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#1 2006-07-24 08:07:55

Real Member
Registered: 2006-07-14
Posts: 6,400

Pi to a Million Decimal Places!

http://3.141592653589793238462643383279 … ex314.html

I found this site a couple years back. This is for anyone who wants to try and make an attempt at...well, investigating pi - eg. patterns in pi.

I'm making a slow attempt at trying to remember pi to a million places...two years ago I memorised it to 100 places, then gave up. So far this year, I've gone up to about 200 - I'm going to make a better attempt at trying to remember all the digits I can!

But enough about me. So far this is the only site I've found which is neatly set out and is actually fun to read - And which actually has pi all over it, too a million decimal places. This might be a good chance to test out all those theories everyone has been buzzing about. Just a thought. smile

Has anyone tried to memorise this, BTW?

Last edited by Devantè (2009-03-06 04:48:44)


#2 2006-07-24 08:16:52

Real Member
Registered: 2006-02-24
Posts: 1,005

Re: Pi to a Million Decimal Places!

cant seem to enter index1.html, so can't see it with 1 million places sad

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#3 2006-07-24 08:21:06

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Registered: 2006-07-14
Posts: 6,400

Re: Pi to a Million Decimal Places!

I'd post it, but, PC would take about 5 hours to copy and paste that...

Should I attempt to post it? I can risk having to restart my PC...


#4 2006-07-24 08:55:36

Real Member
Registered: 2006-02-24
Posts: 1,005

Re: Pi to a Million Decimal Places!

no, don't post it.. rather upload it as a file. People would have to dl 1mb every time they viewed the topic

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#5 2006-07-24 09:45:20

Registered: 2005-01-21
Posts: 7,713

Re: Pi to a Million Decimal Places!

Patrick is right. Stuff like that would be far better as a zipped file, the million digits would then need far less than a million bytes. I can host the file somewhere.

BTW I couldn't imagine a better image than the one they have at the top!

"The physicists defer only to mathematicians, and the mathematicians defer only to God ..."  - Leon M. Lederman


#6 2006-07-24 09:47:04

Registered: 2006-05-03
Posts: 115

Re: Pi to a Million Decimal Places!

The site works here, and I think I've seen it before too, heh.

Have you seen the record list, Devanté? I know there's a list with people who holds some kind of record in memorizing pi digits somewhere online. I don't know if it was official, and I don't have the site url, but try searching google and you might find it. It was pretty insane, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't close to a million though! wink

Bang postponed. Not big enough. Reboot.


#7 2006-07-24 18:24:44

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Registered: 2006-07-14
Posts: 6,400

Re: Pi to a Million Decimal Places!

I will, thanks! smile

I think the world record is about 42000 or something. But luckily I have a plan to try and remember this many...I call this the Pi Grouping Plan - Or PGP.

1. Start of with learning 3.14159
2. Then learn the 2653
3. Then 5897
4. Then 9323
5. Then, learn the big six-group number - 846264
6. 3 numbers - 338
7. 3279
8. 502884
9. 1971


And you continue in this pattern. I don't know why, but I think it seems like one of the easiest ways to learn it. It seems...somewhat comfortable?

But anyway, thanks Patrick and MathsIsFun - I'll zip the file into an archive or something, then send it to you. smile


#8 2006-07-24 20:48:33

Real Member
Registered: 2006-07-14
Posts: 6,400

Re: Pi to a Million Decimal Places!

Click link to download the WinRAR file.

Document = 1.9 MB
Archive = 0.5 MB

Sorry about the layout BTW.

Last edited by Devanté (2006-07-24 20:49:04)


#9 2006-07-24 22:19:28

Registered: 2006-07-18
Posts: 280

Re: Pi to a Million Decimal Places!

Devanté wrote:

I will, thanks! smile

I think the world record is about 42000 or something. But luckily I have a plan to try and remember this many...I call this the Pi Grouping Plan - Or PGP.

