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#1 2024-12-24 00:08:45

Jai Ganesh
Registered: 2005-06-28
Posts: 49,247

Choices Quotes - II

Choices Quotes - II

1. The talent is in the choices. - Robert De Niro

2. There's a need for accepting responsibility - for a person's life and making choices that are not just ones for immediate short-term comfort. You need to make an investment, and the investment is in health and education. - Buzz Aldrin

3. When you want to do your homework, fill out your tax return, or see all the choices for a trip you want to take, you need a full-size screen. - Bill Gates

4. I think happiness is a choice. If you feel yourself being happy and can settle in to the life choices you make, then it's great. It's really, really great. I swear to God, happiness is the best makeup. - Drew Barrymore

5. I think most of us are raised with preconceived notions of the choices we're supposed to make. We waste so much time making decisions based on someone else's idea of our happiness - what will make you a good citizen or a good wife or daughter or actress. Nobody says, 'Just be happy - go be a cobbler or go live with goats.' - Sandra Bullock

6. I think an important lesson from the game is that once you have made a move, you cannot take it back. You really have to measure your decisions. You think a lot. You evaluate your choices very carefully. There's never any guarantee about what's going to follow once you have made a decision. - Viswanathan Anand

7. Because you are women, people will force their thinking on you, their boundaries on you. They will tell you how to dress, how to behave, who you can meet and where you can go. Don't live in the shadows of people's judgement. Make your own choices in the light of your own wisdom. - Amitabh Bachchan

8. Hard men present hard choices - none more so than Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia. - Hillary Clinton.

It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.

Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.


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