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Pages: 1
Hello everyone.
I just happened to find this beautiful forum the other day while cruising on the web.
By profession I am Doctor (Pediatrician to be more specific) , but my heart belongs to mathematics ever since I was a child. I often was the odd one in my class who used to solve math problems during breaks, who used to read fat books on calculus during summer breaks . I then had a long break from maths during my med school, but now I am back again.
But now it is just for fun and to make sure my brain doesnot rust.
Last edited by makada (2007-09-07 07:25:02)
Welcome, makada! There are most likely plenty of people like you on this forum who share the same interests. Tell us what you think about the main site!
yeah! play the tanks game! i can never get of it
Zappzter - New IM app! Unsure of which room to join? "ZNU" is made to help new users. c:
Oh, I happened to come upon this site the same way too! And I never bothered with this section.... Until now.
I shall be on leave until I say so...
Pages: 1