and their special properties!
The practials were one big torture! The examination for practicals weren't going to be held at the end of the academic year, instead, at the end of the graduation course, that is three years later sad
I was in a group of about 10 students in which only one person was marginally ahead of me in academics! The others all had come on a picnic!! I was puntual in attending classes for the three years, my attendance never dipping below 90%! Yet, I seldom paid attention to what was being taught! It all seemed like Greek and Latin to me!!!
Thats how the first two years at college passed! At the end of the second year, I had cleared all papers but one! That was the language paper for the second year! Hindi! It's a shame I failed to clear that paper! Coz all my firneds and acquiantances know I speak and write perfectly well in the language! Anyhow, I had cleared Mechanics, and that made me really happy! Chemistry had never been a problem to me! The practicals were pretty helpful in lifting my score, I remember, in the organic analysis, I got Aniline Dye! A beautiful red dye!

It was during this period that I discovered the beauty of the number 1152921504606846976!

Although I have been good at Physical Chemistry and Inorganic, Organic has always been my Waterloo! smile smile smile


It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.

Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.


#4 2007-01-07 02:31:15

Real Member
Registered: 2006-02-24
Posts: 1,005

Re: Jinxed career.....

Interresting reading.. School-life shortened to < one page smile

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#5 2007-01-07 06:10:34

Real Member
Registered: 2006-07-14
Posts: 6,400

Re: Jinxed career.....

Very interesting, please continue! smile


#6 2007-01-07 14:56:11

Real Member
Registered: 2006-10-08
Posts: 1,321

Re: Jinxed career.....

Is this your own story? Sounds very interesting. smile


#7 2007-01-08 16:02:03

Jai Ganesh
Registered: 2005-06-28
Posts: 49,845

Re: Jinxed career.....

Yes, my own story. And thanks for the nice words said.


The second and third years at college went to well. I was a back bencher, but managed to clear the papers, on most occasions, scoring the required marks for a pass.
Being a student of Physics, we weren't allowed to take lot of leave, since the practicals were held regularly. However, I never missed an opportunity to watch a test match played at Chepauk, the MA Chidambaram stadium. The historic test (also called the Pongal treat) was played in which Narendra Hirwani too 16 wickets on debut, emulating Bob Masse's record. The test was captained by Ravi Shastri for India, and India squared the series with the West Indies, making Sir Isaac Vivian Alexander Richards say " I've got a long memory, maan"!

The third year, the final one, was really tough with all Physics papers, viz. Optics and Spectroscopy, Electricity and Magnetism, Atomic Physics and Electronics, Nuclear Physics and Theory of Relativity, and finally, the toughest of them all, Applied Electronics.
If this wasn't enough, we also had two practical examinations and any of the 60 odd experiments would have to be performed in each paper. The experiment was decided by lots. How lucky I was!

To continue....

It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.

Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.


#8 2007-01-10 16:27:23

Jai Ganesh
Registered: 2005-06-28
Posts: 49,845

Re: Jinxed career.....

Lady luck smiled on me!
I got i-i` curve (Spectrometer) for paper II and Uniform bending (Young's Modulus) with Vernier Microscope for paper I!
I was the luckiest of the lot!
Had I got an experiment in Heat or in Electronics, I would never have completed my University!
The theory papers too were cleared, without much trouble, and June 1989 saw my happiest days on the planet! I was a university degree holder!
But what I did after that was absolute mess, something I would never forgive myself for!

It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.

Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.


#9 2007-01-15 11:58:20

John E. Franklin
Registered: 2005-08-29
Posts: 3,588

Re: Jinxed career.....

