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#26 2007-07-16 11:46:06

Registered: 2005-08-22
Posts: 1,504

Re: Rubic's Cube solution

shocamefromebay wrote:

i solved it by myself once
i like discovered/made up my own kinda way to do it
i first solved the four corners of the rubiks cube like it was a 2x2x2 cube
then i would just rotate the middle piece of every side using logic/trial and error to get the answer
i made sure not to get the corners  mixed up again so i would not go backwards in progress
and if there was an edge tath needed to move to a different side
i would turn a side then rotate the middpiece taht it was on
and return the side piece taht i turned back to its original place to make sure not to mess up the corners
i would turn the rest of the edges taht didnt need to move to a different side by just moveing the middle piece of that side
and the center pieces are very simple to solve

and i have yet to read a book on how to solve the cube!!!
w00t i feel special!!!

Wow! I missed this earlier. That sounds almost exactly like what I came up with, and i've never used a book either!

Great minds think alike! cool

Last edited by mikau (2007-07-16 11:46:38)

A logarithm is just a misspelled algorithm.


#27 2007-07-17 00:34:24

John E. Franklin
Registered: 2005-08-29
Posts: 3,588

Re: Rubic's Cube solution

Cool mikau, I'll reread it and try out your moves.  Looks cool.  Does 1R and 1L only work for the top four corners, but not for all 8 corners?  I'll experiment soon, thanks...

igloo myrtilles fourmis


#28 2007-07-17 05:31:33

Registered: 2005-08-22
Posts: 1,504

Re: Rubic's Cube solution

you get the 4 corners in place, (Which is pretty easy since you can move everything else around as much as you want) then you use 1R and 1L as directed to get the other four in place.

When you've finished that part, let me know and i'll write more.

A logarithm is just a misspelled algorithm.


#29 2007-07-19 03:19:15

John E. Franklin
Registered: 2005-08-29
Posts: 3,588

Re: Rubic's Cube solution

Yes I twisted my cube a lot with 1R and 1L and now I see that they swap two corners.
It's nice to learn a new way, because I have another move that I got from the original solution in the 70-80's that is 8 moves long, and does the same thing.
Also your 7 move long can be made into 8 moves by repeating the 6th move 180 degrees instead of 90 after the 7th move.  So do 1 to 7 like you said and then do the 6th move again, but a half turn.
The reason for this is just if you want to line up 2 of the 4 corners as before, and then 2 appear swapped.
But it is not a necessary move, just depends on your way of going about it.

Also, I am trying to follow your directions too instead of just fiddling around...
The directions are quite readable, especially to someone who can solve the cube another way already.

Last edited by John E. Franklin (2007-07-20 08:57:56)

igloo myrtilles fourmis


#30 2014-12-29 06:34:43

John E. Franklin
Registered: 2005-08-29
Posts: 3,588

Re: Rubic's Cube solution

when my brothers and I were little we did my
post number 23 part B 86 times and the cube
came back fixed.  86 x 12 = 1032.
note technetium is 43 protons.

igloo myrtilles fourmis


#31 2014-12-29 21:47:22

Registered: 2010-06-20
Posts: 10,695

Re: Rubic's Cube solution

hi John,


A move: consists of several turns of faces in a set order.

If you repeat any move a sufficient number of times you will always return the cube to its start position.  (what constitutes 'sufficient' depends on the particular move under consideration.)

I recommend any of the Cubic Math books by Singmaster and others.


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You cannot teach a man anything;  you can only help him find it within himself..........Galileo Galilei
Sometimes I deliberately make mistakes, just to test you!  …………….Bob smile


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