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My maths tutor told me this, and I'm very curious about it. Every time I try to follow it, I get confused. It apparently proves that 1=0.
Multiply both sides by x and you get
Take away 1 from each side which becomes
This can also be expressed as
Divide each side by x-1 and the answer is:
From this, you can see that x=0. But at the beginning I said that x=1. It has therefore been proved that 1=0.
Is this a trick?
School is practice for the future. Practice makes perfect. But - nobody's perfect, so why practice?
I know there IS something like this, but right at the start your tutor's proof says "2x=x" which can't be true (unless x=0 when lots of silly things become true).
"The physicists defer only to mathematicians, and the mathematicians defer only to God ..." - Leon M. Lederman
Aha. I knew it was a trick when I couldn't understand it!
School is practice for the future. Practice makes perfect. But - nobody's perfect, so why practice?
But there is this one:
Start with: a = b
Then add (-b+b) to the left hand side (this is OK because you are adding 0: a - b + b = b
Now divide both sides by (a-b) and we have:
a - b + b = b
________ _____
(a-b) (a-b)
Reducing the left side:
1 + b = b
____ _____
(a-b) (a-b)
Then subtract b/(a-b) from both sides and you have:
(Mwuuhahhah - maniacal laughter!)
"The physicists defer only to mathematicians, and the mathematicians defer only to God ..." - Leon M. Lederman
Hahahahahaha! It's humorous to see that algebra can prove weird things!
School is practice for the future. Practice makes perfect. But - nobody's perfect, so why practice?
But before we all think that Algebra is odd, there IS a mistake in the proof.
When I first saw it I was confooosed, and someone had to point out to me that because we said that a=b, then (a-b) must equal zero. When you start multiplying or dividing by zero, all hell breaks loose, and you start to get weird looking proofs.
So watch out for those in your proofs!
"The physicists defer only to mathematicians, and the mathematicians defer only to God ..." - Leon M. Lederman
Oh.........never mind. At least it was funny.
School is practice for the future. Practice makes perfect. But - nobody's perfect, so why practice?
That was weird. Any more like that?
Friends are angels who lift our feet when our own wings have trouble remembering how to fly
It's not a trick! There's wrong division in the course of dividing both sides of the equation (x+1)+(x-1)=x-1 by x-1.
I do have another......
School is practice for the future. Practice makes perfect. But - nobody's perfect, so why practice?
Go on then.
I come back stronger than a powered-up Pac-Man
I bought a large popcorn @ the cinema the other day, it was pretty big...some might even say it was "large Fatboy Slim is a Legend
How are you doing?
By the way where do you stay.
Send me mail ,go to HELPME and then you go to
Maths by ravali.
I am doing good.
I come back stronger than a powered-up Pac-Man
I bought a large popcorn @ the cinema the other day, it was pretty big...some might even say it was "large Fatboy Slim is a Legend
I think most of us here are in the UK (well, I think, anyway).
School is practice for the future. Practice makes perfect. But - nobody's perfect, so why practice?
I'm actually living in Antarctica.
HAPPY HAPPY, JOY JOY Fatboy Slim is the band of the 90s, thats if you want to call it a band because its really a one man name
That's because you have a thing for penguins.
I come back stronger than a powered-up Pac-Man
I bought a large popcorn @ the cinema the other day, it was pretty big...some might even say it was "large Fatboy Slim is a Legend
Actually my favourite animals are ducks. *quacks*
Last edited by stewie (2005-04-14 08:13:15)
HAPPY HAPPY, JOY JOY Fatboy Slim is the band of the 90s, thats if you want to call it a band because its really a one man name
I don't care. I know what I like and that's white white white.
HAPPY HAPPY, JOY JOY Fatboy Slim is the band of the 90s, thats if you want to call it a band because its really a one man name
It's good for ye, top models eat it.
I come back stronger than a powered-up Pac-Man
I bought a large popcorn @ the cinema the other day, it was pretty big...some might even say it was "large Fatboy Slim is a Legend
Give us grease that makes us obese....oh how we love to eat junk!
HAPPY HAPPY, JOY JOY Fatboy Slim is the band of the 90s, thats if you want to call it a band because its really a one man name
Too far Tony, too far.
I come back stronger than a powered-up Pac-Man
I bought a large popcorn @ the cinema the other day, it was pretty big...some might even say it was "large Fatboy Slim is a Legend
Whatever Trevor
HAPPY HAPPY, JOY JOY Fatboy Slim is the band of the 90s, thats if you want to call it a band because its really a one man name
Yet again, my phrase, you stole it, check earlier topics again.
I come back stronger than a powered-up Pac-Man
I bought a large popcorn @ the cinema the other day, it was pretty big...some might even say it was "large Fatboy Slim is a Legend
Actually no, you heard me saying it and put it in here before me!
HAPPY HAPPY, JOY JOY Fatboy Slim is the band of the 90s, thats if you want to call it a band because its really a one man name
You came up with drinkin bleach, I'll give you that but I did not steal whatever Trevor off you foo'
I come back stronger than a powered-up Pac-Man
I bought a large popcorn @ the cinema the other day, it was pretty big...some might even say it was "large Fatboy Slim is a Legend