Hi ganesh!! I was also born in the late 1960's. Love your story.  I'm guessing your age based on college entrance year, though it might not be an accurate way to guess.  I like your 2 up 60 number.  I'll add the seven into this and work on it with a big calculator I made.  Let's see 2,3,2,5,7 multiplied is 420.  2^420, I'll see if I can get that for us in decimal, should be pretty easy with a calculator I wrote in C language.  Keep going, sorry to interrupt...
Oh here is the result for 2^420:

27 07685 24816 48582 61307 04510 
 17022 30179 13714 55814 21695 87418 99214 65443 96612 09039 
 31272 49997 50059 61073 80673 57336 04454 49567 56142 32576

Ganesh, you will love this one!!!
It is a big number with 8345 digits which can be shown to be rounded up, the
number common log 2 times 27720.
This big number is 2^27720, and it is special because it
can be rooted into whole numbers with any integer root from square root to 12th root.
The 27720 is 2*3*2*5*7*2*3*11
Here is the big number!!!! Enjoy!!! And please check it, if you have a way to check it!!
There are 5 leading zeros; just how I printed it; the decimal point is at the end.

Here is variable #: 1   It is a positive number.
 00000 35602 44347 21537 67218 67711 23841 15669 92043 92843 
 56467 73430 01476 15130 82512 49062 05132 19367 13387 79061 
 96969 93765 80617 98494 20302 43610 23025 65640 58296 98076 
 02151 14602 91199 51949 18131 93239 09801 69018 84602 02004 
 89359 06436 06446 38169 34450 10466 38734 24164 63042 50630 
 49083 45841 07932 10967 91042 96863 97528 92922 43759 51301 
 83645 25918 54260 40301 62337 76418 45289 31422 76682 33262 
 05336 21503 75873 99517 41377 21820 95206 75378 12309 70312 
 19263 72841 62635 95838 33753 65749 70157 01363 67463 41497 
 14687 41669 32359 69343 32006 61174 35755 74651 79447 84862 
 15481 19687 55080 79928 30073 45256 31078 79763 62450 21390 
 10171 58727 95672 93461 48131 84802 21109 44787 71459 12408 
 13963 51573 15928 65540 39368 67352 80465 18994 40969 54224 
 05298 72995 01476 48588 29860 61926 71293 19285 58633 31692 
 98264 27585 57598 14376 00578 50503 74195 57672 29497 47402 
 72064 35235 46220 60286 81946 81328 35935 75376 48683 19768 
 66286 59207 70641 89011 97135 60803 71738 95063 64342 03349 
 80806 84345 47415 73067 82666 62614 70922 96481 20322 77752 
 88345 25570 85947 10165 51265 14483 08588 85880 85817 51783 
 10873 46679 99184 04323 76642 98720 76642 51913 34535 89990 
 45256 40434 04397 04411 60897 01382 18351 57677 46886 57276 
 75100 85491 48525 74708 38312 36841 03484 67714 25552 13160 
 63451 94291 36934 16071 33605 01411 10466 47677 03087 70252 
 86900 07721 05823 88927 83673 18176 50776 92930 90602 30953 
 36348 57034 05818 19735 83772 33535 13966 99690 02316 06174 
 35357 11122 29824 19364 73941 35446 46140 73679 70212 75275 
 48843 51826 92236 58382 11698 68998 33983 30461 84166 67026 
 83928 59464 89076 46163 10576 29540 12065 06288 32950 39114 
 14329 18470 48745 19334 30270 69226 55522 80182 47016 22104 
 84876 37266 33512 81290 54171 86092 49029 49930 03982 45057 
 03575 84579 79964 19435 78875 54333 29194 38239 40878 74110 
 53106 35970 69535 15721 59074 29933 53670 40277 06536 84857 
 95069 63751 78891 50815 35035 12063 65315 35855 00735 65846 
 21969 46854 96316 45459 92981 99204 83741 79784 48074 73138 
 49426 88495 68813 94971 00287 89474 65074 28687 62780 27487 
 32869 74760 14567 38921 64985 99751 39493 26123 63315 35584 
 31386 63802 20361 13843 20708 08124 02725 52422 75870 62556 
 42278 96634 24929 04873 91153 35682 51418 50304 61414 71592 
 39633 63190 41137 24065 56818 99410 64276 80337 23918 33271 
 64950 78987 46430 24251 09955 81382 03715 99880 25350 10943 
 08581 05729 60570 65941 22297 58447 26523 47373 06729 25067 
 98575 92074 58907 74812 44448 83626 97754 71660 47856 49298 
 10718 27319 73919 20502 08935 74995 82317 23037 49523 27968 
