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2139) David J. Wineland
David Wineland was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in the United States. He first studied at the University of California, Berkeley, and later earned his PhD from Harvard University under the supervision of Norman Ramsey. After completing his PhD, Wineland worked in a team led by Hans Dehmelt at the University of Washington in Seattle. Since 1975 he has worked at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and is also associated with the University of Colorado Boulder. He is married with two children.
When it comes to the smallest components of our universe, our usual understanding of how the world works ceases to apply. We have entered the realm of quantum physics. For a long time, many quantum phenomena could only be examined theoretically. Starting in the late 1970s, David Wineland has designed ingenious experiments to study quantum phenomena when matter and light interact. Using electric fields, Wineland has successfully captured electrically charged atoms, or ions, in a kind of trap and studied them with the help of small packets of light, or photons.
David Wineland (born February 24, 1944, Wauwatosa, Wisconsin, U.S.) is an American physicist who was awarded the 2012 Nobel Prize for Physics for devising methods to study the quantum mechanical behaviour of individual ions. He shared the prize with French physicist Serge Haroche.
Wineland received a bachelor’s degree in physics from the University of California, Berkeley, in 1965 and a doctorate in physics from Harvard University in 1970. He was then a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Washington, and from 1975 to 2017 he worked at the National Institute of Standards and Technology in Boulder, Colorado. He later taught at the University of Oregon.
Wineland’s work concentrated on studying individual ions trapped in an electric field. Beginning in 1978 he and his collaborators used laser pulses of light at specific wavelengths to cool the ions to their lowest energy state, and in 1995 they placed the ions in a superposition of two different quantum states. Placing an ion in a superposed state allowed the study of quantum mechanical behaviour that had previously only been the subject of thought experiments, such as the famous Schrödinger’s cat. (In the 1930s German physicist Erwin Schrödinger, as a demonstration of the philosophical paradoxes involved in quantum theory, proposed a closed box in which a cat whose life depends on the possible radioactive decay of a particle would be both alive and dead until it is directly observed.)
On the practical side, Wineland’s group in 1995 used trapped ions to perform logical operations in one of the first demonstrations of quantum computing. In the early 2000s Wineland’s group used trapped ions to create an atomic clock much more accurate than those using cesium. In 2010 they used their clock to test Einstein’s theory of relativity on very small scales, detecting time dilation at speeds of only 36 km (22 miles) per hour and gravitational time dilation between two clocks spaced vertically only 33 cm (13 inches) apart.
David Jeffery Wineland (born February 24, 1944) is an American physicist at the Physical Measurement Laboratory of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). His most notable contributions include the laser cooling of trapped ions and the use of ions for quantum-computing operations. He received the 2012 Nobel Prize in Physics, jointly with Serge Haroche, for "ground-breaking experimental methods that enable measuring and manipulation of individual quantum systems."
Early life and career
Wineland was born in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin. He lived in Denver until he was three years old, at which time his family moved to Sacramento, California. Wineland graduated from Encina High School in Sacramento in 1961. In Sept. 1961–Dec. 1963, he studied at University of California, Davis. He received his bachelor's degree in physics from the University of California, Berkeley in 1965 and his master's and doctoral degrees in physics from Harvard University. He completed his PhD in 1970, supervised by Norman Foster Ramsey, Jr. His doctoral dissertation is titled "The Atomic Deuterium Maser". He then performed postdoctoral research in Hans Dehmelt's group at the University of Washington where he investigated electrons in ion traps. In 1975, he joined the National Bureau of Standards (now called NIST), where he started the ion storage group and is on the physics faculty of the University of Colorado at Boulder. In January 2018, Wineland moved to the Department of Physics University of Oregon as a Knight Research Professor, while still being engaged with the Ion Storage Group at NIST in a consulting role.
Wineland was the first to laser-cool ions in 1978. His NIST group uses trapped ions in many experiments on fundamental physics, and quantum state control. They have demonstrated optical techniques to prepare ground, superposition and entangled states. This work has led to advances in spectroscopy, atomic clocks and quantum information. In 1995 he created the first single atom quantum logic gate and was the first to quantum teleport information in massive particles in 2004. Wineland implemented the most precise atomic clock using quantum logic on a single aluminum ion in 2005.
Wineland is a fellow of the American Physical Society and the Optical Society of America, and was elected to the National Academy of Sciences in 1992. He shared the 2012 Nobel Prize in Physics with French physicist Serge Haroche "for ground-breaking experimental methods that enable measuring and manipulation of individual quantum systems."
Wineland is married to Sedna Quimby-Wineland, and they have two sons.
Sedna Helen Quimby is the daughter of George I. Quimby (1913-2003), an archaeologist and anthropologist, who was Professor of Anthropology at the University of Washington and Director of the Thomas Burke Memorial Washington State Museum, and his wife Helen Ziehm Quimby.
It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.
Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.
2140) Brian Kobilka
Brian Kent Kobilka (born May 30, 1955) is an American physiologist and a recipient of the 2012 Nobel Prize in Chemistry with Robert Lefkowitz for discoveries that reveal the workings of G protein-coupled receptors.
Brian K. Kobilka (born May 30, 1955, Little Falls, Minnesota, U.S.) is an American physician and molecular biologist whose research on the structure and function of cell-surface molecules known as G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs)—the largest family of signal-receiving molecules found in organisms—contributed to profound advances in cell biology and medicine. For his discoveries, Kobilka shared the 2012 Nobel Prize for Chemistry with American physician and molecular biologist Robert J. Lefkowitz.
Kobilka graduated with B.S. degrees in biology and chemistry in 1977 from the University of Minnesota Duluth and then enrolled at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut, to study medicine. He received an M.D. from Yale in 1981. Three years later, after completing a residency in internal medicine at Barnes Hospital (later Barnes-Jewish Hospital) at Washington University Medical Center in St. Louis, Missouri, Kobilka joined Lefkowitz’s laboratory at Duke University Medical Center in Durham, North Carolina. There, working as a postdoctoral fellow, he successfully pieced together the full DNA sequence for the mammalian beta2-adrenergic receptor from fragments of genomic DNA that had been amplified in genetically engineered bacteria. (Lefkowitz’s team previously had struggled to sequence the receptor because of its limited natural production in cells.) Kobilka’s feat demonstrated his talent for technological innovation and made possible the team’s groundbreaking realization that all GPCRs possess seven domains that cross the cell membrane, each of which served a fundamental role in receptor activity.
In 1989–90 Kobilka established a laboratory at Stanford University, where he had received a professorship in medicine and molecular and cellular physiology. He continued to investigate the relationship between GPCR structure and function, using adrenergic receptors as model systems. He became known for his application of innovative biophysical techniques, most notably his use of X-ray crystallography, in which an X-ray beam is projected onto a protein crystal to create a diffraction pattern that can then be used to deduce the protein’s atomic structure in three dimensions. Kobilka spent two decades working out a process to generate protein crystals of the beta2-adrenergic receptor that were sufficiently large for synchrotron analysis. The receptor’s shifting conformation further complicated the crystallization process. In 2011, however, having enlisted the help of colleagues in the United States and Europe, Kobilka finally published the first high-resolution view of transmembrane signaling by the beta2 receptor. The development was considered a milestone in biology and made possible the production of crystals of other GPCRs. Of particular significance was the opportunity to investigate the structures of GPCRs of pharmacological relevance, which could facilitate the development of drugs that targeted specific receptors, thereby enhancing therapeutic benefits while minimizing side effects.
Kobilka was a founder of the biotech company ConfometRx, which focused on the development of GPCR-based drug discovery technologies. He was elected to the National Academy of Sciences in 2011.
Brian Kent Kobilka (born May 30, 1955) is an American physiologist and a recipient of the 2012 Nobel Prize in Chemistry with Robert Lefkowitz for discoveries that reveal the workings of G protein-coupled receptors. He is currently a professor in the department of Molecular and Cellular Physiology at Stanford University School of Medicine. He is also a co-founder of ConfometRx, a biotechnology company focusing on G protein-coupled receptors. He was named a member of the National Academy of Sciences in 2011.
Early life
Kobilka attended St. Mary's Grade School in Little Falls, Minnesota, a part of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saint Cloud. He then graduated from Little Falls High School. He received a Bachelor’s Degree in Biology and Chemistry from the University of Minnesota Duluth, and earned his M.D., cum laude, from Yale University School of Medicine. Following the completion of his residency in internal medicine at Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine's Barnes-Jewish Hospital. Kobilka worked in research as a postdoctoral fellow under Robert Lefkowitz at Duke University, where he started work on cloning the β2-adrenergic receptor. Kobilka moved to Stanford in 1989. He was a Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) investigator from 1987 to 2003.
Kobilka is best known for his research on the structure and activity of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs); in particular, work from Kobilka's laboratory determined the molecular structure of the β2-adrenergic receptor. This work has been highly cited by other scientists because GPCRs are important targets for pharmaceutical therapeutics, but notoriously difficult to work with in X-ray crystallography. Before, rhodopsin was the only G-protein coupled receptor where the structure had been determined at high resolution. The β2-adrenergic receptor structure was soon followed by the determination of the molecular structure of several other G-protein coupled receptors.
Kobilka is the 1994 recipient of the American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics John J. Abel Award in Pharmacology. His GPCR structure work was named "runner-up" for the 2007 "Breakthrough of the Year" award from Science. The work was, in part, supported by Kobilka's 2004 Javits Neuroscience Investigator Award from the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. He received the 2012 Nobel Prize in Chemistry with Robert Lefkowitz for his work on G protein-coupled receptors. In 2017, Kobilka received the Golden Plate Award of the American Academy of Achievement.
As part of Shenzhen’s 13th Five-Year Plan funding research in emerging technologies and opening "Nobel laureate research labs", in 2017 he opened the Kobilka Institute of Innovative Drug Discovery at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen in Southern China.
Personal life
Kobilka is from Little Falls in central Minnesota. Both his grandfather Felix J. Kobilka (1893–1991) and his father Franklyn A. Kobilka (1921–2004) were bakers and natives of Little Falls, Minnesota. Kobilka's grandmother, Isabelle Susan Kobilka (née Medved, 1891–1980), belonged to the Medved and Kiewel families of Prussian immigrants, who from 1888 owned the historical Kiewel brewery in Little Falls. His mother is Betty L. Kobilka (née Faust, b. 1930).
Kobilka met his wife Tong Sun Thian, a Malaysian-Chinese woman, at the University of Minnesota Duluth. They have two children, Jason and Megan Kobilka.
Additional Information
Brian Kent Kobilka (born May 30, 1955) is an American physiologist. He is best known for his work with G protein-coupled receptors, for which he was awarded the 2012 Nobel Prize for Chemistry with Robert Lefkowitz.He is currently a professor in the department of Molecular and Cellular Physiology at Stanford University School of Medicine. He was named a member of the National Academy of Sciences in 2011.
It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.
Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.
2141) Robert Lefkowitz
Robert Lefkowitz was born and raised in New York in a family with Polish heritage. He studied chemistry and trained to become a doctor at Columbia University. Since 1973 he has worked at Duke University and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute in Durham, North Carolina. Robert Lefkowitz is married with five children.
Communication between the cells in your body are managed by substances called hormones. Each cell has a small receiver known as a receptor, which is able to receive hormones. In order to track these receptors, in 1968 Robert Lefkowitz attached a radioactive isotope of iodine to the hormone adrenaline. By tracking the radiation emitted by the isotope, he succeeded in finding a receptor for adrenaline and studied how it functions. It was later discovered that there is an entire family of receptors that look and act in similar ways–G-protein-coupled receptors. Approximately half of all medications used today make use of this kind of receptor.
Robert J. Lefkowitz (born April 15, 1943, Bronx, New York, U.S.) is an American physician and molecular biologist who demonstrated the existence of receptors—molecules that receive and transmit signals for cells. His research on the structure and function of cell-surface receptors—particularly of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), the largest family of signal-receiving molecules found in organisms—revolutionized scientists’ understanding of how cells respond to stimuli such as hormones and how certain types of drugs exert their actions, leading to major advances in drug development. For his groundbreaking discoveries, Lefkowitz shared the 2012 Nobel Prize for Chemistry with American physician and molecular biologist Brian K. Kobilka.
In 1959 Lefkowitz graduated from the Bronx High School of Science. He received a scholarship to study at Columbia College, Columbia University, New York, where he earned a B.A. in chemistry in 1962. Having decided at an early age that he wanted to be a physician, he remained in New York to study at the Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, receiving an M.D. in 1966. Two years later, after a residency at Columbia, he took a position at the National Institute of Arthritis and Metabolic Diseases (NIAMD; later the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases), part of the National Institutes of Health in Maryland, where he set to work on validating the existence of receptors. His initial research focused on developing a procedure (an assay) by which radioactively labeled adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) would bind specifically to the membranes of cancer cells; such an assay would facilitate the purification of receptors. By 1970 he had successfully developed the procedure and had published evidence for the existence of cell-surface receptors. That year he left NIAMD for a residency and training in cardiovascular disease at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. In 1972, while working in the laboratory of German American physician and researcher Edgar Haber, he published a report detailing his purification of beta-adrenergic receptor protein from heart muscle cells (cardiomyocytes) in dogs. The beta-adrenergic receptor would later become a model system for the study of GPCRs.
In 1973 Lefkowitz joined the faculty at the Duke University Medical Center in Durham, North Carolina, where he later found that adrenergic receptors transmit signals to an intracellular molecule called a G protein (guanine nucleotide-binding protein), which had been discovered earlier by American pharmacologist Alfred G. Gilman and American biochemist Martin Rodbell (Gilman and Rodbell shared the 1994 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine for their independent discovery of G proteins). When activated, G proteins stimulate an enzyme known as adenylate cyclase, which converts the energy-carrying molecule ATP (adenosine triphosphate) to cAMP (cyclic adenosine monophosphate), a process responsible for producing physiological responses prompted by hormone-receptor binding. Lefkowitz also discovered a molecule known as beta-adrenergic receptor kinase (beta-ARK), which regulates GPCR activity.
In 1984 Kobilka joined Lefkowitz’s research group at Duke. Lefkowitz was then trying to determine the DNA sequence of the beta2-adrenergic receptor. Kobilka proceeded to piece together the DNA sequence using bacteria that had been genetically engineered to produce large quantities of genomic DNA, thereby overcoming the limitations imposed by the receptor’s restricted natural production in cells. Kobilka’s breakthrough facilitated the team’s discovery that all GPCRs possess seven domains that cross through the cell membrane; those domains were found to be fundamental to the receptors’ activity. Lefkowitz later identified a protein called beta-arrestin, which acts on beta-ARK-phosphorylated GPCRs and which explained the phenomenon of GPCR desensitization in response to repeated agonist binding.
In addition to the 2012 Nobel Prize, Lefkowitz was the recipient of several other major awards, including the 2007 Shaw Prize in Life Science and Medicine and the 2007 National Medal of Science, presented to him by U.S. Pres. George W. Bush. In 1988 Lefkowitz was elected a member of the National Academy of Sciences and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
Robert Joseph Lefkowitz (born April 15, 1943) is an American physician (internist and cardiologist) and biochemist. He is best known for his discoveries that reveal the inner workings of an important family of G protein-coupled receptors, for which he was awarded the 2012 Nobel Prize for Chemistry with Brian Kobilka. He is currently an Investigator with the Howard Hughes Medical Institute as well as a James B. Duke Professor of Medicine and Professor of Biochemistry and Chemistry at Duke University.
Early life
Lefkowitz was born on April 15, 1943, in The Bronx, New York to Jewish parents Max and Rose Lefkowitz. Their families had emigrated to the United States from Poland in the late 19th century.
After graduating from the Bronx High School of Science in 1959, he attended Columbia College from which he received a Bachelor of Arts in chemistry in 1962. At Columbia, Lefkowitz studied under Ronald Breslow.
He graduated from Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons in 1966 with an M.D. degree. After serving an internship and one year of general medical residency at the College of Physicians and Surgeons, he served as clinical and research associate at the National Institutes of Health from 1968 to 1970.
Upon completing his medical residency and research and clinical training in 1973, he was appointed associate professor of medicine and assistant professor of biochemistry at the Duke University Medical Center. In 1977, he was promoted to professor of medicine and in 1982 to James B. Duke Professor of Medicine at Duke University. He is also a professor of biochemistry and a professor of chemistry. He has been an investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute since 1976 and was an established investigator of the American Heart Association from 1973 to 1976.
Lefkowitz studies receptor biology and signal transduction and is most well known for his detailed characterizations of the sequence, structure and function of the β-adrenergic and related receptors and for the discovery and characterization of the two families of proteins which regulate them, the G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) kinases and β-arrestins.
Lefkowitz made a remarkable contribution in the mid-1980s when he and his colleagues cloned the gene first for the β-adrenergic receptor, and then rapidly thereafter, for a total of 8 adrenergic receptors (receptors for adrenaline and noradrenaline). This led to the seminal discovery that all GPCRs (which include the β-adrenergic receptor) have a very similar molecular structure. The structure is defined by an amino acid sequence which weaves its way back and forth across the plasma membrane seven times. Today we know that about 1,000 receptors in the human body belong to this same family. The importance of this is that all of these receptors use the same basic mechanisms so that pharmaceutical researchers now understand how to effectively target the largest receptor family in the human body. Today, as many as 30 to 50 percent of all prescription drugs are designed to "fit" like keys into the similarly structured locks of Lefkowitz' receptors—everything from anti-histamines to ulcer drugs to beta blockers that help relieve hypertension, angina and coronary disease. Lefkowitz is among the most highly cited researchers in the fields of biology, biochemistry, pharmacology, toxicology, and clinical medicine according to Thomson-ISI.
Personal life
Lefkowitz is married to Lynn (née Tilley). He has five children and six grandchildren. He was previously married to Arna Brandel.
In 2021, Lefkowitz published a memoir entitled A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Stockholm: The Adrenaline-Fueled Adventures of an Accidental Scientist. This book was co-authored by Randy Hall, who was a post-doctoral fellow in the Lefkowitz lab in the 1990s. The book describes Lefkowitz's early life, training as a physician, and tenure in the United States Public Health Service (the "Yellow Berets" of the NIH), which began as a means of fulfilling his draft obligation during the Vietnam War but ultimately ignited a lifelong passion for research. The second half of the book describes Lefkowitz's research career and various adventures both before and after his Nobel Prize win. Upon publication in February 2021, the book was named as "New & Noteworthy" by The New York Times and "one of the week's best science picks" by Nature.
It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.
Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.
2142) John Gurdon
John Gurdon was born in Dippenhall, Hampshire, UK. He studied at Eton College boarding school, although his grades were not particularly good. A report written by one of his teachers called his ambition to devote himself to science ridiculous. Gurdon pursued his dream nonetheless, and went on to earn his PhD from Oxford University. After spending some years at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, Gurdon returned to Oxford in 1962. He has been affiliated with Cambridge University since 1971. John Gurdon is married with two children.
Our lives begin when a fertilized egg divides and forms new cells that, in turn, also divide. These cells are identical in the beginning, but become increasingly varied over time. It was long thought that a mature or specialized cell could not return to an immature state, but this has now been proven incorrect. In 1962, John Gurdon removed the nucleus of a fertilized egg cell from a frog and replaced it with the nucleus of a cell taken from a tadpole's intestine. This modified egg cell grew into a new frog, proving that the mature cell still contained the genetic information needed to form all types of cells.
John Gurdon (born October 2, 1933, Dippenhall, Hampshire, England) is a British developmental biologist who was the first to demonstrate that egg cells are able to reprogram differentiated (mature) cell nuclei, reverting them to a pluripotent state, in which they regain the capacity to become any type of cell. Gurdon’s work ultimately came to form the foundation for major advances in cloning and stem cell research, including the generation of Dolly—the first successfully cloned mammal—by British developmental biologist Sir Ian Wilmut and the discovery of induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells by Japanese physician and researcher Shinya Yamanaka—an advance that revolutionized the field of regenerative medicine. For his discoveries, Gurdon was awarded the 2012 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine, which he shared with Yamanaka.
Gurdon studied classics (ancient Greek and Roman language and literature) as a student at Eton College, a prestigious secondary school for boys near Windsor, England. He intended to continue his classics studies at Christ Church, Oxford, but was not accepted to the program. Instead, after being tutored in zoology, he gained acceptance to that department at Oxford, earning a B.S. in 1956. That year he began his graduate studies in the laboratory of embryologist Michail Fischberg and initiated a series of experiments on nuclear transfer (the introduction of the nucleus from a differentiated cell into an egg cell that had its own nucleus removed) in the African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis). He proceeded to generate cloned tadpoles from differentiated Xenopus intestinal cell nuclei, demonstrating that egg cells could undifferentiate previously differentiated nuclei and that normal embryos could be produced with the technique. He published his seminal findings in 1958. However, because American scientists Robert Briggs and Thomas King previously had found that the transfer of nuclei from partially differentiated cells consistently resulted in the production of abnormal embryos in the frog Rana pipiens, Gurdon’s results were greeted with skepticism.
After completing a Ph.D. in 1960, Gurdon received a yearlong postdoctoral fellowship to conduct research at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, where he investigated the genetics of bacteria-infecting viruses (bacteriophages). He then returned to Oxford, becoming a faculty member in the zoology department and continuing his work to characterize nuclear changes that take place during cell differentiation.
Sir John Bertrand Gurdon FRS (born 2 October 1933) is a British developmental biologist, best known for his pioneering research in nuclear transplantation and cloning.
Awarded the Lasker Award in 2009, in 2012, he and Shinya Yamanaka were jointly awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine for the discovery that mature cells can be converted to stem cells.
Gurdon attended Edgeborough prep school before Eton College, where he ranked last out of the 250 boys in his year group at biology, and was in the bottom set in every other science subject. A schoolmaster wrote a report stating, "I believe he has ideas about becoming a scientist; on his present showing this is quite ridiculous." Gurdon explains it is the only document he ever framed; he also told a reporter: "When you have problems like an experiment doesn't work, which often happens, it's nice to remind yourself that perhaps after all you are not so good at this job and the schoolmaster may have been right!"
Gurdon went up to Christ Church, Oxford, to read classics then switched to zoology, graduating as MA. For his DPhil degree he studied nuclear transplantation in a frog species of the genus Xenopus, supervised by Dr Michail Fischberg at Oxford University. After pursuing further postdoctoral work at Caltech, he returned to England where his early posts were in the Department of Zoology at the University of Oxford (1962–71).
