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#1 2006-12-29 23:39:51

Real Member
Registered: 2006-09-25
Posts: 839

Where is your dream place to live in?

where is your dream place to live in?
This not about where you live but you would like to live.Mine is Karachi.

Last edited by rida (2006-12-30 22:38:40)

Dreams don't come true, you gotta make them come true.


#2 2006-12-30 00:35:24

Real Member
Registered: 2006-07-14
Posts: 6,400

Re: Where is your dream place to live in?

Trinidad and Tobago.


#3 2006-12-30 00:38:01

Real Member
Registered: 2006-09-22
Posts: 570

Re: Where is your dream place to live in?

In My Own country Pakistan I love it so Much

Be Happy!


#4 2006-12-30 09:58:01

Registered: 2005-01-21
Posts: 7,713

Re: Where is your dream place to live in?

"Dream Place" made me think of this ... in a cylindrical colony orbiting Earth!

I imagine the cylinder would be about 30km long and 10km radius. It would spin so that there was an artificial gravity. You would be able to look up and see the farms, towns and lakes on the other side. If you travel to the axis of the cylinder you would be weightless and could fly around.

"The physicists defer only to mathematicians, and the mathematicians defer only to God ..."  - Leon M. Lederman


#5 2006-12-30 17:09:37

Real Member
Registered: 2006-10-08
Posts: 1,321

Re: Where is your dream place to live in?

Lol, I would feel isolated living in space, even amongst others.

I would live in virtual reality, too bad it just... isn't real...


#6 2006-12-30 22:41:37

Real Member
Registered: 2006-09-25
Posts: 839

Re: Where is your dream place to live in?

WiZaRd wrote:

In My Own country Pakistan I love it so Much

WiZaRD could you be a bit more detailed like telling us the city in Pakistan.
That goes for others who have just posted the country.

Dreams don't come true, you gotta make them come true.


#7 2006-12-31 00:35:39

Real Member
Registered: 2006-02-24
Posts: 1,005

Re: Where is your dream place to live in?

Toast wrote:

Lol, I would feel isolated living in space, even amongst others.

I would live in virtual reality, too bad it just... isn't real...

Well, what is, right? Even what you think is real, is just an interpretation, of the 'real' world, made by your brain.

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#8 2006-12-31 00:49:45

Real Member
Registered: 2006-07-14
Posts: 6,400

Re: Where is your dream place to live in?

Which means that colours may not exist, either.


#9 2007-01-03 20:55:15

Real Member
Registered: 2006-10-08
Posts: 1,321

Re: Where is your dream place to live in?

You know, we might be living in virtual reality as it is. Some physicists have come up with theories about this and say the chances are very probable...

...Which is kinda... not good.


#10 2007-01-03 21:26:13

Real Member
Registered: 2006-07-14
Posts: 6,400

Re: Where is your dream place to live in?

Now you've gone and freaked me out.


#11 2007-01-03 22:21:13

Real Member
Registered: 2006-10-08
Posts: 1,321

Re: Where is your dream place to live in?

Toast wrote:

Some physicists

Sorry, not enough emphasis. There really is no way of knowing, so at this point it's all mostly opinionated.


#12 2007-02-03 07:36:53

Registered: 2007-02-01
Posts: 17

Re: Where is your dream place to live in?

I'd love to live in Mexico near the beach with my future husband and kids with  a garden in the back and a big house.

"B-I-L-L-I-E J-O-E. My real name is Billie Joe. And it's southern, my moms from Oklahoma and that's how I got the name." -Billie Joe From Green Day
"Lets count the, one thousand, two one thousand- Tre Cool from Green Day


#13 2007-02-03 15:13:31

Registered: 2006-03-12
Posts: 1,379

Re: Where is your dream place to live in?

How about Agentina? Soccer, Dance and Beef.



#14 2007-02-03 16:31:14

Real Member
Registered: 2006-10-08
Posts: 1,321

Re: Where is your dream place to live in?

I don't like the tropics that much hmm


#15 2007-03-07 11:03:40

Mommas Girl
Registered: 2007-01-31
Posts: 68

Re: Where is your dream place to live in?

My dream place would have to be under water. Kind of like Atlantis!

"You don't have to like me but you do need to respect me''


#16 2007-03-07 11:13:10

Registered: 2005-06-22
Posts: 4,900

Re: Where is your dream place to live in?

Well, if we are in some kind of permanent virtual reality then the coders must have put some cheats in to help with their debugging of the program.

So, one way to find out would be to read from the dictionary until you find a word that makes money start to appear around you from nowhere. Of course, we have no way of knowing what the cheat codes are, so you may just as easily find a word that gives all of your family members the plague.

Why did the vector cross the road?
It wanted to be normal.


#17 2007-03-07 12:00:15

Registered: 2007-02-23
Posts: 6,868

Re: Where is your dream place to live in?

I’d love to go and live in Iceland. Spectacular mountains, glaciers, volcanoes, geysers …


#18 2007-03-07 12:58:12

Registered: 2007-01-12
Posts: 181

Re: Where is your dream place to live in?

Physicists admit the possibility, like the admit the possibility of God, but neither can be experimented upon and neither can be determined to be true or false, so they don't concern themselves with it. Well...the reputable ones.


#19 2007-03-07 16:35:48

Jai Ganesh
Registered: 2005-06-28
Posts: 49,860

Re: Where is your dream place to live in?

Coastal Portugal or Spain smile

It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.

Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.


#20 2007-03-19 19:12:47

Real Member
Registered: 2007-03-19
Posts: 485

Re: Where is your dream place to live in?

I'd love to live in London. The London Eye, Harrods, etc.: smile I went there on holiday once.

"Reality leaves a lot to the imagination," ~ John Lennon


#21 2007-03-19 22:48:01

Registered: 2005-03-23
Posts: 2,075

Re: Where is your dream place to live in?

Asteroid M.

Boy let me tell you what:
I bet you didn't know it, but I'm a fiddle player too.
And if you'd care to take a dare, I'll make a bet with you.


#22 2007-04-08 16:45:15

Real Member
Registered: 2007-03-19
Posts: 485

Re: Where is your dream place to live in?

Lol, that would be cool. Living in space and seeing the planets, stars and moons every day.

"Reality leaves a lot to the imagination," ~ John Lennon


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