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#1 2024-09-04 00:04:24

Jai Ganesh
Registered: 2005-06-28
Posts: 49,135

Chemical Quotes - II

Chemical Quotes - II

1. Elements which are similar as regards their chemical properties have atomic weights which are either of nearly the same value (eg. Pt, Ir, Os) or which increase regularly (eg. K, Ru, Cs). - Dmitri Mendeleev

2. The development of a rational view of the nature of catalysis was thus absolutely dependent on the creation of the concept of the rate of chemical reaction. - Wilhelm Ostwald

3. Nowadays, however, we recognize that simultaneously with the typical case of a chemical reaction a typical case of catalytic effect had been studied which constitutes a limiting case. - Wilhelm Ostwald

4. The distinction between the old and the new formulations consisting in the incorporation of the concept of the rate of chemical reactions is so great that it immediately asserted itself in the objective development of catalysis. - Wilhelm Ostwald

5. The well-known fact that the form of a specific substance, e.g. water, and hence its properties can alter without a change in composition was disposed of by the formal view that a physical, not a chemical, process was involved. - Wilhelm Ostwald

6. In 1893 I founded a chemical company which I ran until 1899. - Leo Baekeland

7. Personally, I think that for example the chemical directive in its present form does too much damage to the chemical industry - especially the medium sized businesses - and will hurt our worldwide competitiveness. - Angela Merkel

8. Chemical weapons are something that scares everybody. - Abdullah II of Jordan.

It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.

Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.


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