Gurdon spent much of his research career at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology (1971–83) and then in the Department of Zoology (1983–present). In 1989, he became a founding member of the Wellcome/CRC Institute for Cell Biology and Cancer (later Wellcome/CR UK) at Cambridge, becoming its chairman until 2001. He served as a member of the Nuffield Council on Bioethics 1991–1995, then Master of Magdalene College, Cambridge, from 1995 to 2002.
Gurdon married Jean Elizabeth Margaret Curtis, by whom he has a son and a daughter.
Nuclear transfer
In 1958, Gurdon, then at the University of Oxford, successfully cloned a frog using intact nuclei from the somatic cells of a Xenopus tadpole. This work was an important extension of work of Briggs and King in 1952 on transplanting nuclei from embryonic blastula cells and the successful induction of polyploidy in the stickleback, Gasterosteus aculatus, in 1956 by Har Swarup reported in Nature. At that time he could not conclusively show that the transplanted nuclei derived from a fully differentiated cell. This was finally shown in 1975 by a group working at the Basel Institute for Immunology in Switzerland. They transplanted a nucleus from an antibody-producing lymphocyte (proof that it was fully differentiated) into an enucleated egg and obtained living tadpoles.
Gurdon's experiments captured the attention of the scientific community as it altered the notion of development and the tools and techniques he developed for nuclear transfer are still used today. The term clone (from the ancient Greek word (klōn, "twig")) had already been in use since the beginning of the 20th century in reference to plants. In 1963 the British biologist J. B. S. Haldane, in describing Gurdon's results, became one of the first to use the word "clone" in reference to animals.
Messenger RNA expression
Gurdon and colleagues also pioneered the use of Xenopus (genus of highly aquatic frog) eggs and oocytes to translate microinjected messenger RNA molecules, a technique which has been widely used to identify the proteins encoded and to study their function.
Recent research
Gurdon's recent research has focused on analysing intercellular signalling factors involved in cell differentiation, and on elucidating the mechanisms involved in reprogramming the nucleus in transplantation experiments, including the role of histone variants, and demethylation of the transplanted DNA.
Nobel Prize
In 2012, Gurdon was awarded, jointly with Shinya Yamanaka, the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine "for the discovery that mature cells can be reprogrammed to become pluripotent". His Nobel Lecture was called "The Egg and the Nucleus: A Battle for Supremacy".
It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.
Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.
2143) Shinya Yamanaka
Shinya Yamanaka was born in Higashiosaka, Japan. He studied for his medical degree at Kobe University and later earned his PhD from Osaka City University in 1993. After spending several years at the Gladstone Institute at the University of California, San Francisco, he returned to Osaka, but later moved to the Nara Institute of Science and Technology, where he began his Nobel Prize-winning research. Yamanaka has been affiliated with Kyoto University since 2004. Shinya Yamanaka is married with two daughters.
Our lives begin when a fertilized egg divides and forms new cells that, in turn, also divide. These cells are identical in the beginning, but become increasingly varied over time. It was long thought that a mature or specialized cell could not return to an immature state, but this has now been proven incorrect. In 2006, Shinya Yamanaka succeeded in identifying a small number of genes within the genome of mice that proved decisive in this process. When activated, skin cells from mice could be reprogrammed to immature stem cells, which, in turn, can grow into different types of cells within the body.
Shinya Yamanaka (born September 4, 1962, Ōsaka, Japan) is a Japanese physician and researcher who developed a revolutionary method for generating stem cells from existing cells of the body. This method involved inserting specific genes into the nuclei of adult cells (e.g., connective-tissue cells), a process that resulted in the reversion of cells from an adult state to a pluripotent state. As pluripotent cells, they had regained the capacity to differentiate into any cell type of the body. Thus, the reverted cells became known as induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells. Yamanaka and British developmental biologist John B. Gurdon shared the 2012 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine for the discovery that mature cells could be reprogrammed.
Yamanaka received an M.D. from Kōbe University in 1987 and a Ph.D. in pharmacology from the Ōsaka City University Graduate School in 1993. That year he joined the Gladstone Institute of Cardiovascular Disease, San Francisco, where he began investigating the c-Myc gene in different strains of knockout mice (mice in which a specific gene has been rendered nonfunctional in order to investigate the gene’s function). In 1996 Yamanaka returned to Ōsaka City University, where he remained until 1999, when he took a position at the Nara Institute of Science and Technology. During this period his research became increasingly focused on stem cells. In 2004 he moved to the Institute for Frontier Medical Sciences at Kyōto University, where he began his landmark studies on finding ways to induce pluripotency in cells. Yamanaka again sought research opportunities in the United States and subsequently was awarded funding that allowed him to split his time between Kyōto and the Gladstone Institute of Cardiovascular Disease. Yamanaka became a senior investigator at the Gladstone Institute in 2007.
In 2006 Yamanaka announced that he had succeeded in generating iPS cells. The cells had the properties of embryonic stem cells but were produced by inserting four specific genes into the nuclei of mouse adult fibroblasts (connective-tissue cells). The following year Yamanaka reported that he had derived iPS cells from human adult fibroblasts—the first successful attempt at generating human versions of these cells. This discovery marked a turning point in stem-cell research, because it offered a way of obtaining human stem cells without the controversial use of human embryos. Yamanaka’s technique to convert adult cells into iPS cells up to that time had employed a retrovirus that contained the c-Myc gene. This gene was believed to play a fundamental role in reprogramming the nuclei of adult cells. However, Yamanaka recognized that the activation of c-Myc during the process of creating iPS cells led to the formation of tumours when the stem cells were later transplanted into mice. He subsequently created iPS cells without c-Myc in order to render the cells noncancerous and thereby overcome a major concern in the therapeutic safety of iPS cells. In 2008 Yamanaka reported another breakthrough—the generation of iPS cells from mouse liver and stomach cells.
Yamanaka received multiple awards for his contributions to stem-cell research, including the Robert Koch Prize (2008), the Shaw Prize in Life Science and Medicine (2008), the Gairdner Foundation International Award (2009), the Albert Lasker Basic Medical Research Award (2009), and the Millennium Technology Prize (2012).
Shinya Yamanaka (Yamanaka Shin'ya, born September 4, 1962) is a Japanese stem cell researcher and a Nobel Prize laureate. He is a professor and the director emeritus of Center for iPS Cell (induced Pluripotent Stem Cell) Research and Application, Kyoto University;[6] as a senior investigator at the UCSF-affiliated Gladstone Institutes in San Francisco, California; and as a professor of anatomy at University of California, San Francisco (UCSF). Yamanaka is also a past president of the International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR).
He received the 2010 BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award in the biomedicine category, the 2011 Wolf Prize in Medicine with Rudolf Jaenisch, and the 2012 Millennium Technology Prize together with Linus Torvalds. In 2012, he and John Gurdon were awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine for the discovery that mature cells can be converted to stem cells.[8] In 2013, he was awarded the $3 million Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences for his work.
Yamanaka was born in Higashiōsaka, Japan, in 1962. After graduating from Tennōji High School attached to Osaka Kyoiku University, he received his M.D. degree at Kobe University in 1987 and his Ph.D. degree at Osaka City University, Graduate School of Medicine in 1993. After this, he went through a residency in orthopedic surgery at National Osaka Hospital and a postdoctoral fellowship at the Gladstone Institute of Cardiovascular disease, San Francisco.
Afterwards, he worked at the Gladstone Institutes in San Francisco, US, and Nara Institute of Science and Technology in Japan. Yamanaka is currently a professor and the director emeritus of Center for iPS Research and Application (CiRA), Kyoto University.[6] He is also a senior investigator at the Gladstone Institutes.
Professional career
Between 1987 and 1989, Yamanaka was a resident in orthopedic surgery at the National Osaka Hospital. His first operation was to remove a benign tumor from his friend Shuichi Hirata, a task he could not complete after one hour when a skilled surgeon would have taken ten minutes or so. Some seniors referred to him as "Jamanaka", a pun on the Japanese word for obstacle.
From 1993 to 1996, he was at the Gladstone Institute of Cardiovascular disease. Between 1996 and 1999, he was an assistant professor at Osaka City University Medical School, but found himself mostly looking after mice in the laboratory, not doing actual research.
His wife advised him to become a practicing doctor, but instead he applied for a position at the Nara Institute of Science and Technology. He stated that he could and would clarify the characteristics of embryonic stem cells, and this can-do attitude won him the job. From 1999 to 2003, he was an associate professor there, and started the research that would later win him the 2012 Nobel Prize. He became a full professor and remained at the institute in that position from 2003 to 2005. Between 2004 and 2010, Yamanaka was a professor at the Institute for Frontier Medical Sciences, Kyoto University. Between 2010 and 2022, Yamanaka was the director and a professor at the center for iPS Cell Research and Application (CiRA), Kyoto University. In April 2022, he stepped down and took place of the director emeritus of CiRA keeping with professor position.
In 2006, he and his team generated induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells) from adult mouse fibroblasts. iPS cells closely resemble embryonic stem cells, the in vitro equivalent of the part of the blastocyst (the embryo a few days after fertilization) which grows to become the embryo proper. They could show that his iPS cells were pluripotent, i.e. capable of generating all cell lineages of the body. Later he and his team generated iPS cells from human adult fibroblasts, again as the first group to do so. A key difference from previous attempts by the field was his team's use of multiple transcription factors, instead of transfecting one transcription factor per experiment. They started with 24 transcription factors known to be important in the early embryo, but could in the end reduce it to four transcription factors – Sox2, Oct4, Klf4 and c-Myc.
Yamanaka's Nobel Prize–winning research in iPS cells
The 2012 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded jointly to Sir John B. Gurdon and Shinya Yamanaka "for the discovery that mature cells can be reprogrammed to become pluripotent."
It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.
Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.
2144) François Englert
François Englert was born in Etterbeek, Belgium. His family was of Jewish origin and during the German occupation of Belgium during World War II, Englert concealed his Jewish roots and hid at different orphanages. He was first educated as an electrical-mechanical engineer and later received his Ph.D. in physics in 1959 from the Université Libre de Bruxelles. After spending two years at Cornell University in the U.S., Englert returned to Université Libre de Bruxelles, where he has continued his work. François Englert is married with five children.
According to modern physics, matter consists of a set of particles that act as building blocks. Between these particles lie forces that are mediated by another set of particles. A fundamental property of the majority of particles is that they have a mass. Independently of one another, in 1964 both Peter Higgs and the team of François Englert and Robert Brout proposed a theory about the existence of a particle that explains why other particles have a mass. In 2012, two experiments conducted at the CERN laboratory confirmed the existence of the Higgs particle.
François Englert (born November 6, 1932, Etterbeek, Belgium) is a Belgian physicist who was awarded the 2013 Nobel Prize for Physics for proposing the existence of the Higgs field, which endows all elementary particles with mass through its interactions with them. He shared the prize with British physicist Peter Higgs, who hypothesized that the field had a carrier particle, later called the Higgs boson.
Englert received degrees in electromechanical engineering (1955) and physics (1958) from the Université Libre de Bruxelles (Free University of Brussels; ULB) before receiving a doctorate in physics from ULB in 1959. He was a research associate (1959–60) and an assistant professor (1960–61) in physics at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York. There he began a collaboration with Belgian physicist Robert Brout. Englert returned to ULB in 1961, becoming a professor there in 1964. With Brout he was codirector of the theoretical physics group at ULB from 1980 to 1998, when he became a professor emeritus. He also held visiting professorships at Tel Aviv University from 1984 and at Chapman University in Orange, California, from 2011.
In 1964 Englert and Brout wrote a paper, “Broken Symmetry and the Mass of Gauge Vector Mesons,” describing how particles can acquire mass through the interaction with a field that has a nonzero value (later called the Higgs mechanism). That same year Higgs later wrote two papers, one of which mentioned the existence of a boson associated with the field, and American physicists Gerald Guralnik and Carl Hagen and British physicist Tom Kibble also independently discovered the Higgs mechanism.
The ideas of these physicists were later incorporated into what became known as electroweak theory to describe the origin of particle masses. After the discovery of the W and Z particles in 1983, the only remaining part of electroweak theory that needed confirmation was the Higgs field and its boson. Particle physicists searched for the particle for decades, and in July 2012 scientists at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN announced, with Englert and Higgs in attendance, that they had detected an interesting signal that was likely from a Higgs boson with a mass of 125–126 giga-electron volts (GeV; billion electron volts). Definitive confirmation that the particle was the Higgs boson was announced in March 2013.
Englert received many honours for his work, including the Wolf Prize in physics (2004, shared with Brout and Higgs) and the J.J. Sakurai Prize (2010, shared with Brout, Higgs, Guralnik, Hagen, and Kibble).
François, Baron Englert (born 6 November 1932) is a Belgian theoretical physicist and 2013 Nobel Prize laureate.
Englert is professor emeritus at the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB), where he is a member of the Service de Physique Théorique. He is also a Sackler Professor by Special Appointment in the School of Physics and Astronomy at Tel Aviv University and a member of the Institute for Quantum Studies at Chapman University in California. He was awarded the 2010 J. J. Sakurai Prize for Theoretical Particle Physics (with Gerry Guralnik, C. R. Hagen, Tom Kibble, Peter Higgs, and Robert Brout), the Wolf Prize in Physics in 2004 (with Brout and Higgs) and the High Energy and Particle Prize of the European Physical Society (with Brout and Higgs) in 1997 for the mechanism which unifies short and long range interactions by generating massive gauge vector bosons.
Englert has made contributions in statistical physics, quantum field theory, cosmology, string theory and supergravity. He is the recipient of the 2013 Prince of Asturias Award in technical and scientific research, together with Peter Higgs and CERN.
Englert was awarded the 2013 Nobel Prize in Physics, together with Peter Higgs for the discovery of the Brout–Englert–Higgs mechanism.
Early life
François Englert is a Holocaust survivor. He was born in a Belgian Jewish family. During the German occupation of Belgium in World War II, he had to conceal his Jewish identity and live in orphanages and children's homes in the towns of Dinant, Lustin, Stoumont and, finally, Annevoie-Rouillon. These towns were eventually liberated by the US Army.
Academic career
He graduated as an electromechanical engineer in 1955 from the Free University of Brussels (ULB) where he received his PhD in physical sciences in 1959. From 1959 until 1961, he worked at Cornell University, first as a research associate of Robert Brout and then as assistant professor. He then returned to the ULB, where he became a university professor and was joined there by Robert Brout who, in 1980, with Englert coheaded the theoretical physics group. In 1998 Englert became professor emeritus. In 1984 Englert was first appointed as a Sackler Professor by Special Appointment in the School of Physics and Astronomy at Tel-Aviv University. Englert joined Chapman University's Institute for Quantum Studies in 2011, where he serves as a distinguished visiting professor.
Brout–Englert–Higgs–Guralnik–Hagen–Kibble mechanism
Brout and Englert showed in 1964 that gauge vector fields, abelian and non-abelian, could acquire mass if empty space were endowed with a particular type of structure that one encounters in material systems. Focusing on the failure of the Goldstone theorem for gauge fields, Higgs reached essentially the same result. A third paper on the subject was written later in the same year by Gerald Guralnik, C. R. Hagen, and Tom Kibble. The three papers written on this boson discovery by Higgs, Englert and Brout, and Guralnik, Hagen, Kibble were each recognized as milestone papers for this discovery by Physical Review Letters 50th anniversary celebration. While each of these famous papers took similar approaches, the contributions and differences between the 1964 PRL symmetry breaking papers is noteworthy.
To illustrate the structure, consider a ferromagnet which is composed of atoms each equipped with a tiny magnet. When these magnets are lined up, the inside of the ferromagnet bears a strong analogy to the way empty space can be structured. Gauge vector fields that are sensitive to this structure of empty space can only propagate over a finite distance. Thus, they mediate short range interactions and acquire mass. Those fields that are not sensitive to the structure propagate unhindered. They remain massless and are responsible for the long range interactions. In this way, the mechanism accommodates within a single unified theory both short and long-range interactions.
Brout and Englert, Higgs, and Gerald Guralnik, C. R. Hagen, and Tom Kibble introduced as agent of the vacuum structure a scalar field (most often called the Higgs field) which many physicists view as the agent responsible for the masses of fundamental particles. Brout and Englert also showed that the mechanism may remain valid if the scalar field is replaced by a more structured agent such as a fermion condensate. Their approach led them to conjecture that the theory is renormalizable. The eventual proof of renormalizability, a major achievement of twentieth century physics, is due to Gerardus 't Hooft and Martinus Veltman who were awarded the 1999 Nobel Prize for this work. The Brout–Englert–Higgs–Guralnik–Hagen–Kibble mechanism is the building stone of the electroweak theory of elementary particles and laid the foundation of a unified view of the basic laws of nature.
It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.
Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.
2145) Peter Higgs
Peter Higgs was born in Newcastle upon Tyne in the UK, to a Scottish mother and an English father who worked as a sound engineer at the BBC. Because he suffered from asthma, Higgs received part of his early education at his home in Bristol before moving to London to study math and physics at age 17. Higgs received his Ph.D. from King's College in 1954. He then moved to the University of Edinburgh, where he has remained, with the exception of a few years spent in London in the late 1950s. Peter Higgs has two sons.
According to modern physics, matter consists of a set of particles that act as building blocks. Between these particles lie forces that are mediated by another set of particles. A fundamental property of the majority of particles is that they have a mass. Independently of one another, in 1964 both Peter Higgs and the team of François Englert and Robert Brout proposed a theory about the existence of a particle that explains why other particles have a mass. In 2012, two experiments conducted at the CERN laboratory confirmed the existence of the Higgs particle.
Peter Higgs (born May 29, 1929, Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland, England—died April 8, 2024, Edinburgh, Scotland) was a British physicist who was awarded the 2013 Nobel Prize for Physics for proposing the existence of the Higgs boson, a subatomic particle that is the carrier particle of a field that endows all elementary particles with mass through its interactions with them. He shared the prize with Belgian physicist François Englert.
Higgs received a bachelor’s degree (1950), master’s degree (1951), and doctorate (1954) in physics from King’s College, University of London. He was a research fellow (1955–56) at the University of Edinburgh and then a research fellow (1956–58) and lecturer (1959–60) at the University of London. He became a lecturer in mathematical physics at Edinburgh in 1960 and spent the remainder of his career there, becoming a reader in mathematical physics (1970–80) and a professor of theoretical physics (1980–96). He retired in 1996.
Higgs’s earliest work was in molecular physics and concerned calculating the vibrational spectra of molecules. In 1956 he began working in quantum field theory. He wrote two papers in 1964 describing what later became known as the Higgs mechanism, in which a scalar field (that is, a field present at all points in space) gives particles mass. To Higgs’s surprise, the journal to which he submitted the second paper rejected it. When Higgs revised the paper, he made the significant addition that his theory predicted the existence of a heavy boson. (The Higgs mechanism was independently discovered in 1964 by Englert and Belgian physicist Robert Brout and by another group consisting of American physicists Gerald Guralnik and Carl Hagen and British physicist Tom Kibble. However, neither group mentioned the possibility of a massive boson.)
In the late 1960s American physicist Steven Weinberg and Pakistani physicist Abdus Salam independently incorporated Higgs’s ideas into what later became known as electroweak theory to describe the origin of particle masses. After the discovery of the W and Z particles in 1983, the only remaining part of electroweak theory that needed confirmation was the Higgs field and its boson. Particle physicists searched for the particle for decades, and in July 2012 scientists at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN announced, with Higgs in attendance, that they had detected an interesting signal that was likely from a Higgs boson with a mass of 125–126 gigaelectron volts (billion electron volts; GeV). Definitive confirmation that the particle was the Higgs boson was announced in March 2013.
Higgs became a fellow of the Royal Society in 1983. He received many honours for his work, including the Wolf Prize in physics (2004, shared with Brout and Englert), the J.J. Sakurai Prize (2010, shared with Brout, Englert, Guralnik, Hagen, and Kibble), and the Copley Medal of the Royal Society (2015).
Peter Ware Higgs (29 May 1929 – 8 April 2024) was a British theoretical physicist, professor at the University of Edinburgh,[7][8] and Nobel laureate in Physics for his work on the mass of subatomic particles.
In 1964, Higgs was the single author of one of the three milestone papers published in Physical Review Letters (PRL) that proposed that spontaneous symmetry breaking in electroweak theory could explain the origin of mass of elementary particles in general and of the W and Z bosons in particular. This Higgs mechanism predicted the existence of a new particle, the Higgs boson, the detection of which became one of the great goals of physics. In 2012, CERN announced the discovery of the Higgs boson at the Large Hadron Collider. The Higgs mechanism is generally accepted as an important ingredient in the Standard Model of particle physics, without which certain particles would have no mass.
For this work, Higgs received the Nobel Prize in Physics, which he shared with François Englert in 2013.
Early life and education
Higgs was born in the Elswick district of Newcastle upon Tyne, England, to Thomas Ware Higgs (1898–1962) and his wife Gertrude Maude née Coghill (1895–1969). His father worked as a sound engineer for the BBC, and as a result of childhood asthma, together with the family moving around because of his father's job and later World War II, Higgs missed some early schooling and was taught at home. When his father relocated to Bedford, Higgs stayed behind in Bristol with his mother, and was largely raised there. He attended Cotham Grammar School in Bristol from 1941 to 1946, where he was inspired by the work of one of the school's alumni, Paul Dirac, a founder of the field of quantum mechanics.
In 1946, at the age of 17, Higgs moved to City of London School, where he specialised in mathematics, then in 1947 to King's College London, where he graduated with a first-class honours degree in physics in 1950 and achieved a master's degree in 1952. He was awarded an 1851 Research Fellowship from the Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851, and performed his doctoral research in molecular physics under the supervision of Charles Coulson and Christopher Longuet-Higgins. He was awarded a PhD degree in 1954 with a thesis entitled Some problems in the theory of molecular vibrations from the university.
Career and research
After finishing his doctorate, Higgs was appointed a Senior Research Fellow at the University of Edinburgh (1954–56). He then held various posts at Imperial College London, and University College London (where he also became a temporary lecturer in mathematics). He returned to the University of Edinburgh in 1960 to take up the post of Lecturer at the Tait Institute of Mathematical Physics, allowing him to settle in the city he had enjoyed while hitchhiking to the Western Highlands as a student in 1949. He was promoted to Reader, became a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh (FRSE) in 1974 and was promoted to a personal chair of Theoretical Physics in 1980. On his retirement in 1996, he became an emeritus professor.