1. Start of with learning 3.14159
2. Then learn the 2653
3. Then 5897
4. Then 9323
5. Then, learn the big six-group number - 846264
6. 3 numbers - 338
7. 3279
8. 502884
9. 1971

my old math teacher told me that he had a friend that learned about the first 1000 decimals a long time ago, and you could ask him which number has the position 675, and he thought for a while and then said the correct answer smile he said he used that method, dividing them in different groups of four or something like that


#10 2006-07-24 23:35:22

Real Member
Registered: 2006-02-24
Posts: 1,005

Re: Pi to a Million Decimal Places!

I just realized why I couldn't enter the site... I wrote .htm instead of .html tongue must have hit 'enter' too soon. Thanks for uploading btw devanté

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#11 2006-07-25 05:59:34

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Registered: 2006-07-14
Posts: 6,400

Re: Pi to a Million Decimal Places!

Kurre wrote:
Devanté wrote:

I will, thanks! smile

I think the world record is about 42000 or something. But luckily I have a plan to try and remember this many...I call this the Pi Grouping Plan - Or PGP.

1. Start of with learning 3.14159
2. Then learn the 2653
3. Then 5897
4. Then 9323
5. Then, learn the big six-group number - 846264
6. 3 numbers - 338
7. 3279
8. 502884
9. 1971

my old math teacher told me that he had a friend that learned about the first 1000 decimals a long time ago, and you could ask him which number has the position 675, and he thought for a while and then said the correct answer smile he said he used that method, dividing them in different groups of four or something like that

Yeah. That's how I do it. After a certain point, I start learning the digits in groups of 4, or 6...but 4 mainly.

BTW, thanks Patrick. smile


#12 2006-07-29 06:44:07

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Registered: 2006-07-14
Posts: 6,400

Re: Pi to a Million Decimal Places!

Just out of interest - Has anyone come up with or composed a piece of music relative to pi? Many have tried for a way to remember it by music. The music sounds like absolute nonsense when you think of it as B A C A C# F....(and so on). B A C A C# F = 3.14159

So, has anyone come up with a piece of music relative to pi?


#13 2006-07-29 08:58:53

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Registered: 2005-09-05
Posts: 412

Re: Pi to a Million Decimal Places!

Well... seeing that there are 10 possible digits (0-9) and thus 10 notes/chords you would need to use, it'd be hard to create something remotely diatonic. Sure, you could maybe put in secondary dominants or something for the 3 extra notes... possibly even make them the tonic, supertonic, and mediant an octave higher, but with the way the digits go the music would be rather random and hard to memorize. Another negative aspect of using music is that once you get to a respectable amount of digits, it'll take several hours to recite them all, so you'd need to remember a pretty long piece. Maybe some guy who is a professial orchestral musician with an interest in mathematics could pull it off, who knows.


#14 2006-07-29 18:46:14

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Registered: 2006-07-14
Posts: 6,400

Re: Pi to a Million Decimal Places!

Yeah...maybe there is no way to compose a piece. It would take long hour to recite, but I've recited pi for hours before, and it actually doesn't take that long to recite it. You say to yourself 'hours' and it ends  up being 'half an hour'.

Anyway, yes, I agree with you. smile


#15 2006-07-29 19:05:48

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Registered: 2005-09-05
Posts: 412

Re: Pi to a Million Decimal Places!

Ok, I was assuming pretty darn good recitations of pi, like this one:

"Gaurav on Monday recited 10,980 digits, breaking the North American and U.S. record of 10,625, which had stood for 27 years. During an after-school session, he recited about two numbers per second for one hour, 14 minutes and 28 seconds."

That's what made me say hours smile. I guess I was imagining the musical idea as being a significant aid such that someone could set a record with it.

Haha, there's a man who recited 83,431 digits. It took nearly 24 hours. Great stamina there.