 46810 46911 00259 97448 77581 95574 69368 64599 10865 32750 
 12133 61089 03781 03935 56709 03580 55338 38768 83664 18457 
 91604 85651 24981 82920 49513 22770 41879 31536 74953 27022 
 91130 44255 25271 81663 50299 87971 66144 65866 79889 34854 
 23036 32959 54128 31480 46521 20872 44833 07517 72545 12841 
 37972 77893 92743 08947 83291 40984 64020 08052 85504 45806 
 99572 25214 22124 03539 90663 98916 82648 20957 24328 16084 
 19553 76687 83697 81697 67278 50525 45010 45208 63141 71800 
 38491 18241 86161 25719 41833 37847 20894 92096 43704 89509 
 11269 94565 76039 86029 91210 89020 27781 06436 47412 12880 
 52198 73164 51576 11607 68147 45225 76555 97747 48229 50477 
 79113 33144 22518 63694 61955 34247 68547 47734 38379 72432 
 66555 82286 83661 65262 01124 39865 99838 20595 14030 77920 
 14668 83087 85327 71149 99143 12425 68075 41252 46818 13047 
 58524 30975 22399 20010 87342 62289 92012 03715 80967 96827 
 31446 16648 38135 52415 27347 19493 58466 98066 97310 93790 
 84022 35519 18640 16796 11856 23387 99924 28717 18503 57451 
 99273 75965 62392 79736 49283 02190 84776 76955 46812 90850 
 00349 55789 47032 99843 64523 23427 99836 98417 72029 94963 
 79260 30217 94040 86312 95807 70011 84351 18408 33863 16522 
 22091 72556 16354 61047 74031 29682 15432 25378 69739 20033 
 81762 73223 13244 54301 67555 70068 87055 06271 91188 69343 
 66940 85459 71462 95533 70078 60660 66521 71141 67128 27170 
 75757 68590 80593 97823 60322 70791 43342 99603 92643 84637 
 88387 13612 64669 43348 72289 17195 56201 70502 51931 12573 
 91920 21477 62083 80677 15239 94853 48821 67635 83433 38128 
 90683 95957 36415 28669 83427 88146 61742 36567 41789 58612 
 93486 56938 31141 62048 85140 52110 53126 46572 08948 22890 
 89624 66773 88653 23972 74035 44624 69699 57766 85352 92360 
 06871 17144 16075 46295 84317 53156 39764 45162 59599 59074 
 90100 54964 88001 09218 05485 00139 56423 80684 95432 12282 
 24069 29052 35363 14921 99401 21533 00001 34207 71453 91966 
 68248 25698 26789 04819 21248 85042 59509 55973 50545 43674 
 15021 07625 03646 78308 82920 00879 50783 44906 68805 84190 
 98330 27382 76247 71061 06298 44772 77645 13312 69201 56377 
 59823 82922 93264 97856 59980 36727 33419 92398 17913 21311 
 93697 71601 05094 72944 12780 02278 83085 12166 25757 81814 
 00606 21018 98720 24548 86109 70201 01497 37956 52445 85234 
 26504 92648 35967 64254 03769 91065 33321 19747 32099 11370 
 55953 25216 96633 03179 77042 62984 96805 41925 78029 22637 
 25997 42699 66270 63419 72924 69628 60376 10001 14425 57234 
 00634 37935 82627 42224 52360 63103 84390 61991 00368 80607 
 33837 35365 99793 25094 62756 10752 29629 68084 58099 74749 
 02661 55848 72970 46499 38474 83887 57442 30967 34314 84490 
 13310 68151 98129 00660 06759 96851 10522 42492 47735 42050 
 75400 66973 36933 76886 34289 31976 51930 52311 74489 46595 
 84731 93915 31448 41938 54094 28339 78069 87540 44991 28343 
 58960 89728 86498 86574 15738 88766 42233 78913 89850 11577 
 86224 35762 08950 18516 26952 21030 93928 09252 70437 70201 
 01317 36936 82617 98281 85588 48051 06544 65886 88068 29935 
 79790 44172 46987 33596 69662 60239 59030 38287 61175 64088 
 02859 12262 95765 49594 38807 63424 22055 72176 49284 20817 
 46831 07438 11695 22086 26044 80096 55389 80081 22745 98449 
 30599 81492 23062 67173 02699 05465 61433 63839 80696 06028 
 98649 28040 51646 65158 23099 42704 23675 01957 57426 86589 
 07822 38378 18032 10054 67956 92591 61223 08893 09625 63512 
 96936 08880 10688 71379 81898 28833 13783 89662 68892 94283 
 02538 42502 70623 64370 06945 76611 22794 82010 28431 73366 
 45677 30604 39363 05778 13481 03592 63967 11939 12761 59203 
 95755 29161 17045 11231 65774 07045 06174 76488 54236 27725 
 94261 03999 28323 21170 98472 62521 06494 92474 46404 89787 
 04963 62298 76759 80987 08915 63517 87267 90218 34832 46550 