Higgs was elected Fellow of the Royal Society (FRS) in 1983 and Fellow of the Institute of Physics (FInstP) in 1991. He was awarded the Rutherford Medal and Prize in 1984. He received an honorary degree from the University of Bristol in 1997. In 2008, he received an Honorary Fellowship from Swansea University for his work in particle physics.[28] At Edinburgh, Higgs first became interested in mass, developing the idea that particles – massless when the universe began – acquired mass a fraction of a second later as a result of interacting with a theoretical field (which became known as the Higgs field). Higgs postulated that this field permeates space, giving mass to all elementary subatomic particles interacting with it.
The Higgs mechanism postulates the existence of the Higgs field, which confers mass on quarks and leptons; this causes only a tiny portion of the masses of other subatomic particles, such as protons and neutrons. In these, gluons that bind quarks together confer most of the particle mass. The original basis of Higgs's work came from the Japanese-born theorist and Nobel Prize laureate Yoichiro Nambu from the University of Chicago. Nambu had proposed a theory known as spontaneous symmetry breaking based on what was known to happen in superconductivity in condensed matter, which incorrectly predicted massless particles (the Goldstone's theorem).
Higgs reportedly developed the fundamentals of his theory after returning to his Edinburgh New Town apartment from a failed weekend camping trip to the Highlands. He stated that there was no "eureka moment" in the development of the theory. He wrote a short paper exploiting a loophole in Goldstone's theorem (massless Goldstone particles need not occur when local symmetry is spontaneously broken in a relativistic theory[35]) and published it in Physics Letters, a European physics journal edited at CERN, in Switzerland, in 1964.
Higgs wrote a second paper describing a theoretical model (the Higgs mechanism), but the paper was rejected (the editors of Physics Letters judged it "of no obvious relevance to physics"). Higgs wrote an extra paragraph and sent his paper to Physical Review Letters, another leading physics journal, which published it later in 1964. This paper predicted a new massive spin-zero boson (later named the Higgs boson). Other physicists, Robert Brout and François Englert and Gerald Guralnik, C. R. Hagen and Tom Kibble had reached similar conclusions at about the same time. In the published version, Higgs quotes Brout and Englert, and the third paper quotes the previous ones. The three papers written on this boson discovery by Higgs, Guralnik, Hagen, Kibble, Brout, and Englert were each recognised as milestone papers by Physical Review Letters 50th-anniversary celebration. While each of these famous papers took similar approaches, the contributions and differences between the 1964 PRL symmetry breaking papers are noteworthy. The mechanism had been proposed in 1962 by Philip Anderson although he did not include a crucial relativistic model.
On 4 July 2012, CERN announced the ATLAS and Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiments had seen strong indications for the presence of a new particle, which could be the Higgs boson, in the mass region around 126 gigaelectronvolts (GeV). Speaking at the seminar in Geneva, Higgs commented "It's really an incredible thing that it's happened in my lifetime." Ironically, this probable confirmation of the Higgs boson was made at the same place where the editor of Physics Letters rejected Higgs's paper.
Awards and honours
Higgs was honoured with several awards in recognition of his work, including the 1981 Hughes Medal from the Royal Society; the 1984 Rutherford Medal from the Institute of Physics; the 1997 Dirac Medal and Prize for outstanding contributions to theoretical physics from the Institute of Physics; the 1997 High Energy and Particle Physics Prize by the European Physical Society; the 2004 Wolf Prize in Physics; the 2009 Oskar Klein Memorial Lecture medal from the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences; the 2010 American Physical Society J. J. Sakurai Prize for Theoretical Particle Physics; a unique Higgs Medal from the Royal Society of Edinburgh in 2012; and the Royal Society awarded him the 2015 Copley Medal, the world's oldest scientific prize.
It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.
Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.
2146) Martin Karplus
Martin Karplus was born in Vienna, Austria. His family fled to the U.S. prior to the German occupation in 1938. After studying at Harvard College in Cambridge, Massachusetts in the United States, Karplus moved to the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, where he received his Ph.D. in 1953. He worked at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign, at Columbia University in New York, and later at Harvard University from 1967. He is also associated with the University of Strasbourg, France. Martin Karplus is married with three children.
The world around us is made up of atoms that are joined together to form molecules. During chemical reactions atoms change places and new molecules are formed. To accurately predict the course of the reactions at the sites where the reaction occurs advanced calculations based on quantum mechanics are required. For other parts of the molecules, it is possible to use the less complicated calculations of classical mechanics. In the 1970s, Martin Karplus, Michael Levitt, and Arieh Warshel successfully developed methods that combined quantum and classical mechanics to calculate the courses of chemical reactions using computers.
Martin Karplus (born March 15, 1930, Vienna, Austria—died December 28, 2024, Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.) was an American Austrian chemist who was awarded the 2013 Nobel Prize for Chemistry for developing accurate computer models of chemical reactions that were able to use features of both classical physics and quantum mechanics. He shared the prize with American-British-Israeli chemist Michael Levitt and American-Israeli chemist Arieh Warshel.
Karplus received a bachelor’s degree from Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1951 and a doctorate from the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena in 1953. He was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Oxford in England (1953–55) and a professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (1955–60) and at Columbia University in New York City (1960–65). He joined the chemistry faculty at Harvard in 1966, eventually becoming professor emeritus. In 1996 he also became a professor at the Louis Pasteur University (later incorporated into the University of Strasbourg) in France.
In 1970, while at Harvard, Karplus was joined by Warshel, who was a postdoctoral fellow. Karplus had already worked on computer programs that used quantum mechanics in modeling chemical reactions, whereas Warshel had extensive experience with computer modeling of molecules using classical physics. They wrote a program that modeled the atomic nuclei and some electrons of a molecule using classical physics and other electrons using quantum mechanics. Their technique was initially limited to molecules with mirror symmetry. However, Karplus was particularly interested in modeling retinal, a large complex molecule found in the eye and crucial to vision, which changes shape when exposed to light. In 1974 Karplus, Warshel, and collaborators published a paper that successfully modeled retinal’s change in shape.
Karplus’s autobiography, Spinach on the Ceiling: The Multifaceted Life of a Theoretical Chemist, was published in 2020.
Martin Karplus (March 15, 1930 – December 28, 2024) was an Austrian and American theoretical chemist. He was the Theodore William Richards Professor of Chemistry at Harvard University. He was also the director of the Biophysical Chemistry Laboratory, a joint laboratory between the French National Center for Scientific Research and the University of Strasbourg, France. Karplus received the 2013 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, together with Michael Levitt and Arieh Warshel, for "the development of multiscale models for complex chemical systems".
Early life
Martin Karplus was born on March 15, 1930, in Vienna, Austria. He was a child when his family fled from the Nazi-occupation in Austria a few days after the Anschluss in March 1938, spending several months in Zürich, Switzerland and La Baule, France before immigrating to the United States. Prior to their immigration to the United States, the family was known for being "an intellectual and successful secular Jewish family" in Vienna. His grandfather, Johann Paul Karplus (1866–1936) was a highly acclaimed professor of psychiatry at the University of Vienna. His great-aunt, Eugenie Goldstern, was an ethnologist who was killed during the Holocaust. He was the nephew, by marriage, of the sociologist, philosopher and musicologist Theodor W. Adorno and grandnephew of the physicist Robert von Lieben. His brother, Robert Karplus, was an internationally recognized physicist and educator at University of California, Berkeley. Continuing with the academic family theme, his nephew, Andrew Karplus, is a biochemistry and biophysics professor at Oregon State University.
After earning an AB degree in Chemistry and Physics from Harvard College in 1951, Karplus pursued graduate studies at the California Institute of Technology. He completed his PhD in 1953 under Nobel laureate Linus Pauling. According to Pauling, Karplus "was [his] most brilliant student." He was an NSF Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Oxford (1953–55) where he worked with Charles Coulson.
Teaching career
Karplus taught at the University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign (1955–60) and then Columbia University (1960–65) before moving to join the Chemistry Department faculty at Harvard in 1966.
He was a professor at the Louis Pasteur University in 1996 where he established a research group in Strasbourg, France, after two sabbatical visits between 1992 and 1995 in the NMR laboratory of Jean-François Lefèvre. He has supervised more than 200 graduate students and postdoctoral researchers over his career since 1955.
Personal life and death
Karplus was married to Marci and had three children. He died at his home in Cambridge, Massachusetts, on December 28, 2024, at the age of 94.
Karplus published his first academic paper when he was 17 years old. Karplus contributed to many fields in physical chemistry, including chemical dynamics, quantum chemistry, and most notably, molecular dynamics simulations of biological macromolecules. He has also been influential in nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, particularly to the understanding of nuclear spin-spin coupling and electron spin resonance spectroscopy. The Karplus equation describing the correlation between coupling constants and dihedral angles in proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy is named after him.
From 1969 to 1970, Karplus visited the Structural Studies Division at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology.
In 1970 postdoctoral fellow Arieh Warshel joined Karplus at Harvard. Together they wrote a computer program that modeled the atomic nuclei and some electrons of a molecule using classical physics and modeling other electrons using quantum mechanics. In 1974 Karplus, Warshel and other collaborators published a paper based on this type of modeling, which successfully modeled the change in shape of retinal, a large complex protein molecule important to vision.
His research was concerned primarily with the properties of molecules of biological interest. His group originated and coordinated the development of the CHARMM program for molecular dynamics simulations.
It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.
Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.
2147) Michael Levitt (biophysicist)
Michael Levitt was born in Pretoria, South Africa, to a Jewish family from Lithuania. He studied first at the University of Pretoria and later at King's College, London. After a period spent at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel, Levitt continued his postgraduate studies at the Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge, England, where he continued working until he returned to the Weizmann Institute in 1980. Since 1987, he has worked at Stanford University. Michael Levitt is married with three children.
The world around us is made up of atoms that are joined together to form molecules. During chemical reactions atoms change places and new molecules are formed. To accurately predict the course of the reactions at the sites where the reaction occurs advanced calculations based on quantum mechanics are required. For other parts of the molecules, it is possible to use the less complicated calculations of classical mechanics. In the 1970s, Michael Levitt, Martin Karplus, and Arieh Warshel successfully developed methods that combined quantum and classical mechanics to calculate the courses of chemical reactions using computers.
Michael Levitt (born May 9, 1947, Pretoria, South Africa) is an American British Israeli chemist who was awarded the 2013 Nobel Prize for Chemistry for developing accurate computer models of chemical reactions that were able to use features of both classical physics and quantum mechanics. He shared the prize with American-Austrian chemist Martin Karplus and American-Israeli chemist Arieh Warshel.
Levitt received a bachelor’s degree in physics (1967) from King’s College in London. He worked as a visiting fellow at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Reḥovot, Israel, from 1967 to 1968. He received a doctorate in biophysics jointly granted by the Medical Research Council (MRC) Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge, England, and the University of Cambridge in 1971. He was a postdoctoral fellow at the Weizmann Institute from 1972 to 1974 and a staff scientist at the MRC Laboratory from 1974 to 1979. He became an associate professor in chemical physics at the Weizmann Institute in 1979 and left there as a full professor in 1987. Afterward he became a professor of structural biology at Stanford University in California.
During Levitt’s time as a visiting fellow at the Weizmann Institute, he worked with Warshel (then a graduate student) on computer modeling of molecules using classical physics. In 1972 Levitt reunited with Warshel at the Weizmann Institute and later at the MRC Laboratory. In 1975 they published results of a simulation of protein folding. They had long been interested in reactions involving enzymes, and they constructed a scheme in which they accounted for the interaction between those parts of the enzyme that were modeled classically and those modeled quantum mechanically. They also had to account for the interaction of both parts with the surrounding medium. In 1976 they published a paper that applied their general scheme to the first computer model of an enzymatic reaction. More significantly, their scheme could be used to model any molecule.
Michael Levitt, (born 9 May 1947) is a South African-born biophysicist and a professor of structural biology at Stanford University, a position he has held since 1987. Levitt received the 2013 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, together with Martin Karplus and Arieh Warshel, for "the development of multiscale models for complex chemical systems". In 2018, Levitt was a founding co-editor of the Annual Review of Biomedical Data Science.
Early life and education
Michael Levitt was born in Pretoria, South Africa, to a Jewish family from Plungė, Lithuania; his father was from Lithuania and his mother from the Czech Republic. He attended Sunnyside Primary School and then Pretoria Boys High School between 1960 and 1962. The family moved to England when he was 15. Levitt spent 1963 studying applied mathematics at the University of Pretoria. He attended King's College London, graduating with a first-class honours degree in physics in 1967.
In 1967, he visited Israel for the first time. Together with his Israeli wife, Rina, a multimedia artist, he left to study at Cambridge, where their three children were born. Levitt was a PhD student in Computational biology at Peterhouse, Cambridge, and was based at the Laboratory of Molecular Biology from 1968 to 1972, where he developed a computer program for studying the conformations of molecules that underpinned much of his later work.
Career and research
In 1979, he returned to Israel and conducted research at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, becoming an Israeli citizen in 1980. He served in the Israel Defense Forces for six weeks in 1985. In 1986, he began teaching at Stanford University, and since then has split his time between Israel and California. He went on to gain a research fellowship at Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge.
From 1980 to 1987, he was Professor of Chemical Physics at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot. Thereafter, he served as Professor of Structural biology, at Stanford University, California.
* Royal Society Exchange Fellow, Weizmann Institute, Israel, 1967–68
* Staff Scientist, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, 1973–80
* Professor of Chemical Physics, Weizmann Institute, 1980–87 (dept. chair 1980–83)
* Professor of Structural Biology, Stanford University, 1987–present
Levitt was one of the first researchers to conduct molecular dynamics simulations of DNA and proteins and developed the first software for this purpose. He is currently well known for developing approaches to predict macromolecular structures, having participated in many Critical Assessment of Techniques for Protein Structure Prediction (CASP) competitions, where he criticised molecular dynamics for inability to refine protein structures. He has also worked on simplified representations of protein structure for analysing folding and packing, as well as developing scoring systems for large-scale sequence-structure comparisons. He has mentored many successful scientists, including Mark Gerstein and Ram Samudrala. Cyrus Chothia was one of his colleagues.
Industrial collaboration
Levitt has served on the Scientific Advisory Boards of the following companies: Dupont Merck Pharmaceuticals, AMGEN, Protein Design Labs, Affymetrix, Molecular Applications Group, 3D Pharmaceuticals, Algodign, Oplon Ltd, Cocrystal Discovery, InterX, and StemRad, Ltd,.
Levitt has been outspoken during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, and made a number of wrong predictions on the disease's spread based on his own modelling. On March 18, 2020, he predicted that Israel would see less than ten deaths from COVID-19, and on July 25, 2020, he incorrectly predicted that the outbreak in the U.S. would be over by the end of August 2020 with a total of fewer than 170,000 deaths. As of November 2021, the U.S. was recording COVID-19 deaths at the rate of about 1,000 per day, while Israel has reported over 8,000 COVID-19 deaths since the start of the pandemic.
Levitt has also raised concerns about potential damaging effects of COVID-19 lockdown orders on economic activity as well in increasing suicide and abuse rates, and has signed the Great Barrington Declaration, a statement supported by a group of academics advocating for alternatives to lockdowns which has been criticized by the WHO and other public health organizations as dangerous and lacking in sound scientific basis.
Critics have expressed concern regarding Levitt's incorrect or potentially misleading predictions as well as his anti-lockdown positions, in part due to his status as a Nobel laureate and his large following on Twitter. Maia Majumder, a computational epidemiologist at Harvard Medical School, stated that "Michael Levitt has a huge, huge following, so this creates lots of problems when he’s tweeting something that may be misinformative." Randy Schekman, a 2013 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine winner, wrote of Levitt's expressed positions that "in this instance, I believe he crossed a boundary from data to public policy where the impact of his word as a Nobel laureate has undue influence."
Awards and honors
Levitt was elected an EMBO Member in 1983, a Fellow of the Royal Society (FRS) in 2001, and a member of the National Academy of Sciences in 2002, and received the 2013 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, together with Martin Karplus and Arieh Warshel, "for the development of multiscale models for complex chemical systems". He received the DeLano Award for Computational Biosciences in 2014. He was elected an ISCB Fellow by the International Society for Computational Biology in 2015.
Personal life
Levitt holds South African, American, British and Israeli citizenship.
His wife Rina died on 23 January 2017.
He is the sixth Israeli to be awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in under a decade.
It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.
Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.
2148) Arieh Warshel
Arieh Warshel was born in the Sde Nahum kibbutz in what was then British Palestine (now Israel). He studied first at Technion in Haifa, and received his Ph.D. from the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot in 1969. After spending time at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts in the United States, Warshel worked at the Weizmann Institute of Science and the Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge, England. He has worked at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles since 1976. Arieh Warshel is married with two daughters.
The world around us is made up of atoms that are joined together to form molecules. During chemical reactions atoms change places and new molecules are formed. To accurately predict the course of the reactions at the sites where the reaction occurs advanced calculations based on quantum mechanics are required. For other parts of the molecules, it is possible to use the less complicated calculations of classical mechanics. In the 1970s, Arieh Warshel, Martin Karplus, and Michael Levitt successfully developed methods that combined quantum and classical mechanics to calculate the courses of chemical reactions using computers.
Arieh Warshel (born November 20, 1940, Kibbutz Sde-Nahum, Palestine [later Israel]) is an American Israeli chemist who was awarded the 2013 Nobel Prize for Chemistry for developing accurate computer models of chemical reactions that were able to use features of both classical physics and quantum mechanics. He shared the prize with American Austrian chemist Martin Karplus and American British Israeli chemist Michael Levitt.
Warshel received a bachelor’s degree (1966) in chemistry from Technion–Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa and a master’s (1967) and a doctorate (1969) in chemical physics from the Weizmann Institute of Science in Reḥovot, Israel. He was a research fellow (1970–72) at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts. He returned to the Weizmann Institute in 1972 as a research associate and left there in 1978 as an associate professor. From 1974 to 1976 he was a visiting scientist at the Medical Research Council (MRC) Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge, England. In 1976 he became an associate professor of chemistry at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. He became a full professor there in 1984 and a distinguished professor in 2011.
During his time in graduate school, Warshel had worked with Levitt on computer modeling of molecules using classical physics. In 1970 he joined Karplus as a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard. Karplus had already worked on computer programs that used quantum mechanics in modeling chemical reactions. They wrote a program that modeled the atomic nuclei and some electrons of a molecule using classical physics and other electrons using quantum mechanics. Their technique was initially limited to molecules with mirror symmetry. However, Karplus was particularly interested in modeling retinal, a large complex molecule, found in the eye and crucial to vision, that changes shape when exposed to light. In 1974 Warshel, Karplus, and collaborators successfully modeled retinal’s change in shape. By that time Warshel had reunited with Levitt at the Weizmann Institute and later at the MRC Laboratory. In 1975 they published the results of a simulation of protein folding. They had long been interested in reactions involving enzymes, and they constructed a scheme in which they accounted for the interaction between those parts of the enzyme that were modeled classically and those modeled quantum mechanically. They also had to account for the interaction of both parts with the surrounding medium. In 1976 they applied their general scheme to the first computer model of an enzymatic reaction. More significantly, their scheme could be used to model any molecule.
Arieh Warshel (born November 20, 1940) is an Israeli-American biochemist and biophysicist. He is a pioneer in computational studies on functional properties of biological molecules, Distinguished Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry, and holds the Dana and David Dornsife Chair in Chemistry at the University of Southern California. He received the 2013 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, together with Michael Levitt and Martin Karplus for "the development of multiscale models for complex chemical systems".
Warshel was born to a Jewish family in 1940 in kibbutz Sde Nahum, Mandatory Palestine. Warshel served in the Israeli Armored Corps. After serving the Israeli Army (final rank Captain), Warshel attended the Technion, Haifa, where he received his BSc degree in chemistry, summa cum laude, in 1966. Subsequently, he earned both MSc and PhD degrees in Chemical Physics (in 1967 and 1969, respectively), with Shneior Lifson at Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel. After his PhD, he did postdoctoral work at Harvard University until 1972, and from 1972 to 1976 he returned to the Weizmann Institute and worked for the Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, England. After being denied tenure by Weizmann Institute in 1976, he joined the faculty of the department of chemistry at USC. He was awarded the 2013 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
As a soldier, he fought in both the 1967 Six-Day War and the 1973 Yom Kippur War, attaining the rank of captain in the IDF.
As part of Shenzhen's 13th Five-Year Plan funding research in emerging technologies and opening "Nobel laureate research labs", in April 2017 he opened the Warshel Institute for Computational Biology at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen campus.
Warshel is known for his work on computational biochemistry and biophysics, in particular for pioneering computer simulations of the functions of biological systems, and for developing what is known today as Computational Enzymology. He is a member of many scientific organisations, most importantly:
* Elected member of the United States National Academy of Sciences (2009)
* Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (2008)
* Fellow of the Biophysical Society (2000)
* Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (2012)
* Honorary fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (2014)
* Honorary doctorate at Bar-Ilan University (2014)
* Honorary doctorate of the Faculty of Science and Technology at Uppsala University (2015)
* Annual Award of the International Society of Quantum Biology and Pharmacology (1993)
* Tolman Medal (2003)
* President's award for computational biology from the ISQBP (2006)
* RSC Soft Matter and Biophysical Chemistry Award (2012)
* Nobel Prize in Chemistry (2013) together with Martin Karplus and Michael Levitt for "the development of multiscale models for complex chemical systems".
* Golden Plate Award of the American Academy of Achievement (2014)
* The Founders Award of the Biophysical Society (2014)
* The 2013 Israel Chemical Society Gold Medal (2014)
Major research achievements
Arieh Warshel made major contributions in introducing computational methods for structure–function correlation of biological molecules, pioneering and co-pioneering programs, methods and key concepts for detailed computational studies of functional properties of biological molecules using Cartesian-based force field programs,[28][29] the combined Quantum Chemistry/Molecular mechanics (i.e., QM/MM) method for simulating enzymatic reactions, the first molecular dynamics simulation of a biological process, microscopic electrostatic models for proteins, free energy perturbation in proteins and other key advances. It was for the development of these methods that Warshel shared the 2013 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.
Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.
2149) James Rothman
James Rothman was born in Haverhill, Massachusetts in the United States. He studied at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut, and later received his Ph.D. from Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1976. Rothman has worked at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Stanford University, Princeton University, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, and Columbia University. James Rothman is married with one daughter and one son.
The cells inside our bodies produce a host of different molecules that are sent to specific sites. During transport, many of these molecules are grouped together in tiny sac-like structures called vesicles. These vesicles help transport substances to different places inside the cell and send molecules from the cell’s surface as signals to other cells in the body. During the 1980s and 1990s, James Rothman showed how vesicles fuse with specific surfaces in the cell so that transports arrive at the correct destination.
James E. Rothman (born November 3, 1950, Haverhill, Massachusetts, U.S.) is an American biochemist and cell biologist who discovered the molecular machinery involved in vesicle budding and membrane fusion in cells. Cellular vesicles, which are bubblelike structures, play a critical role in the storage and transport of molecules within cells, and errors in their function can lead to various diseases, including immunological, neurological, and metabolic disorders. For his contributions to the understanding of vesicle transport, Rothman shared the 2013 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine with American biochemist and cell biologist Randy W. Schekman and German American neuroscientist Thomas C. Südhof.
Rothman earned a bachelor’s degree in physics in 1971 from Yale University and a doctorate in biological chemistry in 1976 from Harvard University, where he also studied medicine. In 1978, after conducting postdoctoral research in biology under American scientist Harvey F. Lodish at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Rothman took a professorship in biochemistry at Stanford University. He remained there until 1988, after which he served at Princeton University (1988–91) and Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York (1991–2004). He joined the faculty of Columbia University in 2003/2004 and that of Yale in 2008. At Yale, Rothman was a professor of cell biology and chemistry and director of the Nanobiology Institute.
Rothman began investigating the machinery of vesicle budding and fusion in the late 1970s. He later conducted his experiments by using a cell-free system, in which the molecules thought to be important in vesicle transport were added to a test tube in an attempt to reconstitute the process and thereby eliminate certain complexities associated with the cellular environment. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, Rothman and colleagues identified a set of molecules, a protein called NSF and a family of proteins known as SNAP, that serve key functions in membrane trafficking. He subsequently discovered that a complex of SNARE proteins was fundamental to vesicle membrane fusion. Rothman’s work provided important insight into the role of the Golgi apparatus in protein processing. He later investigated the biophysics and regulation of vesicle fusion and the organization of the Golgi apparatus.
In addition to the Nobel Prize, Rothman received numerous awards throughout his career, including the 1996 Gairdner Foundation International Award (with Schekman), the 2002 Albert Lasker Basic Medical Research Award (with Schekman), and the 2010 Kavli Prize in Neuroscience (with Südhof). He was elected to the National Academy of Sciences in 1993 and the following year became a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
James Edward Rothman (born November 3, 1950) is an American biochemist. He is the Fergus F. Wallace Professor of Biomedical Sciences at Yale University, the Chairman of the Department of Cell Biology at Yale School of Medicine, and the Director of the Nanobiology Institute at the Yale West Campus. Rothman also concurrently serves as adjunct professor of physiology and cellular biophysics at Columbia University and a research professor at the UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology, University College London.
Rothman was awarded the 2013 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, for his work on vesicle trafficking (shared with Randy Schekman and Thomas C. Südhof). He received many other honors including the King Faisal International Prize in 1996, the Louisa Gross Horwitz Prize from Columbia University and the Albert Lasker Award for Basic Medical Research both in 2002.
Rothman earned his high school diploma from Pomfret School in 1967, then received his B.A. in physics at Yale University in 1971 and his Ph.D. in biological chemistry at Harvard in 1976 working with Eugene Patrick Kennedy.
Career and research
Following his Ph.D., Rothman did postdoctoral research with Harvey Lodish at Massachusetts Institute of Technology working on glycosylation of membrane proteins. He moved to the Department of Biochemistry at Stanford University in 1978. He was at Princeton University, from 1988 to 1991, before coming to New York to found the Department of Cellular Biochemistry and Biophysics at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, where he also served as vice-chairman of Sloan-Kettering Institute. In 2003, he left Sloan-Kettering to become a professor of physiology at Columbia University's College of Physicians and Surgeons and the head of Columbia's Center for Chemical Biology. He moved from Columbia to Yale in 2008, retaining a part-time appointment at Columbia. Since 2013 he is also holding a position as Distinguished Professor-in-Residence at the Shanghai Institute for Advanced Immunochemical Studies of ShanghaiTech University.
In 1995, Rothman joined the Amersham plc scientific advisory board. When Amersham was acquired by GE Healthcare in 2003, Rothman was appointed as the Chief Science Advisor to GE Healthcare.
Rothman's research details how vesicles—tiny sac-like structures that transport hormones, growth factors, and other molecules within cells—know how to reach their correct destination and where and when to release their contents. This cellular trafficking underlies many critical physiological functions, including the propagation of the cell itself in division, communication between nerve cells in the brain, secretion of insulin and other hormones in the body, and nutrient uptake. Defects in this process lead to a wide variety of conditions, including diabetes and botulism.
His former postdoctoral students include Gero Miesenböck (postdoc) and Suzanne Pfeffer.
Awards and honors
Rothman was awarded the 2010 Kavli Prize Neuroscience together with Richard Scheller and Thomas C. Südhof for "discovering the molecular basis of neurotransmitters release".
Rothman was awarded the 2013 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine together with Randy Schekman and Thomas C. Südhof for "their discoveries of machinery regulating vesicle traffic, a major transport system in our cells."
Rothman is a Member of the National Academy of Sciences and its Institute of Medicine.
Personal life
He is the son of Martin Rothman, a pediatrician, and Gloria Hartnick, both Jewish.
It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.
Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.
2150) Randy Schekman
Randy Schekman was born in Saint Paul, Minnesota in the United States. After studying at the University of California in Los Angeles and spending time at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, he received his Ph.D. in 1975 from Stanford University in Palo Alto, California. He spent two years as a postdoctoral fellow at University of California, San Diego (1974-76) and from 1976 he has remained a faculty member at the University of California in Berkeley. Randy Schekman is married with two children.
The cells inside our bodies produce a host of different molecules that are sent to specific sites. During transport, many of these molecules are grouped together in tiny sac-like structures called vesicles. These vesicles help transport substances to different places inside the cell and send molecules from the cell’s surface as signals to other cells in the body. During the 1970s, Randy Schekman studied yeast cells with malfunctions in this transportation system. He demonstrated that that the malfunctions were due to genetic defects and explained how different genes regulate different aspects of the transports.
Randy W. Schekman (born December 30, 1948, St. Paul, Minnesota, U.S.) is an American biochemist and cell biologist who contributed to the discovery of the genetic basis of vesicle transport in cells. Bubblelike vesicles transport molecules such as enzymes, hormones, and neurotransmitters within cells, carrying their cargo to specific destinations in a highly orchestrated process. When the vesicle transport system malfunctions, disease results; many such diseases are associated with genetic defects. For his insight into the genetic mechanisms underlying vesicle transport, Schekman was awarded the 2013 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine, which he shared with American biochemist and cell biologist James E. Rothman and German American biochemist Thomas C. Südhof.
After completing a bachelor’s degree in molecular biology at the University of California, Los Angeles, Schekman attended Stanford University, where he performed his graduate research in the laboratory of American biochemist and physician Arthur Kornberg. Schekman earned a doctorate in biochemistry in 1974. After completing his postdoctoral studies, he became an assistant professor at the University of California, Berkeley, where he later received a professorship in molecular and cell biology.
At Berkeley, Schekman began investigating networks of intracellular membranes associated with the vesicle transport of proteins in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. With the aid of others in his laboratory, he screened yeast for mutations that blocked the secretion of certain enzymes from cells. The work led to the discovery of membrane fusion regulator proteins encoded by SEC genes. The regulator encoded by SEC1 was later found to interact with a protein known as SNAP, which had been discovered by Rothman to have important functions in vesicle membrane trafficking. In subsequent work Schekman and colleagues discovered that nearly two dozen genes play a role in vesicle transport. They characterized the function of each gene’s protein and elucidated the sequence in which the proteins act to effect transport. Schekman’s work also provided insight into mechanisms of vesicle budding and protein transport from the endoplasmic reticulum.
Schekman was the recipient of the 1996 Gairdner Foundation International Award (with Rothman) and the 2002 Albert Lasker Basic Medical Research Award (with Rothman). He was elected a member of the National Academy of Sciences in 1992 and in 2000 became a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
Randy Wayne Schekman (born December 30, 1948) is an American cell biologist at the University of California, Berkeley, former editor-in-chief of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences and former editor of Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology. In 2011, he was announced as the editor of eLife, a new high-profile open-access journal published by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, the Max Planck Society and the Wellcome Trust launching in 2012. He was elected to the National Academy of Sciences in 1992. Schekman shared the 2013 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine with James Rothman and Thomas C. Südhof for their ground-breaking work on cell membrane vesicle trafficking.
Early life and education
Schekman was born in Saint Paul, Minnesota, to Alfred Schekman, an electrical engineer and computer software designer and Esther (Bader) Schekman. His family were Jewish emigrants from Russia and Bessarabia. In the late 1950s his family moved to the new suburban community of Rossmoor, located in Orange County next to Long Beach. He graduated from Western High School in Anaheim, California, in 1966. He received a BA in molecular biology from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), in 1971. He spent his third year at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland, as an exchange student. He received a PhD in 1975 from Stanford University for research on DNA replication working with Arthur Kornberg. After joining the faculty at University of California Berkeley, he was promoted to associate professor in 1981 and Professor in 1984.
Research and career
Since 1991, Schekman has been a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator, division of biochemistry and molecular biology, department of molecular and cell biology, at the University of California, Berkeley. The Schekman Lab at that university carries out research into molecular descriptions of the process of membrane assembly and vesicular traffic[20] in eukaryotic cells including yeast. Before that, he was a faculty member with the now disbanded Department of Biochemistry at the same university.
Awards and honors
In 1987 Schekman received the Eli Lilly Award in Microbiology. In 1992, Schekman was elected a Member of the National Academy of Sciences. In 2002, Schekman received the Albert Lasker Award for Basic Medical Research and Louisa Gross Horwitz Prize of Columbia University along with James Rothman for their discovery of cellular membrane trafficking, a process that cells use to organize their activities and communicate with their environment. In 2008 he was named the first Miller Senior Fellow of the Miller Institute at the University of California Berkeley. That same year, he was elected to the American Philosophical Society. He was awarded the Massry Prize from the Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, in 2010. Schekman serves as a member of the Selection Committee and then as chair of Life Science and Medicine which chooses winners of the Shaw Prize.
Schekman was elected a Foreign Member of the Royal Society (ForMemRS) in 2013. His nomination reads:
Using a brilliantly conceived genetic screen, Schekman isolated sec mutants that accumulate secretory pathway intermediates, he cloned the corresponding genes and he established biochemical reactions that faithfully reproduced specific secretory pathway events. These studies transformed the secretion field, previously descriptive and morphological, into a molecular and mechanistic one. The cell-free reactions that Schekman established led to his isolation of the Sec61 translocation complex, the (COPII) vesicle coat complex, and the first purified inter-organelle transport vesicles. The Sec proteins are strikingly conserved and the trafficking mechanisms that Schekman discovered are at the heart of neurotransmission, hormone secretion, cholesterol homeostasis and metabolic regulation.
Schekman, Thomas C. Südhof, and James Rothman were awarded the 2013 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine "for their discoveries of machinery regulating vesicle traffic, a major transport system in our cells". Schekman donated his share of the prize money, $400,000, to create an endowment for the Esther and Wendy Schekman Chair in Basic Cancer Biology at UC Berkeley. Schekman's mother and sister, for whom the post is named, both died of cancer.
In 2017, Schekman received the Golden Plate Award of the American Academy of Achievement.
In 2021, Professor Randy Schekman was elected honorary member of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, with which he has been collaborating since 2019.
In 2023, he was awarded the title of Doctor Honoris Causa at Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldova.
Open-access science
In December 2013, Schekman called for academic journal publishing reform and open access science publication by announcing that his lab at the University of California, Berkeley would no longer submit to the prestigious closed-access journals Nature, Cell, and Science, citing their self-serving and deleterious effects on science. He has criticized these journals for artificially restricting the number of publications accepted to drive up demand. In addition, Schekman says the journals accept papers that will be cited often, increasing the prestige of the journal, rather than those which demonstrate important results. Schekman has said the prestige and difficulty of publishing in these journals sometimes cause scientists to cut corners or pursue trends, rather than conduct research on important questions. Schekman is the former editor of eLife, an open access journal and competitor to Nature, Cell, and Science. Papers are accepted into eLife based on review by working scientists. Access to accepted papers is free.
Parkinson's Disease
In the fall of 2017, Schekman's wife, Nancy Walls, died after a 20-year struggle with Parkinson's disease. Near the end of this difficult period Schekman was enlisted to serve as the scientific director of a new effort called ASAP aimed at organizing an international program of collaborative research on the origins and mechanisms of progression of Parkinson's Disease. In cooperation with The Michael J. Fox Foundation and major philanthropic support, ASAP has grown by 2022 to involve 35 teams across 165 laboratories around the world. The goal of ASAP is bridge the talents of hundreds of scientists to develop novel insights leading to more effective treatments of this disease.
It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.
Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.
2151) Thomas C. Südhof
Thomas Südhof was born in Göttingen, Germany. He studied at the university in Aachen, at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts in the United States, and at the university in Göttingen. He received his Ph.D. from Göttingen's Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry in 1982. The following year, Südhof moved to the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. In 2008 he moved to Stanford University in Palo Alto, California. Thomas Südhof is married with two children and four more children from an earlier marriage.
The cells inside our bodies produce a host of different molecules that are sent to specific sites. During transport, many of these molecules are grouped together in tiny sac-like structures called vesicles. These vesicles help transport substances to different places inside the cell and send molecules from the cell’s surface as signals to other cells in the body. By studying brain cells from mice, in the 1990s Thomas Südhof demonstrated how vesicles are held in place, ready to release signal-bearing molecules at the right moment.
Thomas C. Südhof (born December 22, 1955, Göttingen, West Germany) is a German American neuroscientist who discovered key molecular components and mechanisms that form the basis of chemical signaling in neurons. His findings helped scientists to better understand the cellular mechanisms underlying neurological conditions such as autism, schizophrenia, and Alzheimer disease. For his breakthroughs, Südhof was awarded the 2013 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine, which he shared with American biochemists and cell biologists James E. Rothman and Randy W. Schekman.
In 1982 Südhof received a medical degree from the University of Göttingen and a doctorate in neurochemistry from the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, where he investigated the release of hormones from cells of the adrenal glands. The following year Südhof began his postdoctoral studies at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas. There he investigated the low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor, a molecule involved in cholesterol metabolism. His mentors, American molecular geneticists Michael S. Brown and Joseph L. Goldstein, received the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine (1985) for their cholesterol research while Südhof was a student in their laboratory. In 1986 Südhof became an investigator at Texas Southwestern and an investigator with the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. He moved his laboratory to Stanford University in 2008.
Throughout his career much of Südhof’s research focused on presynaptic neurons, which release signaling chemicals called neurotransmitters into the synapse (or junction) between communicating cells (i.e., between neurons, between neurons and muscle cells, or between neurons and glands). He elucidated the process by which synaptic vesicles, which are filled with neurotransmitters, fuse with neuronal membranes and undergo exocytosis, in which they release their neurotransmitters into the extracellular environment. He found that specific interactions between proteins, such as between Munc18-1 and SNARE proteins, as well as a molecular complex based on the proteins RIM and Munc13, are required for synaptic vesicle fusion. He also described a process whereby calcium triggers vesicle fusion and exocytosis via binding to synaptic vesicle proteins known as synaptotagmins and identified presynaptic and postsynaptic proteins, called neurexins and neuroligins, respectively, that associate with one another and form a physical connection across the synaptic cleft (the gap found between the two neurons at a synapse). He later investigated mutations in neurexins and neuroligins and their relevance to neurological conditions such as autism.
In addition to the Nobel Prize, Südhof received the 2010 Kavli Prize in Neuroscience (with Rothman) and the 2013 Albert Lasker Basic Medical Research Award. He was elected to the National Academy of Sciences in 2002 and joined the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2010.
Thomas Christian Südhof (born December 22, 1955), is a German-American biochemist known for his study of synaptic transmission. Currently, he is a professor in the school of medicine in the department of molecular and cellular physiology, and by courtesy in neurology, and in psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford University.
Südhof, James Rothman and Randy Schekman are the 2013 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine laureates for their work on vesicle trafficking.
Thomas Christian Südhof retracted Lin et al. 2023 research paper published in PNAS from his lab due to falsified data, and since mid-2022, PubPeer commenters including Elisabeth Bik have flagged 46 of Südhof’s papers, which explore how neurons communicate across synapses.
Early life and education
A German native, Südhof was born in Göttingen in 1955. He spent his childhood in Göttingen and Hannover. He studied music in his youth, specifically the bassoon, and has credited his bassoon instructor, Herbert Tauscher, as his "most influential teacher". He was a graduate from the Hannover Waldorf School in 1975. Südhof studied medicine at the RWTH Aachen University, Harvard University, and then the University of Göttingen. In Göttingen Südhof worked on his doctoral thesis, in which he described the structure and function of chromaffin cells, at the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry in the lab of Victor P. Whittaker. In 1982, he received his MD in medical science ( from the University of Göttingen.
Career and research
After a brief postdoctoral fellowship in Whittaker's lab, Südhof moved to the United States in 1983, where he began postdoctoral training in the department of molecular genetics at the University of Texas Health Science Center (now the UT Southwestern Medical Center) in Dallas, Texas, under the supervision of Michael Stuart Brown and Joseph L. Goldstein.
During his postdoctoral research fellowship, Südhof worked to describe the role of the LDL receptor in cholesterol metabolism, for which Brown and Goldstein were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1985. Südhof finished his postdoctoral training in 1986 and was elected to be an investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. He then established his own laboratory at UT Southwestern Medical Center where he focused on the molecular and cellular neurosciences centered on synapses for over 20 years.
In 2008, Südhof moved to Stanford University and is currently the Avram Goldstein Professor in the School of Medicine as well as a Professor of Molecular & Cellular Physiology, Psychiatry, and Neurology.
Südhof laid the foundations for his scientific career studying the synapse early while studying the mechanisms of neurotransmitter dependent hormone release from neuroendocrine cells for his doctoral thesis at the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry. Südhof described the structure and function of chromaffin cells which are responsible for the release of epinephrine, norepinephrine and endorphins from the medulla of the adrenal gland. Innervated by sympathetic nervous system, chromaffin cells are important in the initiation of the fight-or-flight response of animals when exposed to threatening stimuli.
After completing his thesis in 1983, Südhof moved to UT Southwestern Medical Center for his postdoctoral training where he began researching in the department of molecular genetics under the supervision of Joseph L. Goldstein and Michael Stuart Brown. While a postdoctoral fellow, Südhof cloned the gene for the low-density lipoprotein receptor and, soon after, was able to explain its transcriptional regulation by cholesterol. When LDL receptors, found concentrated in the liver, bind specific free blood cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein, they are internalized and recycled removing the cholesterol from circulation. This process is a primary source of blood cholesterol regulation and variations in its efficiency were shown to be present in familial hypercholesterolemia. As a result of the discovery, LDL receptor function had also elucidated the principle of receptor-mediated endocytosis—a now universally understood process in cell biology. Goldstein and Brown were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for the discovery in 1985.
After finishing postdoctoral training, Südhof started his own laboratory at UT Southwestern in 1986. Briefly continuing work with Goldstein and Brown, Südhof helped identify a DNA element in the LDL gene that produced sterol mediated end-product repression when inserted in a viral promoter. This domain, known as a sterol regulatory sequence, directly participates in the regulation of sterol biosynthesis. Sterols are a major class of biomolecule and critical for life. Important sterols in humans include cholesterol and steroid hormones. Discovery of sterol regulatory elements and LDL receptor function led to the subsequent development of statin derived cholesterol medications such as atorvastatin (Lipitor)—the top-selling branded pharmaceutical drug in the world in 2008.
Südhof started his independent research career in neuroscience since 1986 and open the field of molecular neuroscience for synaptic transmission especially from the presynaptic nerve terminal perspective. Until Südhof began his work, majority of neuroscience research was aimed at the postsynaptic neuron and its role in learning and memory. Indeed, Thomas Südhof is credited with discovering much of the machinery mediating neurotransmitter release and presynaptic plasticity in his 21 years at UT Southwestern. Südhof began with the discovery of synaptotagmins and their role in neurotransmitter release from the presynaptic neuron. Synaptotagmin, a transmembrane protein found in neurosecretory vesicles, functions as a calcium sensor triggering vesicle fusion and neurotransmitter release. Stimulation of a neuron results in an increase in intracellular calcium concentration. After binding calcium ion to a region in its cytosolic domain, vesicular synaptotagmin promotes quick or slow neurotransmitter release from the presynaptic neuron via interaction with regulatory and fusion related proteins such as members of the SNARE complex. Südhof also discovered RIMs and Muncs (most notably Munc13 and Munc18), soluble proteins which aid in the fusion of neurotransmitter vesicles to the nerve cell membrane and play an important role in synaptic plasticity. In addition, Südhof's research uncovered the role of many other proteins facilitating vesicle binding, fusion, and resultant neurotransmitter release from the presynaptic neuron, including members of the SNARE complex: synaptobrevin, in the vesicular membrane, syntaxin, in the cell membrane, and SNAP25, which is tethered to the cytosolic side of the cell membrane via cysteine-linked palmitoyl chains and holds the complex of four helices together. Südhof was also responsible for elucidating the action of tetanus and botulinum toxins, which selectively cleave synaptobrevin and SNAP25, respectively, inhibiting vesicle fusion with the presynaptic membrane.
A second influential contribution of Südhof is on synapse formation and specifications. Südhof discovered a number of key molecules in this process such as neurexins, present on presynaptic neurons, and neuroligins, present on postsynaptic neurons, that come together to form a physical protein bridge across the synapse. The diversity in types of neurexins and neuroligins allows for a variety of unique binding opportunities between neurons and impart a specificity to synaptic connections. Additionally he also discovered or elucidated the important functions of SynCAM, Latrophilins etc. in synapse formation. In additional studies, Südhof identified mutations in these proteins as a factor in inherited autism. Südhof is striving to elucidate the mechanism by which neurexins and neuroligins locate each other to form the synapse, their transcriptional regulation, and control of their variability.
