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was dat ritin u tryn ta b kool?ks fyi it didnt work.and yes dats wat im sayn its a joke but funni how half da peopl commentin didnt fink dat
No, I wasn't trying to be cool, I was trying to show how hard it is to read your writing fast.
And the time when people did that was quite a long time ago, there is no reason I can think of for bringing the thread back alive and continuing the argument for no reason whatsoever.
why don't you pick on the red head or the brunette?
what is it?0_o
I think it is sad and it's not funny. It's depressing, s'what it is.
I see clearly now, the universe have the black dots, Thus I am on my way of inventing this remedy...
Well, on the upside, I guess blondes get more attention...
It's best just to pick on people who use 1337 that is so unbelievably unreadable. (just kidding ) It's not like using 1337 saves more time, you have to think about what you say unless you have actually 'learned' 1337.