 32664 93043 69362 69471 89776 72287 96754 15138 40023 15773 
 10902 50645 78924 33712 46815 71792 89792 89929 51036 05117 
 87820 19304 65194 78083 32438 87445 08151 87100 16238 72841 
 90252 12218 03852 30434 42486 58303 00874 12980 18965 92847 
 51205 00462 01225 26803 49010 91031 36390 81900 25217 57503 
 38134 65832 44926 50162 25985 08887 95537 34816 29237 00553 
 42871 98835 06286 85239 82907 94718 71032 59244 42034 25675 
 42951 62410 10583 36010 54182 57050 98805 18015 91964 33909 
 78043 77676 51090 80930 58604 05620 97866 58371 46573 96994 
 51632 66285 04974 95344 83630 40249 03034 32299 94066 05554 
 22582 72257 57242 21378 55801 80202 95283 22443 93093 32283 
 68228 08569 33863 23522 95572 62423 43760 91744 91881 33217 
 94171 39917 94064 35789 75853 39473 58182 64308 37862 22253 
 81063 75947 36009 86850 81561 23444 06581 93328 16293 26062 
 09787 48296 84994 77564 53271 16463 71629 21498 17649 38700 
 28560 23064 22358 18755 30988 99994 20399 96511 00797 19896 
 88055 31533 49987 43705 90074 15066 05570 30680 54363 01172 
 07713 36939 71871 47008 57421 11659 95584 67734 69028 31130 
 41335 82991 03139 77467 18346 76359 17876 94483 02790 55231 
 28229 17506 33432 39301 71809 02480 29555 09334 27204 67791 
 57353 97610 46904 27845 88975 40897 76696 01898 80396 50553 
 12441 15776 59631 90902 89536 88512 50462 01640 29398 40040 
 37688 23180 96925 00517 55451 16149 55698 23295 43713 37836 
 55990 96990 43098 21568 24529 67540 23933 86134 51023 14868 
 22314 46546 45154 51128 16020 95962 21358 84028 91951 86138 
 12542 48620 73130 38385 70324 01150 32776 03085 63857 04498 
 46146 86113 32701 56763 88416 97084 66220 18444 15866 57677 
 33640 94878 68887 37008 77077 77235 41273 42928 82335 39311 
 68252 32913 51956 95970 74566 82603 97677 99944 19164 72803 
 23770 42618 03323 25719 81711 37356 96028 04206 50229 16711 
 13123 20227 87079 77785 31335 44779 58792 47831 12662 77190 
 26384 85136 05985 10816 66546 58556 00851 80192 70795 57444 
 62386 92704 17710 43666 58909 84240 74145 20514 25345 07373 
 26044 09203 46117 69131 71993 62312 11236 85794 45891 38069 
 94201 00281 83747 24689 89411 11579 64884 46429 53732 47269 
 70196 22276 13492 15587 95744 69298 22085 25075 06189 99290 
 88248 24341 31432 31046 42816 06022 25064 29227 00401 05361 
 97799 91188 02819 09169 06723 04752 31391 15733 38862 68336 
 00323 65219 19607 38075 71149 86702 09004 61514 85748 34852 
 66298 03656 40504 74238 20056 37688 59191 71547 55452 33095 
 62311 20440 59034 46264 79543 83748 77301 42941 40543 88198 
 58376 78016 79733 99219 93253 92622 26331 54495 20606 60998 
 78164 42507 14173 07709 65439 26611 16622 44687 33081 52659 
 90825 22064 55775 06709 35663 29030 65117 27683 80483 24167 
 88370 71159 91083 66805 06086 56989 22009 95126 65781 09092 
 95917 48624 85977 74519 54212 96705 44050 12570 87974 11846 
 18741 03838 83082 79013 26442 42437 86628 28250 59606 44382 
 74557 48866 41415 29196 94553 43486 15733 22962 70831 88435 
 99501 63446 02967 90640 76276 77263 97310 72495 91487 03720 
 98844 93792 06681 35523 43492 03508 20724 81247 22929 71737 
 13576 22552 98146 97338 26957 94400 70056 86865 69987 91271 
 16860 82959 29862 45031 15298 29319 64393 56109 81944 53317 
 20821 77899 34144 59464 50509 07181 07790 16307 32323 89679 
 49162 55341 44069 21892 13884 63411 22828 32025 90256 09354 
 98142 69828 28452 71677 70278 01535 27426 25813 76981 47719 
 02648 82411 35459 73624 85847 07530 98879 70399 95239 09337 
 30090 72164 30846 70693 87101 20765 37326 76493 28987 09101 
 06934 37223 24979 92503 68999 61605 09915 43038 59344 83475 
 66225 78279 29819 05863 84930 13228 56726 40990 66361 18253 
 49729 19400 85616 70169 96542 04312 77572 85945 50326 26417 
 48690 09425 51667 52317 82173 88890 63836 01542 76510 01846 
 10415 82799 14400 73875 56531 90271 75903 84064 73820 40576
. (decimal point here) 