Südhof currently continues his work on synapse formation, maintenance as well as synaptic releases in his laboratory at Stanford University. Additionally, together with Marius Wernig at Stanford University, Südhof developed induced neuronal cell technology where they can use human neuronal cells derived from patients or genetically engineered with defined mutations that linked to neuropsychiatric disorders or neurodevelopmental disorders. Südhof's research has not only given the scientific community a great understanding of the processes underlying synaptic transmission and synapse formation, but has also advanced medical knowledge of mechanisms behind poorly understood diseases such as Alzheimer's, Schizophrenia, and Autism. He is currently working with a diverse group of researchers at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute to develop mouse models for mutants of synaptic genes. The project aims to drastically advance our understanding of neurological disorders. He also serves on the Research Consortium of Cure Alzheimer's Fund.
Südhof recently retracted a 2023 paper from Proceedings of the National Academy of Science after complaints sent to the journal due to "discrepancies between the raw data and the published data". Three more papers were retracted in 2024.
Science and policy
Südhof recently also engages in scientific ethics as exemplified by his recent work at PLOS Biology Truth in Science Publishing: A personal Perspective and various interviews including his discussion about music, policy and medicine with The Lancet.[9] In 2017, he published an article in The Washington Post on basic research vs. drug development.
It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.
Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.
2152) Isamu Akasaki
Isamu Akasaki was born in Chiran in the Kagoshima district of Japan. After studying electrical engineering at the University of Kyoto, he began working at the electronics company Kobe Kogyo Corporation. He returned to academia and received his doctorate in 1964 from Nagoya University. After having worked many years at the electronics company Matsuhita, in 1981 he became a professor at Nagoya University and then eventually at Meijo University, also in Nagoya.
Lighting plays a major role in our quality of life. The development of light-emitting diodes (LEDs) has made more efficient light sources possible. Creating white light that can be used for lighting requires a combination of red, green, and blue light. Blue LEDs proved to be much more difficult to create than red and green diodes. During the 1980s and 1990s Isamu Akasaki, Hiroshi Amano, and Shuji Nakamura successfully used the difficult-to-handle semiconductor gallium nitride to create efficient blue LEDs.
Akasaki Isamu (born January 30, 1929, Chiran, Japan—died April 1, 2021, Nagoya) was a Japanese materials scientist who was awarded the 2014 Nobel Prize for Physics for inventing blue light-emitting diodes (LEDs), paving the way for future innovation. He shared the prize with Japanese materials scientist Amano Hiroshi and Japanese-born American materials scientist Nakamura Shuji.
After Akasaki received a B.S. from Kyōto University in 1952, he worked for Kobe Kogyo Corp. (later named Fujitsu) until 1959. He then attended Nagoya University, where he held several teaching positions while obtaining a doctorate in engineering (1964). He subsequently served as the head of a basic research laboratory at the math Research Institute Tokyo, Inc., until he returned (1981) to Nagoya University as a professor. In 1992, when Akasaki left Nagoya University, he was made professor emeritus; he then joined the faculty of Meijo University in Nagoya. Nagoya University gave Akasaki the title of distinguished professor in 2004 and named the Akasaki Institute, completed in 2006, in his honour.
Prior to Akasaki’s work in the 1980s, scientists had produced LEDs that emitted red or green light, but blue LEDs had been considered impossible or impractical to make. Akasaki, Amano, and Nakamura succeeded in finding techniques for producing blue LEDs through many years of research on the semiconductor gallium nitride (GaN). (LEDs are semiconductor diodes that contain an interface between two types of semiconductor materials—n-type and p-type materials—which are formed by doping [introducing] different impurities into each.) When excited by electrons, GaN emits blue and ultraviolet light; however, growing usable GaN crystals was a challenge. A major breakthrough was Akasaki and Amano’s discovery in 1986 that high-quality GaN crystals could be created by placing an aluminum nitride layer on a sapphire substrate and then growing the crystals on that. The second breakthrough in Akasaki and Amano’s work came in 1989 when they discovered that p-type GaN could be formed by doping GaN crystals with magnesium atoms. They saw that the p-type layer glowed much brighter when they studied it under a electron microscope, thus showing that electron beams would improve the material. That p-type material was then used with existing n-type material to form blue LEDs in 1992. (Working independently at the same time, Nakamura made blue LEDs with slightly different techniques.) The combination of blue, green, and red LEDs produces a light that appears white to the eye and that can be produced for much less energy than that from incandescent and fluorescent lamps.
Akasaki continued research into GaN materials through the 1990s and early 2000s (blue LEDs became commercially available in 1993). His work helped lead to the development of blue semiconductor lasers, which proved useful for high-capacity optical-media devices such as Blu-ray disc players.
Akasaki was the recipient of numerous honours. In addition to the Nobel Prize, his other notable awards included the Kyoto Prize (2009) and the Draper Prize (2015).
Isamu Akasaki (Akasaki Isamu, January 30, 1929 – April 1, 2021) was a Japanese engineer and physicist, specializing in the field of semiconductor technology and Nobel Prize laureate, best known for inventing the bright gallium nitride (GaN) p-n junction blue LED in 1989 and subsequently the high-brightness GaN blue LED as well.
For this and other achievements, Akasaki was awarded the Kyoto Prize in Advanced Technology in 2009, and the IEEE Edison Medal in 2011. He was also awarded the 2014 Nobel prize in Physics, together with Hiroshi Amano and Shuji Nakamura, "for the invention of efficient blue light-emitting diodes, which has enabled bright and energy-saving white light sources". In 2021, Akasaki, along with Shuji Nakamura, Nick Holonyak, M. George Craford and Russell D. Dupuis were awarded the Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering "for the creation and development of LED lighting, which forms the basis of all solid state lighting technology".
Early life and education
He was born in Chiran, Kagoshima Prefecture and raised in Kagoshima City. His elder brother is Masanori Akazaki [ja] who was an electronic engineering researcher and a Professor Emeritus at Kyushu University.
Isamu graduated from Kagoshima Prefectural Daini-Kagoshima Middle School (now Kagoshima Prefectural Konan High School) in 1946, from Seventh Higher School Zoshikan (now Kagoshima University) in 1949 and from Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Kyoto University in 1952. During his university years, he visited shrines and temples that local residents rarely visit, walked around the mountains of Shinshu during the summer vacation, enjoyed classes and enjoyed a fulfilling student era. After he became a researcher, he obtained the degree of Doctor of Engineering from Nagoya University in 1964.
Akasaki started working on GaN-based blue LEDs in the late 1960s. Step by step, he improved the quality of GaN crystals and device structures at math Research Institute Tokyo, Inc. (MRIT), where he decided to adopt metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy (MOVPE) as the preferred growth method for GaN.
In 1981, Akasaki started afresh the growth of GaN by MOVPE at Nagoya University, and in 1985 he and his group succeeded in growing high-quality GaN on sapphire substrate by pioneering the low-temperature (LT) buffer layer technology.
This high-quality GaN enabled them to discover p-type GaN by doping with magnesium (Mg) and subsequent activation by electron irradiation (1989), to produce the first GaN p-n junction blue/UV LED (1989), and to achieve conductivity control of n-type GaN (1990) and related alloys (1991) by doping with silicon (Si), enabling the use of hetero structures and multiple quantum wells in the design and structure of more efficient p-n junction light emitting structures.
They achieved stimulated emission from the GaN firstly at room temperature in 1990, and developed in 1995 the stimulated emission at 388 nm with pulsed current injection from high-quality AlGaN/GaN/GaInN quantum well device. They verified quantum size effect (1991) and quantum confined Stark effect (1997) in nitride system, and in 2000 showed theoretically the orientation dependence of piezoelectric field and the existence of non-/semi-polar GaN crystals, which have triggered today's worldwide efforts to grow those crystals for application to more efficient light emitters.
Nagoya University Akasaki Institute
Akasaki's patents were produced from these inventions, and the patents have been rewarded as royalties. Nagoya University Akasaki Institute opened on October 20, 2006. The cost of construction of the institute was covered with the patent royalty income to the university, which was also used for a wide range of activities in Nagoya University. The institute consists of an LED gallery to display the history of blue LED research/developments and applications, an office for research collaboration, laboratories for innovative research, and Akasaki's office on the top sixth floor. The institute is situated in the center of the collaboration research zone in Nagoya University Higashiyama campus.
Professional record
Akasaki worked as a Research Scientist from 1952 to 1959 at Kobe Kogyo Corporation (now, Fujitsu Ltd.). In 1959 he was a research associate, assistant professor, and associate professor at the Department of Electronics at Nagoya University until 1964. Later in 1964, he was the Head of Basic Research Laboratory at math Research Institute Tokyo, Inc. until 1974 to later become a General Manager of Semiconductor Department (in the same institute until 1981). In 1981 he became a professor in the Department of Electronics at Nagoya University until 1992.
From 1987 to 1990 he was a Project Leader of "Research and Development of GaN-based Blue Light–Emitting Diode" sponsored by Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST). He then led the "Research and Development of GaN-based Short-Wavelength Semiconductor Laser Diode" product sponsored by JST from 1993 to 1999. While he led this project, he was also a visiting professor at the Research Center for Interface Quantum Electronics at Hokkaido University, from 1995 to 1996. In 1996 he was a Project Leader of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science's for the "Future program" up to 2001. From 1996 he started as a Project Leader of "High-Tech Research Center for Nitride Semiconductors" at Meijo University, sponsored by MEXT until 2004. From 2003 up to 2006 he was the Chairman of "R&D Strategic Committee on the Wireless Devices Based on Nitride Semiconductors" sponsored by METI.
He continued working as a Professor Emeritus of Nagoya University, Professor of Meijo University from 1992. He was also the Director of the Research Center for Nitride Semiconductors at Meijo University since 2004. He also worked as a Research Fellow at Akasaki Research Center of Nagoya University from 2001.
Personal life
He and his wife Ryoko lived in Nagoya, and the couple had no children.
Akasaki died from pneumonia at a hospital in Nagoya on April 1, 2021, at the age of 92.
It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.
Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.
2153) Hiroshi Amano
Hiroshi Amano was born in Hamamatsu, Japan. He studied electrical engineering at the university in Nagoya, which also awarded him his doctorate in 1989. In 2002 he became a professor at Meijo University in Nagoya and later moved to Nagoya University.
Lighting plays a major role in our quality of life. The development of light-emitting diodes (LEDs) has made more efficient light sources possible. Creating white light that can be used for lighting requires a combination of red, green, and blue light. Blue LEDs proved to be much more difficult to create than red and green diodes. During the 1980s and 1990s Isamu Akasaki, Hiroshi Amano, and Shuji Nakamura successfully used the difficult-to-handle semiconductor gallium nitride to create effecient blue LEDs.
Amano Hiroshi (born September 11, 1960, Hamamatsu, Japan) is a Japanese materials scientist who was awarded the 2014 Nobel Prize in Physics for inventing blue light-emitting diodes (LEDs). He shared the prize with Japanese materials scientist Akasaki Isamu and Japanese-born American materials scientist Shuji Nakamura.
Amano became a student in Akasaki’s group as an undergraduate at Nagoya University in 1982. There he received bachelor’s (1983), master’s (1985), and doctoral degrees (1989) in engineering, and he was a research associate from 1988 to 1992. In 1992 he and Akasaki moved to Meijo University, where Amano became an assistant professor. He became an associate professor in 1998 and a professor in 2002. Amano returned to Nagoya University as a professor in 2010.
In an LED, light is emitted when current flows across a p-n junction, the interface between a p-type (positive) and an n-type (negative) semiconductor. LEDs are very energy-efficient light sources. Before the work of Amano, Akasaki, and Nakamura, red and green LEDs existed but, because attempts to make blue LEDs were unsuccessful, LEDs could not be used as a source of white light, which requires a combination of blue, red, and green light. Much work had gone into trying to produce the blue LED by using zinc selenide (ZnSe) as the semiconducting material. However, Amano and Akasaki decided to use gallium nitride (GaN), even though no one had produced usable GaN crystals and p-type GaN. In 1986 Amano and Akasaki created high-quality GaN crystals by placing an aluminum nitride layer on a sapphire substrate and then growing the crystals on that. In 1989 Amano and Akasaki made p-type GaN, which glowed much brighter when under an electron microscope, thus showing that electron beams would improve the material. The p-type and n-type layers were combined to form blue LEDs in 1992. (Working independently at the same time, Nakamura made blue LEDs with slightly different techniques.)
Into the 1990s Amano and Akasaki worked to make the GaN blue LEDs more efficient. They also worked on blue GaN laser diodes, which have applications ranging from medicine to laser projectors and which form the heart of Blu-ray disc players.
Hiroshi Amano (Amano Hiroshi, born September 11, 1960) is a Japanese physicist, engineer and inventor specializing in the field of semiconductor technology. For his work he was awarded the 2014 Nobel Prize in Physics together with Isamu Akasaki and Shuji Nakamura for "the invention of efficient blue light-emitting diodes which has enabled bright and energy-saving white light sources".
Amano was elected as a member of the National Academy of Engineering in 2016 for the development of p-type gallium nitride (GaN) doping, enabling blue semiconductor LEDs.
Early life and education
Amano was born in Hamamatsu, Japan, on September 11, 1960. He received his BE, ME and DE degree in 1983, 1985 and 1989, respectively, from Nagoya University.
During elementary school days, he played soccer as a goalkeeper and softball as a catcher. He was also passionate about amateur radio and despite hating studying, he was good at mathematics. Upon entering high school, he began taking his studies seriously and became a top student by studying every day late into the night.
From 1988 to 1992, he was a research associate at Nagoya University. In 1992, he moved to Meijo University, where he was an assistant professor. From 1998 to 2002, He was an associate professor. In 2002, he became a professor. In 2010, he moved to the Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University, where he is currently a professor.
He joined Professor Isamu Akasaki's group in 1982 as an undergraduate student. Since then, he has been doing research on the growth, characterization and device applications of group III nitride semiconductors, which are well known as materials used in blue light-emitting diodes today. In 1985, he developed low-temperature deposited buffer layers for the growth of group III nitride semiconductor films on a sapphire substrate, which led to the realization of group-III-nitride semiconductor based light-emitting diodes and laser diodes. In 1989, he succeeded in growing p-type GaN and fabricating a p-n-junction-type GaN-based UV/blue light-emitting diode for the first time in the world.
Known to be keen on research, Amano's laboratory was always lit late at night, such as weekdays, holidays, New Year's Day, and was called "no night castle". According to his students in the laboratory, Amano has an optimistic and temperate personality, and is never angry.
It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.
Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.
2154) Shuji Nakamura
Shuji Nakamura was born in Ikata, Japan. After studying electrical engineering at the University of Tokushima, he worked at the chemical and electronics company Nichia in Tokushima. This is where he conducted his Nobel Prize-awarded work. He received his doctorate in 1994 from the University of Tokushima and left Nichia in 1999 to become a professor at the University of California at Santa Barbara in the United States.
Lighting plays a major role in our quality of life. The development of light-emitting diodes (LEDs) has made more efficient light sources possible. Creating white light that can be used for lighting requires a combination of red, green, and blue light. Blue LEDs proved to be much more difficult to create than red and green diodes. During the 1980s and 1990s Isamu Akasaki, Hiroshi Amano, and Shuji Nakamura successfully used the difficult-to-handle semiconductor gallium nitride to create effecient blue LEDs.
Shuji Nakamura (born May 22, 1954, Ehime, Japan) is a Japanese-born American materials scientist who was awarded the 2014 Nobel Prize in Physics for inventing blue light-emitting diodes (LEDs). He shared the prize with Japanese materials scientists Akasaki Isamu and Amano Hiroshi.
Nakamura received bachelor’s (1977) and master’s (1979) degrees in electronic engineering from the University of Tokushima. In 1979 he went to work for a small company called Nichia Chemical in Tokushima. He initially worked on growing gallium phosphide and gallium math crystals for LEDs. However, sales of those products proved disappointing, for Nichia was competing against much larger rivals. In the mid-1980s Nichia decided to produce complete LEDs. Nakamura taught himself the necessary techniques to produce high-quality red and infrared LEDs, but those also were not commercially successful.
Nakamura felt that Nichia had to develop a product that would not be competing with those of other, larger companies. That product would be the blue LED. Scientists had produced LEDs that emitted red or green light, but attempts to make blue LEDs were unsuccessful. If developed, the blue LED could be combined with red and green LEDs to produce white light for a fraction of the cost of incandescent and fluorescent lighting. Nakamura’s supervisor discouraged him by noting that the blue LED had been sought after for decades by much better-funded researchers. In 1988 Nakamura went straight to Nichia’s CEO, Ogawa Nobuo, demanding more than $3 million (U.S. dollars) in funding and a year at the University of Florida, Gainesville, to learn metallorganic chemical vapour deposition to produce the semiconductors for the blue LED. To Nakamura’s surprise, Ogawa accepted his demands.
After his return from Florida in 1989, Nakamura decided on gallium nitride (GaN) as the material he would use for the blue LED, mainly because most other researchers used zinc selenide, which was easier to work with. High-quality GaN crystals were very difficult to grow. Also, in an LED, light is emitted when current flows across a p-n junction, the interface between a p-type and an n-type semiconductor, and no one had been able to produce p-type GaN. Nakamura solved the first problem in 1990 by growing a GaN crystal layer at low temperatures and then additional GaN layers on top of that at higher temperatures. In 1992 he successfully grew p-type GaN. (Working independently at the same time, Akasaki and Amano developed blue LEDs using different techniques.)
In 1994 Nakamura received a doctorate in engineering from the University of Tokushima. He then worked on producing a blue laser diode using GaN. In 1995 he was successful, and four years later Nichia began selling blue laser diodes.
Nakamura left Nichia—no longer a struggling company, due to the blue LED and laser—in 1999 and become a professor in the materials department of the University of California, Santa Barbara, in 2000. Nichia asked that Nakamura sign a confidentiality agreement stipulating that he not work on LEDs for several years. The University of California advised Nakamura not to sign, and Nichia sued him for breach of trade secrets. Nakamura countersued in 2001 for 20 billion yen ($193 million) in royalties on the blue LED. (Prior to that, Nakamura had only received a 20,000 yen [$180] award for his invention.) He won the suit in 2004, but Nichia appealed, and the settlement was reduced to 840 million yen ($8.1 million) in 2005. Nakamura was dissatisfied with that result, but the suit was a landmark in Japanese intellectual property law.
Shuji Nakamura (Nakamura Shūji, born May 22, 1954) is a Japanese-American electronic engineer and inventor of the blue LED, a major breakthrough in lighting technology. Nakamura specializes in the field of semiconductor technology, and he is a professor of materials science at the College of Engineering of the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB).
Together with Isamu Akasaki and Hiroshi Amano, Nakamura received the 2014 Nobel Prize for Physics "for the invention of efficient blue light-emitting diodes, which has enabled bright and energy-saving white light sources". In 2015, his input into the commercialization and development of energy-efficient white LED lighting technology was recognized by the Global Energy Prize. In 2021, Nakamura, along with Akasaki, Nick Holonyak, M. George Craford, and Russell D. Dupuis, were awarded the Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering "for the creation and development of LED lighting, which forms the basis of all solid-state lighting technology".
Nakamura graduated from the University of Tokushima in 1977 with a B.Eng. degree in electronic engineering, and obtained an M.Eng. degree in the same subject two years later, after which he joined the Nichia Corporation, also based in Tokushima. It was while working for Nichia that Nakamura invented the method for producing the first commercial high brightness gallium nitride (GaN) LED whose brilliant blue light, when partially converted to yellow by a phosphor coating, is the key to white LED lighting, which went into production in 1993.
Previously, J. I. Pankove and co-workers at RCA put in considerable effort but did not make a marketable GaN LED in the 1960s. The principal problem was the difficulty of making strongly p-type GaN. Nakamura drew on the work of another Japanese group led by Professor Isamu Akasaki, who published their method to make strongly p-type GaN by electron-beam irradiation of magnesium-doped GaN; however, this method was not suitable for mass production. Nakamura developed a thermal annealing method much more suitable for mass production. In addition, he and his co-workers worked out the physics and pointed out the culprit was hydrogen, which passivated acceptors in GaN.
At the time, many considered creating a GaN LED too difficult to produce; therefore, Nakamura was fortunate that the founder of Nichia, Nobuo Ogawa [ja] (1912–2002), was willing to support and fund his GaN project. However, the senior Ogawa ceded the presidency to his son-in-law Eiji Ogawa (in 1989). The company under Eiji's direction ordered him to suspend work on GaN, claiming it was consuming too much time and money. Nakamura continued to develop the blue LED on his own and in 1993 succeeded in making the device.
Despite these circumstances, once Nakamura succeeded in creating a commercially viable prototype, 3 orders of magnitude (1000 times) brighter than previously successful blue LEDs, Nichia pursued developing the marketable product. The company's gross receipt surged from just over ¥20 billion (≈US$200 million) in 1993 to ¥80 billion (≈US$800 million) by 2001, 60 percent of which was accounted for by sales of blue LED products. The company's workforce doubled between 1994 and 1999 from 640 to 1300 employees.
Nakamura was awarded a D.Eng. degree from the University of Tokushima in 1994. He left Nichia Corporation in 1999 and took a position as a professor of engineering at UCSB.
In 2001, Nakamura sued his former employer Nichia over his bonus for the discovery as a part of a series of lawsuits between Nichia and Nakamura with Nichia's US competitor Cree Inc.; they agreed in 2000 to jointly sue Nichia at the expense of Cree and Nakamura received stock options from Cree. Nakamura claimed that he received only ¥20,000 (≈US$180) for his discovery of "404 patent," though Nichia's president Eiji Ogawa's side of the story was that he was shocked beyond belief that the court would award Nakamura ¥20 billion, and downplaying the significance of the "404 patent," opined that the company had adequately compensated him for the innovation through promotions and bonuses amounting to ¥62 million over 11 years and annual salary which was raised to ¥20 million by the time Nakamura quit Nichia.
