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Actually, I'm not sure it's two weeks... I haven't bothered to look at a calendar for a couple months now, so all I know about the date today (without looking at the one built in to the forum) is that it's Monday of the third week of June.
Aujourd'hui a ete une journee fort interessante... Mon amie n'etait pas la, ce qui n'etait pas vraiement bien. Elle jouait une piece de theatre. Apres, en maths, on a discute de tout et de n'importe quoi, ce qui m'a permis de faire presque tous mes devoirs.
"Knowledge is directly proportional to the amount of equipment ruined."
"This woman painted a picture of me; she was clearly a psychopath"
Tomorrow is the "open school day", so there aren't any classes. I think I'll bring my camera, get a good picture (or two, or three) of the class; the "official" one was pretty mediocre.
I might bring a video camera, get a half-hour or so of the craziness of the class.
I'll report back, in the (perhaps vain) hope that someone will care...
Sorry, but, like I said elsewhere, it's in my nature to be cynical...
"Knowledge is directly proportional to the amount of equipment ruined."
"This woman painted a picture of me; she was clearly a psychopath"
The batteries in my camera are not very good; I went to France yesterday myself (it was lovely), only to find that I couldn't take any pictures with my camera because the batteries, having been completely charged, would only last a few seconds. I managed to record a couple of single-second clips.
I took a few videos of Friday. I didn't bring my other camera, but I'll do it when I go back Wed. to recuperate something that I forgot; a CD of some music.
You see, the idea of the day was that the morning was just for the students to prepare stuff for the afternoon. I signed up for the music group, which was called "music of the world". I figured I'd bring just that... I brought a CD of music from Finland. However, in the afternoon, we didn't get around to playing the music which had been set aside, so it stayed in the closet. Thus, I forgot it.
"Knowledge is directly proportional to the amount of equipment ruined."
"This woman painted a picture of me; she was clearly a psychopath"
I've been having some typing problems lately; you see, Saturday 23rd was "Saint John's", which, around here, is celebrated by a large bonfire, and a fireworks display, put on by whoever buys some fireworks. My friend got his hand opened up and burned because some complete idiot threw a rather large firecracker at him. As for me, I just got a second-degree burn on my thumb from the sparks of the fuse.
On a more positive note, I did manage to impress some people with my display, which I'll be able to put on again once I get to the US in, well, 6 more days.
"Knowledge is directly proportional to the amount of equipment ruined."
"This woman painted a picture of me; she was clearly a psychopath"
Hello I am still new here. I join math forum because I love math
I'm not stuck in France. What y'talkin' about?
Boy let me tell you what:
I bet you didn't know it, but I'm a fiddle player too.
And if you'd care to take a dare, I'll make a bet with you.
Hello I am still new here. I join math forum because I love math
Hi Daya, and welcome! You can write an introduction (telling us all about you) by starting a new topic here:
"The physicists defer only to mathematicians, and the mathematicians defer only to God ..." - Leon M. Lederman
I´m back, more or less. Here is the story behind my absence here:
First, I spent a week and a half in the outskirts of Nowhere, Wisconsin.
Then, I got back to my home in France, only to find out that the modem (which also supplies the phone connection for the house) died. The $%!#%@ supplier seems unwilling to send us a new box, so it looks like I´ll be stuck without phone or Internet for a couple mored weeks.
I´m writing this from a friend´s place, and, until we get a new modem box, I should be coming here to check thing once a week.
"Knowledge is directly proportional to the amount of equipment ruined."
"This woman painted a picture of me; she was clearly a psychopath"
Rotten supplier! Is the service normally bad in France?
"The physicists defer only to mathematicians, and the mathematicians defer only to God ..." - Leon M. Lederman
Well, if it works, it's a great deal; you get high-speed Internet and free unlimited calls to the US and 30 other countries across the world.
However, the support "system" is notoriously bad, and apparently, the lines are busy all the time.
Unless we get it back within a week and a half, We're probably going to go to a sevice that actually works.
"Knowledge is directly proportional to the amount of equipment ruined."
"This woman painted a picture of me; she was clearly a psychopath"