Awesome numbers!

Last edited by John E. Franklin (2007-01-15 21:17:10)

igloo myrtilles fourmis


#10 2007-01-17 00:41:53

Ninja 101
Registered: 2006-02-20
Posts: 936

Re: Jinxed career.....

I know not the meaning of this ever so zany situation, I understand not very much of what is being put forward unto this page, 'tis hard to understand if you have not done a maths A level

Chaos is found in greatest abundance wherever order is being saught. It always defeats order, because it is better organized.


#11 2007-01-18 16:40:36

Jai Ganesh
Registered: 2005-06-28
Posts: 49,845

Re: Jinxed career.....

Thanks, John.
I am 37, I was born on September 15, 1969, the day Ganesh Chaturthi is celebrated by Indians and Hindus all over the world.
Your higher powers are 2 are very interesting,
but when I calculated 2^2520 as approximately 3.940842 x 10^758, I did it with a hand held scientific calculator which had an upper limit of 9.99999999 x 10^99. sad
Thanks again, for saying you like my story. Continues.....

Many avenues were available after degree.
I wanted to do a Post Graduate Diploma in computers part-time working as a teacher.
I got selected in my first interview at Shrin Velankanni Higher Secondary School, Chennai. I was to teach Mathematics and Science for High School students.
The offer came with a condition. I had to handover my certificates to the Management as a security for working for a full academic year. I declined the offer.

Thereafter, I did the stupidest thing of my life. I enrolled for the CA course with the Institute of Chartered Accountants.
Stupid because, I was a Science and Mathematics student and knew nothing of Accountancy, Commerce or Economics or the Corporate laws. I had to start from the scratch.
I was a very lazy student, and I forgot that when I enrolled for the course.
The CA course, as it was then, required the students to undergo three years of articleship with a practising Chartered Accountant.
I did do that with a reputed firm. The partner who first spoke to me himself was a Mathematics graduate and he said many Science and Mathematics students excel in CA! I was optimistic then!
And I started with the ABCD of Accountancy!
Debit the receiver, credit the giver.
Debit what comes in, credit was goes ot.
Debit expenses  and losses, credit incomes and gains.
The golden rules of double-entry!!!
Since Accountancy involved numbers and logic, I loved the subject.
But Commerce, Economics, Corporate laws etc. were Greek and Latin to me!