Nakamura sued for ¥2 billion (<US$20 million) as his fair share for the invention, and the district court awarded him ten times the amount, ¥20 billion (<US$200 million). However, Nichia appealed the award and the parties settled in 2005 for ¥840 million (≈US$8.1 million, less than 5% of the award amount), which was still the largest payment ever paid by a Japanese company to an employee for an invention, an amount only enough to cover legal expenses incurred by Nakamura.
Nakamura has also worked on green LEDs and is responsible for creating the white LED and blue laser diodes used in Blu-ray Discs and HD DVDs.
Nakamura is a professor of Materials at the UCSB. In 2008, Nakamura, along with fellow UCSB professors Dr. Steven P. DenBaars and Dr. James Speck, founded Soraa, a developer of solid-state lighting technology built on pure gallium nitride substrates. Nakamura holds 208 US utility patents as of 5 May 2020.
In November 2022, Nakamura co-founded Blue Laser Fusion, a commercial fusion company, with Hiroaki Ohta, a former president of Tokyo-based drone maker ACSL. In July 2023, Blue Laser Fusion raised $25 million from venture capital firm JAFCO Group and the Mirai Creation Fund, which is backed by Toyota Motor and other investors and managed by the SPARX Group.
Personal life
Nakamura is married to Yuki Nakamura.
It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.
Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.
2155) Eric Betzig
Eric Betzig was born in Ann Arbor, Michigan in the United States. After first studying physics at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, he completed his doctoral studies at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York. He then worked at AT&T Bell Labs in Murray Hill, NJ. After having grown tired of the academic system, he began working for his father’s company, Ann Arbor Machine Company. After commercial setbacks, he returned to science through research at his own company. Since 2005 he has been working at the Janelia Farm Research Campus, a part of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute in Ashburn, Virginia.
In normal microscopes the wavelength of light sets a limit to the level of detail possible. However this limitation can be circumvented by methods that make use of fluorescence, a phenomenon in which certain substances become luminous after having been exposed to light. Around 2000, Eric Betzig and William E. Moerner helped create a method in which fluorescence in individual molecules is steered by light. An image of very high resolution is achieved by combining images in which different molecules are activated. This makes it possible to track processes occurring inside living cells.
Eric Betzig (born January 13, 1960, Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.) is an American physicist who won the 2014 Nobel Prize for Chemistry for using fluorescent molecules to bypass the inherent resolution limit in optical microscopy. He shared the prize with American chemist W.E. Moerner and Romanian-born German chemist Stefan Hell.
Betzig was interested in science and technology from a young age. (Even as a child, he said that he wanted to win a Nobel Prize by the time he was 40.) He was an eager student and would arrive hours before classes began at Ann Arbor Pioneer High School to work on computers there. He received a bachelor’s degree (1983) in physics from the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, and a master’s (1985) and a doctorate (1988) in applied and engineering physics from Cornell University in Ithaca, New York. At Cornell he worked on near-field microscopy, which uses light waves near a material’s surface to obtain images of a higher resolution than could be achieved with normal optical microscopy, which has a resolution limit (discovered by German physicist Ernst Abbe in 1873) of about 200 nanometres (nm) for the shortest wavelengths of visible light. However, near-field microscopy has the disadvantage that it cannot look deep beneath the surface of objects, such as cell membranes. Other high-resolution devices, such as electron microscopes, achieve much higher resolutions than the Abbe limit.
Betzig continued in that field at Bell Laboratories in Murray Hill, New Jersey, where he worked from 1988 to 1994. He then founded his own microscopy research and development company, NSOM Enterprises, in 1994. At that time Betzig felt that near-field microscopy had reached its limits, but in 1995 he postulated a method whereby the Abbe limit could be surpassed: if a number of point sources of light are scattered so that their positions can be resolved and those sources can be divided into classes with different optical properties, then adding the images of the different classes together would lead to an image with a resolution smaller than the Abbe limit. However, no such point sources existed. In 1996 he abandoned his work on microscopy to become vice president of research and development at his father’s machine tool firm, Ann Arbor Machine Company, in Ann Arbor, Michigan; the business closed in 2009.
In 2002 Betzig founded another research and development firm, New Millennium Research, in Okemos, Michigan. In 2005 he became a group leader at the Janelia Farm Research Campus of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute in Ashburn, Virginia. That same year he learned about fluorescent proteins that could be turned on and off. He had found his point sources. In 2006 he and his collaborators attached fluorescent proteins to lysosomes and mitochondria. They activated only a few proteins, captured an image, and then activated some more proteins. They repeated that process many times and added the images together to create an image with a resolution of just a few nanometres, many times better than the Abbe limit. That technique has enabled the study of active viruses and molecules in living cells. In 2017 Betzig joined the faculty at the University of California, Berkeley.
Robert Eric Betzig (born January 13, 1960) is an American physicist who works as a professor of physics and professor of molecular and cell biology at the University of California, Berkeley. He is also a senior fellow at the Janelia Farm Research Campus in Ashburn, Virginia.
Betzig has worked to develop the field of fluorescence microscopy and photoactivated localization microscopy. He was awarded the 2014 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for "the development of super-resolved fluorescence microscopy"[6] along with Stefan Hell and fellow Cornell alumnus William E. Moerner.
Early life and education
Betzig was born in Ann Arbor, Michigan, in 1960, the son of Helen Betzig and engineer Robert Betzig. Aspiring to work in the aerospace industry, Betzig studied physics at the California Institute of Technology and graduated with a BS degree in 1983. He then went on to study at Cornell University where Michael Isaacson was his supervisor, and he also worked with Aaron Lewis. There he obtained an MS degree and a PhD degree in applied physics and engineering physics in 1985 and 1988, respectively. For his PhD he focused on developing high-resolution optical microscopes that could see past the theoretical limit of 0.2 micrometers.
Bell Laboratories
After receiving his doctorate, Betzig was hired by AT&T Bell Laboratories in the Semiconductor Physics Research Department in 1989. That year Betzig's colleague, William E. Moerner, developed the first optical microscope that could see past the .2 micrometer limit, known as the Abbe limit, but it could only function at temperatures near absolute zero. Inspired by Moerner's research, Betzig became the first person to image individual fluorescent molecules at room temperature while determining their positions within less than .2 micrometers in 1993. For this he received the William O. Baker Award for Initiatives in Research (previously known as the National Academy of Sciences Award for Initiatives in Research). Betzig was also awarded the William L. McMillan Award in 1992.
Ann Arbor Machine Company
In 1994, Betzig became frustrated with the academic community and the uncertainty of the corporate structure of Bell Laboratories, prompting him to leave both. He spent some years as a stay-at-home dad before reentering the workforce in 1996, when he took up the position of vice president of research and development at Ann Arbor Machine Company, which was partially owned by the Betzig family. Here he developed Flexible Adaptive Servohydraulic Technology (FAST), but after spending millions of dollars on development he only sold two devices.
Return to academia
In 2002, Betzig returned to the field of microscopy and founded New Millennium Research in Okemos, Michigan. Inspired by Mike Davidson's work with fluorescent proteins, he developed photoactivated localization microscopy (PALM), a method of controlling fluorescent proteins that used pulses of light to create images of a higher resolution than were previously thought possible. In the living room of his old Bell Labs collaborator Harald Hess, Betzig and Hess developed the first optical microscope based on this technology. They built their first prototype in under two months, earning them widespread attention. In October of that year, the Howard Hughes Medical Institute's Janelia Farm Research Campus hired him, but his lab was still under construction at the time.
In early 2006, he formally joined Janelia as a group leader to work on developing super high-resolution fluorescence microscopy techniques. He used this technique to study the division of cells in human embryos. In 2010, he was offered the Max Delbruck Prize, but he declined it and Xiaowei Zhuang received the award. In 2014, Betzig was jointly awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry along with Stefan Hell and William E. Moerner.
On May 31, 2016 he was appointed an Academician of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences by Pope Francis.
In the summer of 2017, Betzig joined the Berkeley faculty with a joint appointment at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
Personal life
Betzig has married twice. His first wife was condensed matter physicist Ruby Ghosh, with whom he has a two sons, Cayden and Ravi. His second wife is biophysicist Na Ji, with whom he has three children, Max, Mia and Zoe.
It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.
Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.
2156) Stefan Hell
Stefan Hell was born in Arad, Romania. His father was an engineer and his mother was a teacher. When Hell was 16, the family emigrated to Germany and after studies in physics at the University of Heidelberg, he received his doctorate in 1990. After a few years at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory in Heidelberg, the University of Turku in Finland and Oxford University in the UK, he moved to the Max-Planck-Institut für biophysikalische Chemie, in Göttingen, Germany, where he has worked since 1997, and at present he also works at the German Cancer Research Center in Heidelberg.
In normal microscopes the wavelength of light sets a limit to the level of detail possible. However this limitation can be circumvented by methods that make use of fluorescence, a phenomenon in which certain substances become luminous after having been exposed to light. In 1994, Stefan W. Hell developed a method in which one light pulse causes fluorescent molecules to glow, while another causes all molecules except those in a very narrow area to become dark. An image is created by sweeping light along the sample. This makes it possible to track processes occurring inside living cells.
Stefan Hell (born December 23, 1962, Arad, Romania) is a Romanian-born German chemist who won the 2014 Nobel Prize for Chemistry for using fluorescent molecules to bypass the inherent resolution limit in optical microscopy. He shared the prize with American chemist W.E. Moerner and American physicist Eric Betzig.
Hell and his family emigrated from Romania to Germany in 1978. He studied physics at the University of Heidelberg, where he earned a diploma in 1987 and a doctorate in 1990. From 1991 to 1993 he was a postdoctoral researcher at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory in Heidelberg, and from 1993 to 1996 he was principal scientist in the laser microscopy group at the University of Turku, Finland. He returned to Germany in 1997, when he became a research group leader at the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry in Göttingen. In 2002 he became director of the institute.
Beginning in the 1980s, Hell wondered if the so-called Abbe limit could be surpassed. German physicist Ernst Abbe found in 1873 that the smallest distance that could be resolved under an optical microscope was about half the wavelength of the light observed. Thus, for visible light at the shortest possible wavelength of 400 nanometres (nm), features smaller than 200 nm would be blurred out, and many features of cells and microorganisms would be impossible to observe. Other methods, such as electron microscopy, achieve much higher resolutions, but at the cost of preparation methods that kill cells and microorganisms.
During his time at Turku, Hell devised a method for overcoming the Abbe limit through a modified form of fluorescence microscopy, in which molecules that fluoresce when excited by light are attached to very small structures and the resulting emission is observed. In Hell’s technique—called stimulated emission depletion (STED) microscopy—one laser beam excites the fluorescent molecules, but another turns off the fluorescence except from a small area. The laser beams are moved over the specimen, and an image is gradually built up. When he returned to Germany, he and his group built a working STED microscope and in 2000 imaged yeast cells and E. coli bacteria with a resolution of about 100 nm. Since then, resolutions of less than 10 nm have been achieved, thus enabling the microscopic study of active viruses and of molecules in living cells.
Stefan Walter Hell (born 23 December 1962) is a Romanian-German physicist and one of the directors of the Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences in Göttingen, and of the Max Planck Institute for Medical Research in Heidelberg, both of which are in Germany. He received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2014 "for the development of super-resolved fluorescence microscopy", together with Eric Betzig and William Moerner.
Born 1962 into a Roman Catholic Banat Swabian family in Arad, Romania, he grew up at his parents' home in nearby Sântana. Hell attended primary school there between 1969 and 1977. Subsequently, he attended one year of secondary education at the Nikolaus Lenau High School in Timișoara before leaving with his parents to West Germany in 1978. His father was an engineer and his mother a teacher; the family settled in Ludwigshafen after emigrating.
Hell began his studies at the Heidelberg University in 1981, where he received his doctorate in physics in 1990. His thesis advisor was the solid-state physicist Siegfried Hunklinger. The title of the thesis was “Imaging of transparent microstructures in a confocal microscope”. He was an independent inventor for a short period thereafter working on improving depth (axial) resolution in confocal microscopy, which became later known as the 4Pi microscope. Resolution is the possibility to separate two similar objects in close proximity and is therefore the most important property of a microscope.
From 1991 to 1993, Hell worked at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory in Heidelberg, where he succeeded in demonstrating the principles of 4-Pi microscopy. From 1993 to 1996 he worked as a group leader at the University of Turku (Finland) in the department for Medical Physics, where he developed the principle for stimulated emission depletion STED microscopy. From 1993 to 1994 Hell was also for six months a visiting scientist at the University of Oxford (England). He received his habilitation in physics from the University of Heidelberg in 1996. On 15 October 2002, Hell became a director of the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry in Göttingen and he established the department of Nanobiophotonics. Since 2003 Hell has also been the leader of the department "Optical Nanoscopy division" at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) in Heidelberg and "non-budgeted professor" (apl. Prof.) in the Heidelberg University Faculty of Physics and Astronomy. Since 2004 he has been an honorary professor for experimental physics at the faculty of physics of the University of Göttingen.
With the invention and subsequent development of Stimulated Emission Depletion microscopy and related microscopy methods, he was able to show that one can substantially improve the resolving power of the fluorescence microscope, previously limited to half the wavelength of the employed light (> 200 nanometers). A microscope's resolution is its most important property. Hell was the first to demonstrate, both theoretically and experimentally, how one can decouple the resolution of the fluorescence microscope from diffraction and increase it to a fraction of the wavelength of light (to the nanometer scale). Ever since the work of Ernst Karl Abbe in 1873, this feat was not thought possible. For this achievement and its significance for other fields of science, such as the life-sciences and medical research, he received the 10th German Innovation Award (Deutscher Zukunftspreis) on 23 November 2006. He received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2014, becoming the second Nobelist born in the Banat Swabian community (after Herta Müller, the 2009 recipient of the Nobel Prize in Literature).
As of 2024, Hell has an h-index of 148 according to Google Scholar.
It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.
Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.
2157) William E. Moerner
W. E. Moerner was born in Pleasanton, California, but grew up in Texas. After studies at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri and Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, in 1982 he received his doctorate from Cornell. He then worked at the IBM Almaden Research Center in San Jose, California until 1995. After three years at the University of California at San Diego, he moved to Stanford University in California. He has been a visiting professor at ETH Zurich and at Harvard University. W. E. Moerner is married and has one son.
In normal microscopes the wavelength of light sets a limit to the level of detail possible. However this limitation can be circumvented by methods that make use of fluorescence, a phenomenon in which certain substances become luminous after having been exposed to light. Around 2000, Eric Betzig and William E. Moerner helped create a method in which fluorescence in individual molecules is steered by light. An image of very high resolution is achieved by combining images in which different molecules are activated. This makes it possible to track processes occurring inside living cells.
W.E. Moerner (born 1953, Pleasanton, California, U.S.) is an American chemist who won the 2014 Nobel Prize for Chemistry for his work with single-molecule spectroscopy, which paved the way for later work in single-molecule microscopy by American physicist Eric Betzig. Moerner and Betzig shared the prize with Romanian-born German chemist Stefan Hell.
Moerner received bachelor’s degrees from Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, in 1975 in three subjects: electrical engineering, mathematics, and physics. He then received a master’s (1978) and a doctorate (1982) in physics from Cornell University in Ithaca, New York. He joined the IBM Almaden Research Center in San Jose, California, as a research staff member in 1981 and became a manager in 1988 and a project leader in 1989. In 1995 he became a professor in the chemistry and biochemistry department of the University of California, San Diego, and in 1998 he moved to Stanford University, where he was a professor of chemistry.
In 1989 Moerner and German physicist Lothar Kador were the first to observe light being absorbed by single molecules, in that case those of pentacene that were embedded in p-terphenyl crystals. That method, which they invented, came to be called single-molecule spectroscopy. In most chemical experiments, many molecules are studied, and the behaviour of a single molecule is inferred. However, single-molecule spectroscopy enables the study of what individual molecules are doing.
Moerner’s next great discovery happened in 1997 when he was working with variants of green fluorescent protein (GFP), a naturally occurring protein made by the jellyfish Aequorea victoria. Scientists often link GFP to other specific proteins, and GFP reveals their location when it fluoresces. When a single molecule of one of those variants was excited with light of a wavelength of 488 nanometres (nm), the molecule began to blink. The blinking eventually stopped despite continued doses of 488-nm light. However, when the GFP variant was excited with 405-nm light, it regained its ability to blink from 488-nm light. That control of the GFP molecule’s fluorescence meant that the proteins could act as tiny lamps within a material. That property was later exploited by Betzig, who in 2006 used other fluorescent proteins to create images of lysosomes and mitochondria at resolutions higher than the inherent limit of optical microscopy.
William Esco Moerner, also known as W. E. Moerner, (born June 24, 1953) is an American physical chemist and chemical physicist with current work in the biophysics and imaging of single molecules. He is credited with achieving the first optical detection and spectroscopy of a single molecule in condensed phases, along with his postdoc, Lothar Kador. Optical study of single molecules has subsequently become a widely used single-molecule experiment in chemistry, physics and biology. In 2014, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
Early life and education
Moerner was born in Pleasanton, California, in 1953 June 24 the son of Bertha Frances (Robinson) and William Alfred Moerner. He was a boy scout, with the Boy Scouts of America and became an Eagle Scout. He attended Washington University in St. Louis for undergraduate studies as an Alexander S. Langsdorf Engineering Fellow, and obtained three degrees: a B.S. in physics with Final Honors, a B.S. in electrical engineering with Final Honors, and an A.B. in mathematics summa cum laude in 1975.
He then pursued graduate study, partially supported by a National Science Foundation , at Cornell University in the group of Albert J. Sievers III. Here he received an M.S. degree and a Ph.D. degree in physics in 1978 and 1982, respectively. His doctoral thesis was on vibrational relaxation dynamics of an IR-laser-excited molecular impurity mode in alkali halide lattices. Throughout his school years, Moerner was a straight A student from 1963 to 1982, and won both the Dean's Award for Unusually Exceptional Academic Achievement as well as the Ethan A. H. Shepley Award for Outstanding Achievement when he graduated from college.
Moerner worked at the IBM Almaden Research Center in San Jose, California, as a research staff member from 1981 to 1988, a manager from 1988 to 1989, and project leader from 1989 to 1995. After an appointment as visiting guest professor of physical chemistry at ETH Zurich (1993–1994), he assumed the distinguished chair in physical chemistry in the department of chemistry and biochemistry at the University of California, San Diego, from 1995 to 1998. In 1997 he was named the Robert Burns Woodward Visiting Professor at Harvard University. His research group moved to Stanford University in 1998, where he became professor of chemistry (1998), Harry S. Mosher Professor (2003), and professor, by courtesy, of applied physics (2005). Moerner was appointed department chair for chemistry from 2011 to 2014. His current areas of research and interest include: single-molecule spectroscopy and super-resolution microscopy, physical chemistry, chemical physics, biophysics, nanoparticle trapping, nanophotonics, photorefractive polymers, and spectral hole-burning. As of May 2014, Moerner was listed as a faculty advisor in 26 theses written by Stanford graduate students. As of May 16, 2014, there are 386 publications listed in Moerner's full CV.
Recent editorial and advisory boards Moerner has served on include: member of the Board of Scientific Counselors for the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB); Advisory board member for the Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences, Academica Sinica, Taiwan; advisory editorial board member for Chemical Physics Letters; advisory board member for the Center for Biomedical Imaging at Stanford; and chair of Stanford University's health and safety committee.
Awards and honors
Moerner is the recipient the National Winner of the Outstanding Young Professional Award for 1984, from the electrical engineering honorary society, Eta Kappa Nu, April 22, 1985; IBM Outstanding Technical Achievement Award for Photon-Gated Spectral Hole-Burning, July 11, 1988; IBM Outstanding Technical Achievement Award for Single-Molecule Detection and Spectroscopy, November 22, 1992; Earle K. Plyler Prize for Molecular Spectroscopy, American Physical Society, 2001; Wolf Prize in Chemistry, 2008; Irving Langmuir Award in Chemical Physics, American Physical Society, 2009; Pittsburgh Spectroscopy Award, 2014; Peter Debye Award in Physical Chemistry, American Chemical Society, 2013; the Engineering Alumni Achievement Award, Washington University, 2013; and the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, 2014. Moerner also holds more than a dozen patents.
His honorary memberships include Senior Member, IEEE, June 17, 1988, and Member, National Academy of Sciences, 2007. He is also a Fellow of the Optical Society of America, May 28, 1992; the American Physical Society, November 16, 1992; the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2001; and the American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2004.
Personal life
Moerner was born on June 24, 1953, at Parks Air Force Base in Pleasanton, California. From birth, his family called him by his initials W. E. as a way to distinguish him from his father and grandfather who are also named William. He grew up in Texas where he attended Thomas Jefferson High School in San Antonio. He participated in many activities during high school: Band, Speech and Debate, Math and Science Contest Team, Bi-Phy-Chem, Masque and Gavel, National Honor Society, Boy Scouts, Amateur Radio Club, Russian Club, Forum Social Club, Toastmasters, "On the Spot" Team and Editor of Each has Spoken. Moerner and his wife, Sharon, have one son, Daniel.
Additional Information
William Esco Moerner (born June 24, 1953) is an American physical chemist and chemical physicist.
He is known for his first optical detection and spectroscopy of a single molecule in condensed phases. Optical study of single molecules has subsequently become a widely used single-molecule experiment in chemistry, physics and biology.
In 2014, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.
Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.
2158) John O'Keefe (neuroscientist)
John O'Keefe was born in New York City, and has dual US-British citizenship. He received a PhD in physiological psychology at McGill University in Montreal, Canada in 1967, and then moved to England to do research at University College London. He stayed in London and in 1987 was appointed professor of cognitive neuroscience at University College. John O'Keefe is currently director of the Sainsbury Wellcome Centre for Neural Circuits and Behaviour at University College.
The awareness of one’s location and how to find the way to other places is crucial for both humans and animals. To understand the ability to orient ourselves in space, John O’Keefe studied the movements of rats and signals from nerve cells in the hippocampus, an area located in the center of the brain. In 1971 he discovered that when a rat was at a certain location in a room, certain cells were activated, and that when the rat moved to another location, other cells became activated. That is to say, the cells form a kind of internal map of the room.
