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#8451 2019-06-06 00:25:58

Jai Ganesh
Registered: 2005-06-28
Posts: 49,408

Re: 10 second questions


#7437. Evaluate:


It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.

Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.


#8452 2019-06-07 00:43:00

Jai Ganesh
Registered: 2005-06-28
Posts: 49,408

Re: 10 second questions



#7438. Evaluate:


It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.

Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.


#8453 2019-06-08 00:37:45

Jai Ganesh
Registered: 2005-06-28
Posts: 49,408

Re: 10 second questions



#7439. Evaluate:


It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.

Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.


#8454 2019-06-09 00:28:02

Jai Ganesh
Registered: 2005-06-28
Posts: 49,408

Re: 10 second questions



#7440. Evaluate:


It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.

Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.


#8455 2019-06-10 00:44:16

Jai Ganesh
Registered: 2005-06-28
Posts: 49,408

Re: 10 second questions



#7441. If

then find the value of

It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.

Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.


#8456 2019-06-11 01:01:07

Jai Ganesh
Registered: 2005-06-28
Posts: 49,408

Re: 10 second questions


#7442. Find the value of n if


It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.

Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.


#8457 2019-06-12 00:53:42

Jai Ganesh
Registered: 2005-06-28
Posts: 49,408

Re: 10 second questions



#7443. Evaluate:


It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.

Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.


#8458 2019-06-13 00:19:54

Jai Ganesh
Registered: 2005-06-28
Posts: 49,408

Re: 10 second questions



#7444. Evaluate:


It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.

Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.


#8459 2019-06-13 13:44:47

Monox D. I-Fly
From: Indonesia
Registered: 2015-12-02
Posts: 2,000

Re: 10 second questions

Actually I never watch Star Wars and not interested in it anyway, but I choose a Yoda card as my avatar in honor of our great friend bobbym who has passed away.
May his adventurous soul rest in peace at heaven.


#8460 2019-06-13 15:11:50

Jai Ganesh
Registered: 2005-06-28
Posts: 49,408

Re: 10 second questions



The solution #7444 is correct. Brilliant, Monox D. I-Fly!

#7445. Find the value of


It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.

Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.


#8461 2019-06-13 15:38:38

Monox D. I-Fly
From: Indonesia
Registered: 2015-12-02
Posts: 2,000

Re: 10 second questions

Actually I never watch Star Wars and not interested in it anyway, but I choose a Yoda card as my avatar in honor of our great friend bobbym who has passed away.
May his adventurous soul rest in peace at heaven.


#8462 2019-06-13 15:57:05

Jai Ganesh
Registered: 2005-06-28
Posts: 49,408

Re: 10 second questions



#7446. Find the value of z.


It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.

Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.


#8463 2019-06-13 19:17:15

Monox D. I-Fly
From: Indonesia
Registered: 2015-12-02
Posts: 2,000

Re: 10 second questions

Actually I never watch Star Wars and not interested in it anyway, but I choose a Yoda card as my avatar in honor of our great friend bobbym who has passed away.
May his adventurous soul rest in peace at heaven.


#8464 2019-06-13 23:23:48

Jai Ganesh
Registered: 2005-06-28
Posts: 49,408

Re: 10 second questions


The solution #7446 is correct. Neat work, Monox D. I-Fly!

#7447. Evaluate:


It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.

Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.


#8465 2019-06-14 14:28:18

Monox D. I-Fly
From: Indonesia
Registered: 2015-12-02
Posts: 2,000

Re: 10 second questions

Actually I never watch Star Wars and not interested in it anyway, but I choose a Yoda card as my avatar in honor of our great friend bobbym who has passed away.
May his adventurous soul rest in peace at heaven.


#8466 2019-06-14 16:47:30

Jai Ganesh
Registered: 2005-06-28
Posts: 49,408

Re: 10 second questions



The solution #7447 is correct. Marvelous, Monox D. I-Fly!

#7448. Find the value of n.


It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.

Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.


#8467 2019-06-14 19:09:15

Monox D. I-Fly
From: Indonesia
Registered: 2015-12-02
Posts: 2,000

Re: 10 second questions

Actually I never watch Star Wars and not interested in it anyway, but I choose a Yoda card as my avatar in honor of our great friend bobbym who has passed away.
May his adventurous soul rest in peace at heaven.


#8468 2019-06-14 20:16:20

Jai Ganesh
Registered: 2005-06-28
Posts: 49,408

Re: 10 second questions


The solution #7448 is correct. Splendid, Monox D. I-Fly!

#7449. Evaluate:


It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.

Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.


#8469 2019-06-15 15:10:02

Jai Ganesh
Registered: 2005-06-28
Posts: 49,408

Re: 10 second questions



#7450. Find


It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.

Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.


#8470 2019-06-16 01:46:04

Jai Ganesh
Registered: 2005-06-28
Posts: 49,408

Re: 10 second questions



#7451. Find the value of


It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.

Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.


#8471 2019-06-17 00:26:07

Jai Ganesh
Registered: 2005-06-28
Posts: 49,408

Re: 10 second questions


#7452. Evaluate:


It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.

Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.


#8472 2019-06-18 00:41:29

Jai Ganesh
Registered: 2005-06-28
Posts: 49,408

Re: 10 second questions


#5453. Evaluate:


It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.

Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.


#8473 2019-06-18 14:29:02

Monox D. I-Fly
From: Indonesia
Registered: 2015-12-02
Posts: 2,000

Re: 10 second questions

Actually I never watch Star Wars and not interested in it anyway, but I choose a Yoda card as my avatar in honor of our great friend bobbym who has passed away.
May his adventurous soul rest in peace at heaven.


#8474 2019-06-18 15:33:35

Jai Ganesh
Registered: 2005-06-28
Posts: 49,408

Re: 10 second questions



#7474. Evaluate:


It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.

Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.


#8475 2019-06-20 02:47:52

Jai Ganesh
Registered: 2005-06-28
Posts: 49,408

Re: 10 second questions



#7475. Evaluate:


It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.

Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.


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