It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.

Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.


#12 2007-01-22 13:48:03

John E. Franklin
Registered: 2005-08-29
Posts: 3,588

Re: Jinxed career.....

Interesting, please go on.

igloo myrtilles fourmis


#13 2007-01-24 01:24:33

Ninja 101
Registered: 2006-02-20
Posts: 936

Re: Jinxed career.....

I totally agree with the last line of your post, ganesh!
"But Commerce, Economics, Corporate laws etc. were Greek and Latin to me!"

Chaos is found in greatest abundance wherever order is being saught. It always defeats order, because it is better organized.


#14 2007-01-24 10:26:53

Registered: 2005-01-21
Posts: 7,713

Re: Jinxed career.....

Even though I had a technical education, I spent some time programming for business (accountants, contract managers and the like).

They didn't seem to notice that I wasn't educated in commerce. Numbers and logic still apply, you just have to add a few extra concepts (like credit/debit, balance, auditing) and you are there!

"The physicists defer only to mathematicians, and the mathematicians defer only to God ..."  - Leon M. Lederman


#15 2007-01-26 02:34:49

Ninja 101
Registered: 2006-02-20
Posts: 936

Re: Jinxed career.....

What do you do Mathsis?

Chaos is found in greatest abundance wherever order is being saught. It always defeats order, because it is better organized.


#16 2007-02-03 22:25:41

Jai Ganesh
Registered: 2005-06-28
Posts: 49,845

Re: Jinxed career.....

I was doing fairly well in the articleship,
and it gave me immense exposure with corporate bodies.
We were treated very well, and my seniors were good enough to help me with auditing.
I was often embarassed to ask some basic concepts, nevertheless, they all helped.
But the success rate of arond 1% was often pricking my heart!
Had I committed a blunder, I wondered.
After about 4 months, without being very serious about it, applied for an examination conducted by (India) Railway Recruitment.
Mathematics at that level was cakewalk for me, and English had never been a problem. The General Knowledge paper was a sitter too, and the one I was doubtful was Reasoning.
I forgot about the examination and continued my articleship.
I was such a lazy person, I failed to send a single asnwer paper to the Institute (by Post). This was some kind of practice  test, and you had to clear them all before appearing for the Intermediate examination. I think 16 of them.
June 1990, I had been selected in the written examination and was required to attend an interview at Chennai (it was then called Madras). The Interview went on well, I did perform reasonably well. I wasn't confident of getting through though. There were far more qualified persons attending the interview. Post Graduates, MBAs etc.
It was August, 1990, I was in Trichy, also called the Rockfort city, in the heart of Tamilnadu state, for auditing a couple of Companies there. I had been selected and had to report at the Southern Railway Zonal Office, Madras Division. I still remember the Roll No.
What a relief! I grabbed the opportunity, and for the rest of my life I'd be a CA drop-out big_smile
November and December, 1990 : I was at Zonal Training School, Southern Railway, Trichy. (Yes, the same Trichy again smile )
I remember the first few lines of the Prayer before the start of the training every day!
Grow in Sublimation, Oh School everyday,
ever evolution and growth be thy way!
May your name shine like the starst so bright,
and lead Railways fame to Rockfort's height!

....To coninue!

It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.

Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.


#17 2007-02-06 16:33:22

John E. Franklin
Registered: 2005-08-29
Posts: 3,588

Re: Jinxed career.....

Awesome read.  This is a great memoir!!!

igloo myrtilles fourmis


#18 2007-02-06 17:22:44

Registered: 2005-01-21
Posts: 7,713

Re: Jinxed career.....

It sounds really good so far.

"The physicists defer only to mathematicians, and the mathematicians defer only to God ..."  - Leon M. Lederman


#19 2017-02-03 19:19:55

Jai Ganesh
Registered: 2005-06-28
Posts: 49,845

Re: Jinxed career.....