John O’Keefe (born November 18, 1939, New York City, New York, U.S.) is a British-American neuroscientist who contributed to the discovery of place cells in the hippocampus of the brain and elucidated their role in cognitive (spatial) mapping. O’Keefe’s investigations of impairments in the cognitive mapping abilities of rats had important implications for the understanding of Alzheimer disease and other human neurological conditions in which affected persons fail to recognize their surroundings. For his contributions to the understanding of neural processes involved in the mental representation of spatial environments, O’Keefe shared the 2014 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine with Norwegian neuroscientists May-Britt Moser and Edvard I. Moser.
O’Keefe grew up in New York City, the son of Irish immigrants. He studied aeronautical engineering at New York University before enrolling in 1960 at the City College of New York (CCNY) to study philosophy of the mind. After earning a bachelor’s degree from CCNY in 1963, he went to McGill University in Montreal, where he carried out graduate studies in the school’s psychology department. At McGill O’Keefe worked in the laboratory of Canadian psychologist Ronald Melzack, researching the sensory properties of the amygdala (a part of the brain involved in the fight-or-flight response) and developing tools and methods for his investigations. He completed a doctorate degree in physiological psychology in 1967, that same year joining University College London (UCL) as a postdoctoral research fellow. He remained at UCL for the duration of his career, eventually serving as a professor of cognitive neuroscience.
Within a few years at UCL, O’Keefe shifted his research from the amygdala to the hippocampus, attempting to understand its role in animal behaviour. Using techniques to record the activity of individual neurons in the rat hippocampus, he was able to observe the responses of single cells and correlate their activity to specific behaviours. Of particular interest to O’Keefe were rats that had sustained damage to the hippocampus, which produced significant changes in behaviour, such as reduced performance on spatial tasks and hyperactivity in new environments. After many experiments, O’Keefe discovered that cell activity in certain areas of the hippocampus was a function of place, with activity related specifically to where an animal was in its environment. The particular hippocampal areas involved (e.g., CA1) were densely occupied by pyramidal cells—cells that in the context of orientation and navigation became known as place cells. In 1971, with his student Jonathan O. Dostrovsky, O’Keefe published his findings, proposing in their seminal paper that behavioral deficits in animals with hippocampal damage stemmed from the loss of neural systems involved in cognitive mapping.
In 1978 O’Keefe and colleague Lynn Nadel published The Hippocampus as a Cognitive Map, describing in detail a theory that placed the cognitive map—the existence of which was first proposed in 1948 by American psychologist Edward C. Tolman—specifically in the hippocampus. The theory met with skepticism but later gained support through key discoveries by other researchers, including the Mosers’ discovery in 2005 of grid cells—cells located in a part of the brain known as the dorsocaudal medial entorhinal cortex (dMEC) that produce a system of coordinates by which animals determine their spatial position and navigate their environment. Subsequent research revealed that place cells and grid cells interact, with the activity of place cells likely derived from the formation of grids.
The neural system elucidated by O’Keefe and colleagues was described popularly as an “inner GPS.” O’Keefe’s research was crucial in that it provided the first experimental evidence for such a system and offered insight into the ability of animals, including humans, to orient themselves within an environment, to navigate from one place to another, and to remember spatial information. The loss of those abilities in humans is a hallmark of neurological disease, particularly Alzheimer disease, for which O’Keefe’s findings opened up new avenues of research. His work also fueled progress in scientists’ understanding of human cognition, especially aspects of memory.
In addition to the Nobel Prize, O’Keefe was the recipient of other prestigious awards, including the 2013 Louisa Gross Horwitz Prize (shared with the Mosers) and the 2014 Kavli Prize in Neuroscience (shared with Canadian neuropsychologist Brenda Milner and American neurologist Marcus Raichle). O’Keefe was elected a fellow of the Royal Society in 1992 and of the U.K. Academy of Medical Sciences in 1998.
John O'Keefe (born November 18, 1939) is an American-British neuroscientist, psychologist and a professor at University College London.
O'Keefe discovered place cells in the hippocampus, and that they show a specific kind of temporal coding in the form of theta phase precession. He shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2014, together with May-Britt Moser and Edvard Moser; he has received several other awards.
Early life and education
Born in New York City to Irish immigrant parents, O'Keefe attended Regis High School (Manhattan) and received a BA degree from the City College of New York in 1963. Neither of his parents had completed elementary school in Ireland, but his father attained a high school degree in New York. He went on to study at McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, where he obtained an MA degree in 1964, and a PhD degree in Psychology in 1967, supervised by Ronald Melzack.
Career and research
O'Keefe went to University College London in 1967 as a US NIMH postdoctoral research fellow working with the late Patrick Wall. He has been there ever since and was promoted to Professor in 1987. At the behest of his collaborators Edvard Moser and May-Britt Moser he was appointed to a part-time professorial chair at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in 2014.
Discovery of place cells
O’Keefe and his student Jonathan Dostrovsky discovered place cells by systematically analyzing the environmental factors influencing the firing properties of individual hippocampal neurons. His many publications on place cells have been highly cited. In addition, he published an influential book with Lynn Nadel, proposing the functional role of the hippocampus as a cognitive map for spatial memory function. In extensions of his work, place cells have been analyzed experimentally or simulated in models in hundreds of papers.
Discovery of theta phase precession
In further research on place cells, O’Keefe found evidence for a distinctive variation of temporal coding of information by the timing of action potentials in place cells, relative to an oscillatory EEG cycle known as the theta rhythm, as opposed to spike timing within a single cell. In a 1993 paper, he and Michael Recce demonstrated that place cells spike at different phases relative to theta rhythm oscillations in the local field potential of the hippocampus. As a rat enters the firing field of a place cell, the spiking starts at late phases of theta rhythm, and as the rat moves through the firing field, the spikes shift to earlier phases of the theta cycle. This effect has been replicated in numerous subsequent papers, providing evidence for the coding of sensory input by the timing of spikes. Numerous models have addressed the potential physiological mechanisms of theta phase precession.
Prediction and discovery of boundary vector cells
In a paper in 1996, O'Keefe and Neil Burgess presented data showing shifts in the position and size of place cell firing fields when the barriers defining the environment were shifted. In this and subsequent papers, they presented a model of this phenomenon predicting the existence of boundary vector cells that would respond at a specific distance from barriers in the environment. Several years later, this explicit theoretical prediction was supported by extensive experimental data demonstrating boundary cells with the predicted properties in the subiculum and the medial entorhinal cortex (where they are sometimes referred to as border cells).
Awards and honours
O'Keefe was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society (FRS) in 1992 and a Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences (FMedSci) in 1998. In addition, he received the Feldberg Foundation Prize in 2001 and the Grawemeyer Award in psychology in 2006 (with Lynn Nadel). In 2007, he received the British Neuroscience Association Award for Outstanding Contribution to British Neuroscience and in 2008 he received the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies European Journal of Neuroscience Award. Later in 2008, O'Keefe was awarded the Gruber Prize in Neuroscience. He was appointed as the inaugural director of the Sainsbury Wellcome Centre for Neural Circuits and Behaviour. In 2013 he received the Louisa Gross Horwitz Prize (with Edvard Moser and May-Britt Moser). In 2014, he was a co-recipient of the Kavli Prize awarded by the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters with Brenda Milner and Marcus Raichle. In 2016 he was elected to the National Academy of Sciences. In 2019, he was admitted to the Royal Irish Academy as an honorary member.
O'Keefe was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2014, with May-Britt Moser and Edvard Moser.
O'Keefe received an honorary Doctor of Science degree from University College Cork on December 15, 2014. In May 2015, he received one from The City College of New York, and in June of the same year, he was awarded one from McGill University, both his alma maters.
In 2014 he received the Kavli Prize in Neuroscience "for the discovery of specialized brain networks for memory and cognition", together with Brenda Milner and Marcus Raichle.
On March 10, 2015, O'Keefe was the guest on BBC Radio 4's The Life Scientific.
It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.
Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.
2159) May-Britt Moser
May-Britt Moser was born in Fosnavåg, Norway. After studying psychology at the University of Oslo, where she met her future husband and co-recipient Edvard Moser, she received her doctorate in neurophysiology in 1995. After stays at the University of Edinburgh and University College London, the couple moved to the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim. May-Britt Moser is a professor of neuroscience and the director of the university's Center for Neural Computation. May-Britt and Edvard Moser have two daughters.
The awareness of one’s location and how to find the way to other places is crucial for both humans and animals. In 2005 May-Britt Moser and Edvard I. Moser discovered a type of cell that is important for determining position close to the hippocampus, an area located in the center of the brain. They found that when a rat passed certain points arranged in a hexagonal grid in space, nerve cells that form a kind of coordinate system for navigation were activated. They then went on to demonstrate how these different cell types cooperate.
May-Britt Moser (born January 4, 1963, Fosnavåg, Norway) is a Norwegian neuroscientist who contributed to the discovery of grid cells in the brain and the elucidation of their role in generating a system of mental coordinates by which animals are able to navigate their environment. Moser’s work enabled scientists to gain new insight into cognitive processes (such as memory) and spatial deficits associated with human neurological conditions such as Alzheimer disease. For her discoveries concerning the neural systems that underlie spatial representation in the mammalian brain, she was awarded the 2014 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine, which she shared with her husband, Norwegian neuroscientist Edvard I. Moser, and with British-American neuroscientist John O’Keefe. The Mosers were the fifth married couple to share a Nobel Prize.
May-Britt grew up on a farm in the remote western region of Norway. In the early 1980s she attended the University of Oslo, where she studied multiple subjects, including mathematics, neurobiology, and psychology. She married Edvard in 1985, and together they decided to pursue the study of brain-behaviour relationships. In the early 1990s May-Britt undertook graduate studies at Oslo, working alongside her husband in the laboratory of Norwegian researcher Per Oskar Andersen. She investigated correlations between the anatomical structure of the hippocampus and spatial learning in rats, work that culminated in a doctorate degree in neurophysiology in 1995. Over the course of the next year, she and Edvard traveled to the University of Edinburgh to study with British neuroscientist Richard Morris and to University College London, where they spent time in O’Keefe’s laboratory. In 1996 May-Britt accepted an assistant professorship at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), where Edvard also had been offered a position. Both were later made full professors at NTNU.
The Mosers investigated the neural networks of the hippocampus, attempting to identify the mechanism underlying the generation of cortical (spatial) maps. They began by examining the effects of hippocampal lesions on the activity of place cells, which had been reported by O’Keefe and his student Jonathan O. Dostrovsky in 1971 to function in cortical mapping. The Mosers’ observations drew their attention to a part of the brain known as the entorhinal cortex, which shared direct connections with CA1, an area of the hippocampus that O’Keefe and Dostrovsky had shown to play a key role in spatial processing. With the assistance of Dutch functional neuroanatomist Menno P. Witter, the Mosers were able to precisely place electrodes in the dorsocaudal medial entorhinal cortex (dMEC) of the rat brain, allowing them to record the activity of cells in response to specific behaviours. Similar to O’Keefe’s findings with place cells, the Mosers found that cells in the dMEC became active in relation to an animal’s position in its environment. But, unlike the activity of place cells, the activity of the cells that the Mosers observed occurred in a strikingly regular pattern: as rats ran freely in their enclosures, spikes of activity at each electrode were not only evenly spaced but also similar in direction and size. The regular activity formed a grid of equilateral, tessellating triangles, as revealed by spatial analyses, which inspired the name grid cell.
In later work, the Mosers discovered additional cells in the dMEC that signaled spatial information, including head direction cells, which fired preferentially in response to an animal’s head direction, and border cells, which transmitted information about the boundaries of an animal’s environment. They also found that grid cells, head direction cells, and border cells interacted with place cells in the hippocampus to determine orientation and navigation. The spatial representation system was described as an “inner GPS.”
May-Britt was a founding codirector, with Edvard, of the Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience in 2007 and the Centre for Neural Computation in 2013, both at NTNU. She was a recipient of multiple awards, notably the 2013 Louisa Gross Horwitz Prize for Biology or Biochemistry (shared with Edvard and O’Keefe), in addition to the Nobel Prize.
May-Britt Moser (born 1963) is a Norwegian psychologist and neuroscientist, who is a Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). She and her former husband, Edvard Moser, shared half of the 2014 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, awarded for work concerning the grid cells in the entorhinal cortex, as well as several additional space-representing cell types in the same circuit that make up the positioning system in the brain.
Together with Edvard Moser she established the Moser research environment at NTNU, which they lead. Since 2012 she has headed the Centre for Neural Computation.
Moser received her education as a psychologist at the Department of Psychology, University of Oslo and obtained a PhD in neurophysiology at the Faculty of Medicine in 1995; in 1996 she was appointed as associate professor in biological psychology at the Department of Psychology at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU); she was promoted to professor of neuroscience in 2000. In 2002 her research group was given the status of a separate "centre of excellence".
Early life and education
May-Britt Moser was born in the small town of Fosnavåg, Møre og Romsdal, Norway, in 1963, the youngest of five children. Although her family owned a small farm, her father worked as a carpenter. This meant that her mother was mainly responsible for caring for the farm. A self-proclaimed "tom-boy," May-Britt was born into a family without excess money, meaning that she did not have the means to travel in the summer. With her free time, she chose to study animals where she found a major passion. May-Britt's mother told her fairytales while she was growing up and always encouraged her to work hard to make her dreams come true. As a child, May-Britt wanted to become a doctor who traveled the world saving people, or even a veterinarian due to her love of animals. She was never a particularly gifted student in grade school, but the right level of encouragement from her teachers saw her talents flourish. May-Britt was determined not to become a housewife, as was customary for the time.
Moser attended the University of Oslo where she studied psychology, mathematics, and neurobiology. May-Britt chose this school because two of her sisters lived in the Oslo area and provided her with a temporary place to live. She enjoyed the freedom of university, but was not completely sure what she wanted to do with her degree. She was accepted into dentistry school, but declined the offer. May-Britt soon met Edvard I. Moser, who she recognized from her high school. The couple married on July 27, 1985, and decided to together study the relationship between the brain and behavior. In June 1991, the couple had their first child, Isabel. They found it difficult to balance a PhD program with having a child, but their passion for their studies fueled them to bring their daughter along for long days in the lab. Ailin was born in 1995. Later that year, May-Britt Moser obtained a doctorate in neurophysiology for her work recognizing correlations between the structure of the hippocampus and spatial recognition within rats. May-Britt Moser and her husband traveled briefly to the University of Edinburgh to work with Richard Morris, a neuroscientist. They later visited University College London, where they worked in O' Keefe's laboratory. The couple eventually decided to work at Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim, where May-Britt became a professor of neuroscience and director of the University's Center for Neural Computation. The couple announced their divorce in 2016, but still continue their scientific work together.
Moser was awarded a degree in psychology at the Department of Psychology at the University of Oslo in 1990. She was then employed as a research fellow at the Faculty of Medicine, where she was awarded her Ph.D. in Neurophysiology in 1995 at the age of 32, under the supervision of professor Per Andersen. She and Edvard Moser went on to undertake postdoctoral training with Richard Morris at the Centre for Neuroscience, University of Edinburgh from 1994 to 1996, and were visiting postdoctoral fellows at the laboratory of John O'Keefe at the University College, London for two months.
The Mosers returned to Norway in 1996 where May-Britt was appointed associate professor in biological psychology at the Department of Psychology at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim. She was promoted to a position as full professor of neuroscience at NTNU in 2000. The couple were instrumental in the establishment of the Centre for the Biology of Memory (CBM) in 2002 and the Institute for Systems Neuroscience at NTNU in 2007. Moser is also head of department of the NTNU Centre for Neural Computation. She also is a member of the Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters, Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, the American Philosophical Society, and the Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences. Moser was appointed by the European Research Council as a member of one of the evaluation panels for ERC startup grants for the period 2007–2009.
The Mosers pioneered research on the brain's mechanism for representing space together with their mentor John O'Keefe. The Mosers discovered types of cells that are important for determining position (spatial representation) close to the hippocampus, an area deep in the brain that is important for encoding of space, and also for episodic memory. Moser investigated correlations between the anatomical structure of the hippocampus and social learning in rats. Moser's work gave the ability for scientists to gain new knowledge into the cognitive processes and spatial deficits associated with human neurological conditions such as Alzheimer's disease.
In 2013, the Trondheim Chamber of Commerce awarded Moser the Madame Beyer award, which recognizes brilliant female business leaders. It was awarded in recognition of Moser's robust leadership, scientific achievements, and her high ethical standards, as well as her consistent focus on teamwork and community spirit.
In 2014, the Mosers shared half of the 2014 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. The other half of the prize was awarded to John O'Keefe. The Mosers are one of six couples to be awarded a Nobel Prize.
May-Britt Moser was a co-Founder of the Centre for the Biology of Memory, a Research Council of Norway-funded Centre of Excellence from 2003 to 2012, and has taken on the Directorship of the Centre for Neural Computation, a second Centre of Excellence that will run from 2013 to 2022.
It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.
Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.
2160) Edvard Moser
Edvard Moser was born in Ålesund, Norway. After studying at the University of Oslo, where he met his future wife and co-recipient May-Britt Moser, he received a doctorate in neurophysiology in 1995. After stays at the University of Edinburgh and University College London, the couple moved to the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim. Edvard Moser is a professor of neuroscience and director of the Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience in Trondheim. Edvard and May-Britt Moser have two daughters.
The awareness of one’s location and how to find the way to other places is crucial for both humans and animals. In 2005 May-Britt Moser and Edvard I. Moser discovered a type of cell that is important for determining position close to the hippocampus, an area located in the center of the brain. They found that when a rat passed certain points arranged in a hexagonal grid in space, nerve cells that form a kind of coordinate system for navigation were activated. They then went on to demonstrate how these different cell types cooperate.
Edvard I. Moser (born April 27, 1962, Ålesund, Norway) is a Norwegian neuroscientist best known for his role in the discovery of grid cells in the brain and the identification of their function in generating spatial coordinates used by animals to navigate their environment. Moser’s research had important implications for scientists’ understanding of spatial representation in the mammalian brain and offered insight into spatial deficits in neurological disease and the neural processes involved in memory and thinking. For his contributions in elucidating the brain’s neural system for spatial representation, he received the 2014 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine. He shared the award with his wife, Norwegian neuroscientist May-Britt Moser—they were the fifth married couple to share a Nobel Prize—and with British-American neuroscientist John O’Keefe.
Edvard was raised in western coastal Norway. In the early 1980s he studied mathematics, statistics, and programming at the University of Oslo. He married May-Britt, who was also studying at Oslo, in 1985. After earning degrees in psychology and neurobiology in 1990, the couple remained at Oslo, working as graduate students under the supervision of Norwegian researcher Per Oskar Andersen. Edvard’s thesis research centred on understanding the role in spatial learning of neural activity in a region of the brain known as the dentate gyrus. He completed a doctorate degree in neurophysiology in 1995. The following year, after brief stints as a postdoctoral researcher with British neuroscientist Richard Morris, at the University of Edinburgh, and with O’Keefe, at University College London, Edvard joined the faculty at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). May-Britt also accepted a position there. The Mosers later became full professors at NTNU.
Together, Edvard and May-Britt worked to identify neural networks in the part of the brain known as the hippocampus that were involved in spatial location and spatial memory. In 1971 O’Keefe and his student Jonathan O. Dostrovsky had discovered so-called place cells in the hippocampus that played a critical role in cortical (spatial) mapping. Their work drew attention particularly to place cells in a hippocampal area designated CA1. The Mosers set out to determine whether the activity of place cells in CA1 originated in the hippocampus or in another part of the brain. Their observations led them to investigate a region called the entorhinal cortex, which connected with neurons in CA1. The Mosers recorded the activity of cells specifically in the dorsocaudal medial entorhinal cortex (dMEC) of the rat brain via electrodes that had been positioned precisely within the region. The activity of the cells in the dMEC turned out to be related to the position of the rat in its enclosure, similar to O’Keefe’s finding with place cells. The activity of dMEC cells, however, was strikingly regular, unlike the activity observed in the hippocampus. When rats ran freely in their enclosures, electrode activity spiked at regular intervals, with the spikes spaced evenly across the environment and being similar in size and direction. Mathematical analyses revealed that the regular activity produced a grid of equilateral, tessellating triangles, which inspired the name “grid cell.”
Edvard and May-Britt later discovered other cells in the dMEC, known as head direction cells and border cells, that were involved in spatial representation. Head direction cells were found to transmit signals when an animal positioned its head in a specific direction, and border cells were discovered to transmit signals about an environment’s edges and boundaries. Subsequent research uncovered interactions between grid cells, head direction cells, border cells, and place cells, with the collective activity of the cells providing information about orientation and navigation. The function of the neural spatial system was likened to GPS.
At NTNU Edvard was a founding codirector, with May-Britt, of the Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience in 2007 and the Centre for Neural Computation in 2013. In addition to the Nobel Prize, he was a recipient of other prestigious awards, including the 2013 Louisa Gross Horwitz Prize for Biology or Biochemistry (shared with May-Britt and O’Keefe).
Edvard Ingjald Moser (pronounced [ˈɛ̀dvɑɖ ˈmoːsər]) is a Norwegian psychologist and neuroscientist, who as of May 2024 is a professor at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim.
He shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2014 with long-term collaborator and then-wife May-Britt Moser, and previous mentor John O'Keefe for their work identifying the brain's positioning system. The two main components of the brain's GPS are grid cells and place cells, a specialized type of neuron that respond to specific locations in space. Together with May-Britt Moser he established the Moser research environment.
In 1996 he was appointed as associate professor in biological psychology at the Department of Psychology at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU); he was promoted to professor of neuroscience in 1998. In 2002, his research group was given the status of a separate "centre of excellence". Edvard Moser has led a succession of research groups and centres, collectively known as the Moser research environment.
Early life and education
Moser was born in Ålesund to German parents Eduard Paul Moser (1928–2013) and Ingeborg Annamarie Herholz (1931–). His parents had grown up in Kronberg im Taunus, a suburb of Frankfurt, where Moser's grandfather Eduard Moser had been Lutheran parish priest. Moser's father trained as a pipe organ builder and emigrated to Norway together with his friend Jakob Pieroth in 1953 when they were offered employment at a pipe organ workshop at Haramsøy. They later established their own workshop and built many church pipe organs in Norway. The Moser family originally was from Nassau; Moser is a South German topographic name for someone who lived near a swamp or mire (South German Moos). Edvard Moser grew up at Hareid and in Ålesund. He was raised in a conservative Christian family.
Edvard Moser married May-Britt Moser in 1985 when they were both students. They announced that they are divorcing in 2016.
