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Pages: 1
Q: How many birds does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Toucan do it.
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Q: Which birds steal soap from the bath?
A: Robber ducks!
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Q: What do you get when you cross an owl and an oyster?
A: Pearls of Wisdom
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Q: What language do birds speak?
A: Pigeon English!
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Q: How do you get a parrot to talk properly?
A: Send him to polytechnic!
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Q: Did you hear about the seabird that was friends with a black cat?
A: It was an albatross.
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Q: What did the Eagle say when he was cold?
A: Birrrrrd.
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Q: Where do birds invest their money?
A: In the stork market!
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It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.
Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.
Pages: 1