From #18

1990 end to start of 1992: Everything well smoothly. I moved to another Department. I was transferred to another town. Nagapattinam is a town in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu and the administrative headquarters of Nagapattinam District. I worked for two years.
I then worked in Tiruchirappalli, (1994-95) also called Tiruchi or Trichy, which is a city in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu and the administrative headquarters of Tiruchirappalli District. The editor gave me an opportunity to write in the house magazine titled Of Googol and Googolplex. This was the first time, an article of mine was published. I was elated.

To continue.

It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.

Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.


#20 2017-02-03 22:15:42

From: Bumpkinland
Registered: 2009-04-12
Posts: 109,606

Re: Jinxed career.....


Where is the rest of the bio?

In mathematics, you don't understand things. You just get used to them.
If it ain't broke, fix it until it is.
Always satisfy the Prime Directive of getting the right answer above all else.


#21 2017-02-04 01:19:05

Jai Ganesh
Registered: 2005-06-28
Posts: 49,845

Re: Jinxed career.....

As I said, I would continue, bobbym, after a break. A decade long break.

I was fortunate I had been posted to Chennai, in 1995 CE. Home sweet home. I was born in Chennai, precisely at 0308 Hours. Chennai, formerly known as Madras,  is the capital of the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. Located on the Coromandel Coast off the Bay of Bengal, it is one of the biggest cultural, economic and educational centres in South India. According to the 2011 Indian census, it is the sixth-largest city and fourth-most populous urban agglomeration in India. The city together with the adjoining regions constitute the Chennai Metropolitan Area, which is the 36th-largest urban area by population in the world.

The name Madras originated even before the British presence was established in India. The name Madras is said to have originated from a Portuguese phrase " mae de Deus " which means "mother of god", due to Portuguese influence on the port city. According to some sources, Madras was derived from Madraspattinam, a fishing-village north of Fort St George. However, it is uncertain whether the name was in use before the arrival of Europeans.

1995 to 2000 CE went well. In 1996, the Government of Tamil Nadu officially changed the name from Madras to Chennai. At that time many Indian cities underwent a change of name. However, the name Madras continues in occasional use for the city, as well as for places named after the city such as University of Madras, IIT Madras, Madras Institute of Technology, Madras Medical College, Madras Christian College.

Then came the Internet. I started browsing the net regularly, 24 x 7, during 2000 or 2001.

The terms Internet and World Wide Web are often used without much distinction. However, the two are not the same. The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks. In contrast, the World Wide Web is a global collection of documents and other resources, linked by hyperlinks and URIs. Web resources are usually accessed using HTTP, which is one of many Internet communication protocols.

To continue.

It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.

Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.


#22 2017-02-04 19:28:16

Jai Ganesh
Registered: 2005-06-28
Posts: 49,845

Re: Jinxed career.....

'What is your e-mail', an acquaintance asked me.
I didn't have one.
I felt very bad.
Thereafter, it was the beginning of life with the internet. I fell in love with the Net.
I commenced with e-mails. Yahoo, Lycos, MSN etc. Gmail happened later.
Then, free web hosting and Search Engines.
Information was readily available and I capitalized on it.
Although I did not possess a Desktop or Laptop, I was using the Net as much as I could. By working in Internet browsing centers.
I loved my new passion.
The whole world of knowledge was accessible.
I need not have to go through volumes of encyclopedias.
All along, I loved to acquire wisdom as much as I can.
The expertise and versatility that produce geniuses.
This was a modest and humble aspiration.

To continue.

Last edited by Jai Ganesh (2017-02-04 23:15:37)

It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.

Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.


#23 2017-02-05 01:11:19

Jai Ganesh
Registered: 2005-06-28
Posts: 49,845

Re: Jinxed career.....

June, 2005.

MathsIsFun forum gave a major break. Thereafter, it was neither Jinxed career nor Jinxed life.
The forum gave be the impetus.
Life changed for the better.
I had a lot of comrades.
Many ideas. Helpful friends.
Importantly, people who gave me the strength and faith, when I was a beginner.
I am indebted to you all. The best gift I can think of - three of the most important numbers in my life.
1. 1152921504606846976.
2. 1.444667861....
3. ....1787109376.

It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.

Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.


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