His sister is the sociologist Ingunn Moser, known as the founding rector of VID University.
Moser was awarded the cand.psychol. degree in psychology at the Department of Psychology at the University of Oslo in 1990. He was then employed as a research fellow at the Faculty of Medicine, where he obtained his dr.philos. doctoral research degree in the field of neurophysiology in 1995. He also has studied mathematics and statistics. Early in his career, he worked under the supervision of Per Andersen.
Moser went on to undertake postdoctoral training with Richard G. Morris at the Centre for Neuroscience, University of Edinburgh, from 1995 to 1997, and was a visiting postdoctoral fellow at the laboratory of John O'Keefe at the University College, London for two months.
Moser returned to Norway in 1996 to be appointed associate professor in biological psychology at the Department of Psychology at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim. He was promoted to full professor of neuroscience in 1998. Moser is also head of department of the NTNU Institute for Systems Neuroscience.[citation needed]
Moser is founding director/co-director of three Research Council-funded centres of excellence:
* Centre for the Biology of Memory (2002-2012)
* Centre for Neural Computation (2012-2022)
* Centre for Algorithms in the Cortex (2023-2033)
In 2007 the centres became a Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience, with Moser as director.
as of May 2024 is a professor at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim.
In 2005, he and his then-wife May-Britt Moser discovered grid cells in the brain's medial entorhinal cortex. Grid cells are specialized neurons that provide the brain with a coordinate system and a metric for space. In 2018, he discovered a neural network that expresses a person's sense of time in experiences and memories located in the brain's lateral entorhinal cortex.
He shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2014 with long-term collaborator and then-wife May-Britt Moser, and previous mentor John O'Keefe for their work identifying the brain's positioning system. The two main components of the brain's GPS are; grid cells and place cells, a specialized type of neuron that respond to specific locations in space. Together with May-Britt Moser he established the Moser research environment, which they lead.
Other activities
He is a member of the Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters, Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, the American Philosophical Society, and the Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences.
In 2015 he became an external scientific member of the Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology, with which he has collaborated over several years.
He is also an honorary professor at the Centre for Cognitive and Neural Systems at the University of Edinburgh Medical School.
Moser has been a member of the board of reviewing editors in science since 2004 and he has been reviewing editor for Journal of Neuroscience since 2005. He chaired the programme committee of the European Neuroscience meeting (FENS Forum) in 2006.
It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.
Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.
2161) Takaaki Kajita
Takaaki Kajita was born in Higashimatsuyama, Saitama, Japan. He studied at Saitama University and at the University of Tokyo where he received his doctorate in 1983. His doctoral advisor was the future Nobel Laureate Masatoshi Koshiba. Since 1988 he is affiliated with the Institute for Cosmic Radiation Research, University of Tokyo, and in 2015 he became its director. He is also a professor at the University of Tokyo. Takaaki Kajita is married to Michiko Kajita.
The Standard Model used by modern physics has three types of a very small and elusive particle called the neutrino. In the Super-Kamiokande detector, an experimental facility in a mine in Japan in 1998, Takaaki Kajita detected neutrinos created in reactions between cosmic rays and the Earth’s atmosphere. Measurements showed deviations, which were explained by the neutrinos switching between the different types. This means that they must have mass. The Standard Model, however, is based on neutrinos lacking mass and the model must be revised.
Kajita Takaaki (born 1959, Higashimatsuyama, Japan) is a Japanese physicist who was awarded the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physics for discovering the oscillations of neutrinos from one flavour to another, which proved that those subatomic particles have mass. He shared the prize with Canadian physicist Arthur B. McDonald.
Kajita received a bachelor’s degree from Saitama University in 1981 and a doctorate from the University of Tokyo (UT) in 1986. That year he became a research associate at the International Center for Elementary Particle Physics at the UT, where he worked on the Kamiokande-II neutrino experiment, a tank containing 3,000 tons of water located deep underground in the Kamioka mine near Hida. Most neutrinos passed right through the tank, but on rare occasions a neutrino would collide with a water molecule, creating an electron. Those electrons travelled faster than the speed of light in water (which is 75 percent of that in a vacuum) and generated Cherenkov radiation that was observed by photomultiplier tubes on the walls of the tank. In 1987 Kajita was part of the team that used Kamiokande-II to detect neutrinos from Supernova 1987A, which was the first time neutrinos had been observed from a specific object other than the Sun.
Kamiokande-II could also observe neutrinos generated by cosmic rays, high-speed particles (mainly protons) that collide with nuclei in Earth’s atmosphere and produce secondary particles. Those secondary particles decay and produce two of the three flavours of neutrinos: electron neutrinos and muon neutrinos. In 1988 Kajita and the other Kamiokande scientists published results showing that the number of muon neutrinos was only 59 percent of the expected value.
Kajita joined the UT’s Institute for Cosmic Ray Research in 1988 as a research associate and continued his work at Kamiokande-II. He became an associate professor at the institute in 1992. That same year he and his team published results confirming the deficit of atmospheric muon neutrinos. They suggested that neutrino oscillations in which the “missing” muon neutrinos changed into the third neutrino flavour, tau (which could not be observed by Kamiokande-II), could be the culprit. Neutrinos were thought to be massless, but, in order to oscillate flavours, they must have a very small mass. In 1994 Kajita and his team found a slight dependence of the number of detected muon neutrinos on direction, with more neutrinos coming down than coming up.
In 1996 Kamiokande-II was replaced by Super-Kamiokande, which contained 50,000 tons of water, and Kajita led the studies of the atmospheric neutrinos. After two years of observations, his team definitively confirmed that the number of muon neutrinos coming down from the atmosphere is greater than the number of muon neutrinos coming up from Earth. Since neutrinos rarely interact with matter, the number of neutrinos observed should not depend on the arrival angle. However, that angle effect proved the existence of neutrino flavour oscillations and thus neutrino mass. The neutrinos coming up through Earth travel a longer distance, thousands of kilometres, than the neutrinos coming down, which only travel a few dozen kilometres. Therefore, the up-going neutrinos have more time to undergo an oscillation into tau neutrinos than those coming down.
Kajita became a professor at the Institute for Cosmic Ray Research and director of the Research Center for Cosmic Neutrinos there in 1999. He became director of the institute in 2008.
Takaaki Kajita (Kajita Takaaki, born 9 March 1959) is a Japanese physicist, known for neutrino experiments at the Kamioka Observatory – Kamiokande and its successor, Super-Kamiokande. In 2015, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics jointly with Canadian physicist Arthur B. McDonald. On 1 October 2020, he became the president of the Science Council of Japan.
Early life and education
Kajita was born in 1959 in Higashimatsuyama, Saitama, Japan. He liked studying thought rather than memorizing, especially with interest in physics, biology, world history, Japanese history, and earth science in high school. He studied physics at Saitama University and graduated in 1981. He received his doctorate in 1986 at the University of Tokyo. At the University of Tokyo, he joined Masatoshi Koshiba's research group because neutrinos "seemed like they might be interesting."
Career and research
Since 1988, Kajita has been at the Institute for Cosmic Radiation Research, University of Tokyo, where he became an assistant professor in 1992 and professor in 1999.
He became director of the Center for Cosmic Neutrinos at the Institute for Cosmic Ray Research (ICRR) in 1999. As of 2017, he is a Principal Investigator at the Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe in Tokyo, and Director of ICRR.
In 1998, Kajita's team at the Super-Kamiokande found that when cosmic rays hit the Earth's atmosphere, the resulting neutrinos switched between two flavours before they reached the detector under Mt. Kamioka. This discovery helped prove the existence of neutrino oscillation and that neutrinos have mass. In 2015, Kajita shared the Nobel Prize in Physics with Canadian physicist Arthur McDonald, whose Sudbury Neutrino Observatory discovered similar results. Kajita's and McDonald's work solved the longstanding Solar neutrino problem, which was a major discrepancy between the predicted and measured Solar neutrino fluxes, and indicated that the Standard Model, which required neutrinos to be massless, had weaknesses. In a news conference at the University of Tokyo, shortly after the Nobel announcement, Kajita said, "I want to thank the neutrinos, of course. And since neutrinos are created by cosmic rays, I want to thank them, too."
One of the first people Kajita called after receiving the Nobel Prize was 2002 Nobel physics laureate Masatoshi Koshiba, his former mentor and a fellow neutrino researcher.
Kajita is currently the principal investigator of another ICRR project located at the Kamioka Observatory, the KAGRA gravitational wave detector.
It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.
Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.
2162) Arthur B. McDonald
Arthur McDonald was born in Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada. Han studied at Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia and then at the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, United States, where he earned his doctorate in 1969. His doctoral advisor was future Nobel Laureate William Fowler. He worked at the Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories near Ottawa until 1982 when he became a professor at Princeton University. Since 1989 he is affiliated with Queen's University at Kingston, Ontario. Arthur McDonald is married with four children.
The Standard Model used by modern physics has three types of a very small and elusive particle called the neutrino. In an experimental facility in a mine in Canada in 2000, Arthur McDonald studied neutrinos created in nuclear reactions in the sun. Measurements showed deviations, which were explained by the neutrinos switching between the different types. This means that they must have mass. The Standard Model, however, is based on neutrinos lacking mass and the model must be revised.
Arthur B. McDonald (born August 29, 1943, Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada) is a Canadian physicist who was awarded the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physics for discovering the oscillations of neutrinos from one flavor (electron, muon, or tau) to another, which proved that these subatomic particles had mass. He shared the prize with Japanese physicist Kajita Takaaki.
McDonald received a bachelor’s (1964) and a master’s (1965) degree in physics from Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, and went on to earn a doctorate in 1969 at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena. He returned to Canada that year to be a postdoctoral fellow at the Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories in Ontario, where he studied nuclear reactions. He became a senior research officer there in 1980 and left in 1982 to become a professor at Princeton University.
In the mid-1980s McDonald became part of an effort to build a neutrino observatory 2,070 meters (6,800 feet) underground in a mine near Sudbury, Ontario. The observatory was designed to study the solar neutrino problem, in which the number of electron-neutrinos observed coming from the Sun was much less than expected. In 1989 he accepted a professorship at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, and became the first director of the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO).
Construction started on SNO in 1990. The observatory’s detector was a sphere containing 1,000 metric tons of heavy water (water in which the hydrogen was replaced by deuterium, an isotope of hydrogen that has one neutron), and 9,600 photomultiplier tubes detected the interactions of neutrinos with the heavy water molecules. SNO had to be deep underground to avoid contamination by cosmic rays; neutrinos, on the other hand, passed through the 2,100 metres of rock umimpeded.
There were two proposed solutions to the solar neutrino problem. In the first solution, nuclear processes within the Sun that generated neutrinos were misunderstood. In the second, neutrinos actually had a small mass. If neutrinos had mass, the solar electron-neutrinos could undergo oscillations in which they would change their flavor to muon or tau. By using heavy water, SNO, unlike earlier detectors, could observe all three neutrino flavors.
SNO began observing neutrinos in 1999, and in 2002 McDonald and his collaborators presented their results. The number of electron-neutrinos was still lower than expected. However, the total number of neutrinos—electron, muon, and tau—was the same as the number of electron-neutrinos predicted by solar models. The electron-neutrinos had undergone oscillations into muon and tau. The neutrino, thought to be massless since its existence was postulated by Wolfgang Pauli in 1930, had mass.
McDonald became a professor emeritus at Queen’s in 2013. He received many honors for his work, including being named an Officer of the Order of Canada (2006).
Arthur Bruce McDonald, (born August 29, 1943) is a Canadian astrophysicist. McDonald is the director of the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory Collaboration and held the Gordon and Patricia Gray Chair in Particle Astrophysics at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario from 2006 to 2013. He was awarded the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physics jointly with Japanese physicist Takaaki Kajita.
Early life
Art McDonald was born on August 29, 1943, in Sydney, Nova Scotia. He graduated with a B.Sc. in physics in 1964 and M.Sc. in physics in 1965 from Dalhousie University in Nova Scotia. He then obtained his Ph.D. in physics in 1969 from the California Institute of Technology. McDonald cited a high school math teacher and his first-year physics professor at Dalhousie as his inspirations for going into the field of physics.
Academic career
Art McDonald worked as a research officer at the Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories northwest of Ottawa from 1969 to 1982. He became professor of physics at Princeton University from 1982 to 1989, leaving Princeton to join Queen's University where he was a professor from 1989 to 2013.
McDonald was a visiting scientist at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Geneva in 2004.
In 2013 McDonald became a professor emeritus of Queen's University in Kingston, Canada. He continues to be active in basic research in Neutrinos and Dark Matter at the SNOLAB underground Laboratory and was a past member of the board of the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics.
His visiting positions include CERN, University of Washington (1978), Los Alamos National Laboratory (1981), University of Hawaii (2004, 2009), University of Oxford (2003, 2009), Queen's University (1988).
Physicists have been investigating whether or not neutrinos have mass. Since the late 1960s, experiments have hinted that neutrinos may have mass. Theoretical models of the Sun predict that neutrinos should be made in large numbers. Neutrino detectors on the Earth have repeatedly seen fewer than the expected number of neutrinos. Because neutrinos come in three varieties (electron, muon, and tau neutrinos), and because solar neutrino detectors have been primarily sensitive only to electron neutrinos, the preferred explanation over the years is that those "missing" neutrinos had changed, or oscillated, into a variety for which the detectors had little or no sensitivity. If a neutrino oscillates, according to the laws of quantum mechanics, then it must have a mass.
In 1984, McDonald's collaborator Herb Chen at the University of California at Irvine suggested the advantages of using heavy water as a detector for solar neutrinos. Unlike previous detectors, using heavy water would make the detector sensitive to two reactions, one reaction sensitive to all neutrino flavours, the other sensitive to only the electron neutrino. Thus, such a detector could measure neutrino oscillations directly. Chen, Professor George Ewan, Professor David Sinclair, McDonald, and 12 other scientists formed the original Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO) collaboration to exploit this idea in 1984. SNO was to be a detector facility using 1000 tonnes of heavy water located 6,800 feet (2,100 m) underground in a mine outside Sudbury, Ontario. Chen died of leukemia in November 1987, however.
In August 2001, the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory, led by McDonald since 1989, reported observations that directly suggested electron neutrinos from the Sun were oscillating into muon and tau neutrinos. McDonald is a co-recipient of the 2007 Benjamin Franklin Medal in Physics, the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physics, and the Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics in 2016 for the discovery of neutrino oscillations and demonstrating that neutrinos have mass.
Professor McDonald is now participating in research with the SNO+ and DEAP-3600 experiments at SNOLAB, an expanded underground laboratory at the original SNO underground site and with the DarkSide-20k collaboration developing an experiment at the underground laboratory near Gran Sasso, Italy.
Arthur B. McDonald Canadian Astroparticle Physics Research Institute
The Arthur B. McDonald Canadian Astroparticle Physics Research Institute was inaugurally named the Canadian Particle Astrophysics Research Centre before renaming itself the Arthur B. McDonald Canadian Astroparticle Physics Research Institute in May 2018, in recognition of Dr. Arthur B. McDonald's trailblazing work making Canada a leader in astroparticle physics.
Humanitarian work
In the spring of 2020, amid the COVID-19 pandemic and the ensuing shortages, McDonald became one of the leaders of a project to mass-produce mechanical ventilators at low cost. McDonald has stated that the project was initiated by Princeton Professor Cristiano Galbiati who was locked down in Milan, Italy. He inspired action by his colleagues on the DarkSide-20k Dark Matter physics experiment after recognizing the similarities between the requirements of a ventilator and those of particle physics experiments. McDonald led the Canadian team with members from TRIUMF laboratory, CNL Chalk River, SNOLAB and the McDonald Canadian Astroparticle Physics Research Institute after strong positive response from the Directors of these institutions. The design, called the Mechanical Ventilator Milano, is based on the Manley ventilator but uses modern electronics wherever possible. The details, first published on March 23 by about 150 collaborators, were released under the CERN Open Hardware Licence. The project received the support of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau who anticipated an initial order of 30,000 to Canadian hospitals from several suppliers. An order has been placed for 10,000 units with Vexos, Markham.
It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.
Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.
2163) Tomas Lindahl
Tomas Lindahl was born in Stockholm, Sweden. He studied at Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, where he received his doctorate in 1967. After postdoctoral research at Princeton University in New Jersey and Rockefeller University in New York he became a professor in medical and physiological chemistry at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. Since 1981 he has worked for Cancer Research UK at Clare Hall Laboratories, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom.
Living cells have DNA molecules that carry an organism's genes. For the organism to live and develop, its DNA cannot change. DNA molecules are not completely stable, and they can be damaged. From the mid 1970s, through studies of bacteria, Tomas Lindahl showed how certain protein molecules, repair enzymes, remove and replace damaged parts of DNA. These discoveries have increased our understanding of how the living cell works, the causes of cancer and aging processes.
Tomas Lindahl (born January 28, 1938, Stockholm, Sweden) is a Swedish biochemist known for his discovery of base excision repair, a major mechanism of DNA repair, by which cells maintain their genetic integrity. Base excision repair corrects damage sustained by individual DNA bases (adenine, cytosine, guanine, and thymine), which frequently occurs as a result of spontaneous DNA decay, a process suspected of contributing to aging, mutation, and the development of cancer. For his discoveries, Lindahl received the 2015 Nobel Prize for Chemistry (shared with American biochemist Paul Modrich and Turkish-American biochemist Aziz Sancar).
Lindahl graduated with a Ph.D. from the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, in 1967, and three years later he completed an M.D. there. In 1969, following postdoctoral studies in the United States, he joined the faculty at the Karolinska Institute. He remained at the institute until 1978, when he went to the University of Gothenburg, where he served as a professor of medical and physiological chemistry. In the early 1980s he left Gothenburg to take a position as principal scientist at the Imperial Cancer Research Fund (later Cancer Research UK) in London, where from 1984 to the early 2000s he directed the organization’s Clare Hall Laboratories (later part of the Francis Crick Institute).
Lindahl’s early research focused initially on two topics, the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and spontaneous DNA damage that originated endogenously (within cells). In his work on EBV, he and his colleagues discovered that the virus’s genome exists in different states in transformed cells, typically being present either as nonintegrated circular DNA or as fragments integrated into the host genome. Although Lindahl was intrigued by the findings, he was more impressed by the phenomenon of endogenous DNA damage, which introduces thousands of potentially mutagenic lesions into a single mammalian genome each day. By the late 1970s he had begun to identify key components of the base excision repair pathway, specifically enzymes known as DNA glycosylase and apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) endonuclease.
Over the course of the next three decades, Lindahl and his colleagues discovered multiple DNA excision repair enzymes, in both bacterial and mammalian cells. He and his coworkers further deduced the steps of base excision repair, whereby DNA glycosylase identifies and removes the damaged base from the DNA strand, AP endonuclease makes an incision at the affected site, lyase or phosphodiesterase enzymes clear the site of remaining fragments of sugar-phosphate groups (components of the DNA backbone), DNA polymerase fills the gap in the strand with one or more nucleotides (bases linked to sugar and phosphate groups), and the incision is sealed. Lindahl continued to investigate DNA-repair mechanisms late into his career. His findings ultimately proved critical to furthering scientists’ understanding of the role of mutagenesis in disease, particularly cancer, where the mutation and consequent dysfunction of DNA-repair proteins facilitates the process of malignant transformation.
Lindahl retired to the title of emeritus director of the Clare Hall Laboratories, where he closed his laboratory in 2009. Under his leadership, Clare Hall developed a reputation as a highly productive centre for research on DNA repair, DNA replication, and cell division. In addition to the Nobel Prize, Lindahl was recognized for his work with multiple other awards, including the 2007 Royal Medal and the 2010 Copley Medal of the Royal Society. He was an elected fellow of the Royal Society (from 1988) and an elected member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.
Tomas Robert Lindahl (born 28 January 1938) is a Swedish-British scientist specialising in cancer research. In 2015, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry jointly with American chemist Paul L. Modrich and Turkish chemist Aziz Sancar for mechanistic studies of DNA repair.
Lindahl was born in Kungsholmen, Stockholm, Sweden to Folke Robert Lindahl and Ethel Hulda Hultberg. He received a PhD degree in 1967, and an MD degree qualification in 1970, from the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm.
Career and research
After obtaining his research doctorate, Lindahl did postdoctoral research at Princeton University and Rockefeller University.[He was professor of medical chemistry at the University of Gothenburg 1978–82. After moving to the United Kingdom he joined the Imperial Cancer Research Fund (now Cancer Research UK) as a researcher in 1981. From 1986 to 2005 he was the first Director of Cancer Research UK's Clare Hall Laboratories in Hertfordshire, since 2015 part of the Francis Crick Institute. He continued to research there until 2009. He has contributed to many papers on DNA repair and the genetics of cancer.
Awards and honours
Lindahl was elected an EMBO Member in 1974 and Fellow of the Royal Society (FRS) in 1988, his certificate of election reads:
Dr. Tomas Lindahl is noted for his contributions to the comprehension of DNA repair at the molecular level in bacterial and mammalian cells. He was the first to isolate a mammalian DNA ligase and to describe a totally unanticipated novel group of DNA glycosylases as mediators of DNA excision repair. He has also discovered a unique class of enzymes in mammalian cells, namely the methyltransferases, which mediate the adaptive response to alkylation of DNA and has shown that the expression of these enzymes is regulated by the ada gene. More recently he has elucidated the molecular defect in Blooms syndrome [sic] to be the lack of DNA ligase I. Apart from providing profound insights into the nature of the DNA repair process his very important contributions promise to facilitate the design of more selective chemotherapeutic drugs for the treatment of cancer. Lindahl has also made a number of significant contributions to understanding at the DNA level the mechanism of transformation of B-lymphocytes by the Epstein-Barr virus. The most notable of these was the first description of the occurrence in lymphoid cells of closed circular duplex viral DNA.
Lindahl received the Royal Society's Royal Medal in 2007 "making fundamental contributions to our understanding of DNA repair. His achievements stand out for their great originality, breadth and lasting influence." He is a member of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters. He was awarded the Copley Medal in 2010. He was elected a founding Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences in 1998. In 2018, he was elected a foreign associate of the National Academy of Sciences.
He shared the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2015. The Swedish Academy noted that "The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2015 was awarded jointly to Tomas Lindahl, Paul Modrich and Aziz Sancar 'for mechanistic studies of DNA repair'."
It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.
Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.