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#1 2022-06-06 18:20:52

Jai Ganesh
Registered: 2005-06-28
Posts: 47,638

Area Quotes

Area Quotes

1. When power leads man toward arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses. - John F. Kennedy

2. The last three or four reps is what makes the muscle grow. This area of pain divides the champion from someone else who is not a champion. That's what most people lack, having the guts to go on and just say they'll go through the pain no matter what happens. - Arnold Schwarzenegger

3. Winning takes precedence over all. There's no gray area. No almosts. - Kobe Bryant

4. People are free to campaign and they will be free to vote. There won't be any soldiers, you know, at the queues. Anyone who has the right to vote is free to go and cast his vote anywhere in his own area, in his own constituency. - Robert Mugabe

5. Prosperous farmers mean more employment, more prosperity for the workers and the business men of every industrial area in the whole country. - Franklin D. Roosevelt

6. The PC has improved the world in just about every area you can think of. Amazing developments in communications, collaboration and efficiencies. New kinds of entertainment and social media. Access to information and the ability to give a voice people who would never have been heard. - Bill Gates

7. I believe any success in life is made by going into an area with a blind, furious optimism. - Sylvester Stallone

8. It's been proven by quite a few studies that plants are good for our psychological development. If you green an area, the rate of crime goes down. Torture victims begin to recover when they spend time outside in a garden with flowers. So we need them, in some deep psychological sense, which I don't suppose anybody really understands yet. - Jane Goodall

9. Measuring nuclear yield depends on multiple parameters - the location and number of instruments, the geology of the area, the location of the seismic station in relation to the test site. - A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

10. Health is certainly extremely important, and we've done a number of things at Facebook to help improve global health and work in that area, and I am excited to do more there, too. But the reality is that it's not an either-or. People need to be healthy and be able to have the Internet as a backbone to connect them to the whole economy. - Mark Zuckerberg

11. You should not remain in your comfort zone; if you want to make it big, you must challenge yourself, get out of your comfort zone, and succeed in doing well outside of your comfort areas. - Rohit Sharma

12. I was lucky to come from a difficult area. It teaches you not just about football but also life. There were lots of kids from different races and poor families. People had to struggle to get through the day. - Zinedine Zidane

13. I've never made a film that I didn't believe in, you know? However the picture turns out, I've always given everything to it. That's kind of how I approach life. I can't help it. There's no part-way with me on anything in any area of my life. - Tom Cruise

14. Fortunately for India, it has got a growing economy. If it is doing the right things with taxation and focusing on the right areas for human development, it is going to have no problem, over a period of time, taking care of its own needs. - Bill Gates

15. To an observer situated on the moon or on one of the planets, the most noticeable feature on the surface of our globe would no doubt be the large areas covered by oceanic water. The sunlit face of the earth would appear to shine by the light diffused back into space from the land and water-covered areas. - C. V. Raman

16. People have a moral standard about what they will do and will not do. At the end of the day someone who cheats has a lower moral standard than someone who does not. And they will cheat in other areas of life as well. - Carl Lewis

17. You go through tough times. What I personally believe in is you should forget the stats. But also, it pushes you to see the areas where you have to work on to be a consistent team. - MS Dhoni

18. Russia is a state within a state. To understand the population of Russia, you need to know the areas of the country; you need an understanding of the people and their interests. - Anatoly Karpov

19. Big companies have always needed and cooperated in areas where it made sense. - Larry Page

20. Autism and seizures are the least known areas of illnesses. - John Travolta

21. To have ego means to believe in your own strength. And to also be open to other people's views. It is to be open, not closed. So, yes, my ego is big, but it's also very small in some areas. My ego is responsible for my doing what I do - bad or good. - Barbra Streisand

22. I have bought pole vault equipment, the landing areas, posts, which costs a lot of money. We pay for coaches. - Sergei Bubka

23. The resilience of these people is amazing. I am a great believer that the sooner we get things up and running in terms of sport in this area, the better. - Ian Botham

24. The biodiesel we use is 100 percent, it has no petroleum in it. It was already used in fryers throughout our local area. It's already had one life and now it's going to be used again, which is nice. - Daryl Hannah

25. Montreal is a very cosmopolitan, sophisticated, erudite, educated, glorious city today. But it wasn't quite that way when I was growing up there. There was a lot of anti-Semitism. And I had to deal with that in an area of the city that had very few Jews. - William Shatner.


It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.

Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.


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