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Q: What's a bats favorite desert?
A: I-Scream!
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Q: How do you write a book about Bats?
A: With a ghostwriter.
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Q: Did you hear about the two bats meeting?
A: It was love at first bite!
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Q: What do you get when you cross a bat with the internet?
A: A blood-thirsty hacker baby.
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Q: Why did the vampire need mouthwash?
A: Because he had bat breath.
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Q: What did the pitcher tell the bat?
A: Batter-up.
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Q: Where do bats keep their money?
A: The blood bank!!!
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Q: How do bats tell their future?
A: They read their horrorscope.
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Q: What do you call an bat with a carrot in each ear?
A: Anything you want as he can't hear you!
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Q: What is the first thing that bats learn at school?
A: The alphabat.
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Q: When does a bat go "mooooo"?
A: When it is learning a new language!
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Q: Who were the original transformers?
A: Vampire bats!
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Q: What do you call writing a book about breeding bats to pull carriages?
A: A wheely bat idea.
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Q: What did the bat say to the diabetic?
A: Nice knawing you!
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Q: What do you call a bat with ebola?
A: African batman.
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It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.
Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.