#16 2006-07-29 19:38:22

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Registered: 2006-07-14
Posts: 6,400

Re: Pi to a Million Decimal Places!

83,431? Isn't that pass the current world record...? Wow, he must be amazing...

Now I see what you mean - You're right, it would take a long time. A long, boring time, and I guess stopping only to eat or drink...:P


#17 2006-07-29 20:00:50

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Registered: 2005-09-05
Posts: 412

Re: Pi to a Million Decimal Places!

It was set last summer apparently, so the sites with the 42,000 digit figure are just out of date i'm guessing.


#18 2006-07-29 20:18:46

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Registered: 2006-07-14
Posts: 6,400

Re: Pi to a Million Decimal Places!

Oh no, now I have a a doubly hard record to beat. sad


#19 2006-07-31 02:09:25

John E. Franklin
Registered: 2005-08-29
Posts: 3,588

Re: Pi to a Million Decimal Places!

I once had pi memorized to 500 digits, but now only 100 again.  Between 20 and 100 digits I divided it up in sets of 5 and said them over and over, so it is verbally memorized, and I never forget them, but it took many hours to get it down really fast.
So 26433 83279 50288 41971 ..... 34211 70679, then I went by double digits 82, and then I forget the rest right now.
I associated people and places with all the double digit combinations from 00 to 99, so I used that to go from 101 to 500, but
I forgot it after a year.

igloo myrtilles fourmis


#20 2006-07-31 18:31:42

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Registered: 2006-07-14
Posts: 6,400

Re: Pi to a Million Decimal Places!

Nice strategy - Either 4 or 5 is good. It's good to vary it, but I like grouping them together.

After the 502884, that, to me, is like an end of a chapter. And then, 2534 2117 0679 is like the end of another chapter. Then, to me, it starts to get slightly harder, I don't know why, though.

Some may not be able to understand me, but you can actually hear some sort of pattern in how the numbers are read aloud. Not a real pattern, but it sure does seem like it.


#21 2006-08-19 04:15:43

John E. Franklin
Registered: 2005-08-29
Posts: 3,588

Re: Pi to a Million Decimal Places!

Now I'm working on from 501 to 600 places past decimal.
This time I'm using blocks arranged in 3x3 grids stacked upward.
Like for the number 8 I use a donut shape, basically a 3x3 grid filled with blocks with the middle missing.
After I get these hundred down, I'll go back and relearn 101 to 500 again with the person/places method
since it should come back to me.

igloo myrtilles fourmis


#22 2006-08-21 21:50:48

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Registered: 2006-07-14
Posts: 6,400

Re: Pi to a Million Decimal Places!

Also a good method...but not my preference.

On another note, don't try to learn 100 digits in one day unless you learn each small set of digits with an even time difference between them. You can try, but you're most likely to forgot them if you don't practice the next day or so.


#23 2006-08-22 01:33:46

Registered: 2005-06-22
Posts: 4,900

Re: Pi to a Million Decimal Places!

I remember someone posted up a poem here a while ago, where each word's number of letters spelt out pi.

So, if you could memorise that poem, you could memorise the first 500-ish digits of pi. Of course, you'd need to find the poem first...

Edit: Got it.

Why did the vector cross the road?
It wanted to be normal.


#24 2006-08-22 01:40:17

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Registered: 2006-07-14
Posts: 6,400

Re: Pi to a Million Decimal Places!

Amazing...I have read this poem before off some dead site somewhere, but I never saw that pattern. O.o

Is it just me or have some words been slightly changed around to fit pi?


#25 2006-08-22 01:58:06

Registered: 2005-06-22
Posts: 4,900

Re: Pi to a Million Decimal Places!

Ooh yes, definitely. Edgar Allen Poe just wrote it as a piece of normal poetry, and then some other person came along later and altered it so that it became a huge mneumonic. Still very impressive though.

Why did the vector cross the road?
It wanted to be normal.


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