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Pages: 1
I'm just discovered this forum a few minutes ago and became very intrigued. I thought mathisfun was a old relic of the past but apparently not. What topic would you recomend browsing around in and what features would be helpful to know.
-Not Dav
I wish thee not, yet it is always -Anonymous
Hello and welcome, Not Dav,
This forum has been around for a good 14 years or so, and while we have had our ups and downs(currently the activity is not necessarily so promising,)it's still around! Which is something that (unfortunately) can't be said about many other forums started around MIFF's time.
I recommend you help out in the Help Me! section and try to interact with others in the Members Only and the Puzzles and Games section. Those sections have remained relatively quiet for the past couple of months.
The integral of hope is reality.
May bobbym have a wonderful time in the pearly gates of heaven.
He will be sorely missed.
Thank you. I'll check them out.
I wish thee not, yet it is always -Anonymous
Pages: 1