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#1 2017-06-24 14:35:30

Jai Ganesh
Registered: 2005-06-28
Posts: 49,845

Kalam SAT

Kalam SAT is a microsatellite, named after former Indian president Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam built by an Indian High school student team for participation in the Cubes in Space, a STEM-based education program by NASA, with an objective to teach school students (ages 11-18) how to design and compete to launch an experiment into space with a free opportunity to design experiments to be launched into space on a NASA rocket or balloon if there project is selected. Kalam SAT was launched by NASA along with several other Cube SAT micro satellite from other participants on 22 June 2017 from Wallops Island.

Although Kalam SAT has been reported to be the world’s lightest satellite, the term 'lightest' probably applies more to the KickSat Sprite—which is considerably smaller, lighter, and actually flown in orbit. Due to a malfunction, KickSat Sprites never deployed from KickSat, so that KickSat 1 orbited the earth as a 5.5 Kilograms 3U CubeSat. The Sprites burned up inside KickSat during re-entry. In its first deployment, KalamSat won't actually be a satellite since it won't reach orbit; it will only fly on a sounding rocket.

The probe was built by a team of 7 people led by Rifath Sharook, an 18 year old student from Pallapatti, Tamil Nadu, India, on behalf of Space Kidz India, a Research Organisation based on Chennai, as a part of a competition, named as - ‘Cubes in Space’. This contest was jointly organised by NASA and another organisation ‘I Doodle Learning’ which is a global education company. This will be the first time that a space probe, made by an Indian student, will be launched by NASA.

The weight of the probe is just 64 grams and it is fitted in a 3.8 centimeters cube. The probe is composed of 3-D printed reinforced carbon fiber polymer. Part of the components were supplied from India and other parts from abroad. The probe will be launched by a sub-orbital spaceflight. The expected time span of the mission (post flight) is 240 minutes. The tiny probe will be operated only for less than 12 minutes to demonstrate the performance of 3-D printed carbon fiber in a micro-gravity environment of space.

It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.

Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.


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