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#1 2007-10-19 02:47:06

Jai Ganesh
Registered: 2005-06-28
Posts: 49,567

Percentages Vol.I

1. A basket contains 350 eggs. If 12% of the eggs are rotten, find the nmber of eggs, good enough to be sold.

2. An employee saves 12% of his salary. If he receives $7350 per month as salary, find his monthly expenditure.

3. A man spends 92% of his monthly income. If he saves $550 per month, what is his monthly income?

4. 15% of the workers in a factory are females and the number of male workers is 272. Find the total number of workers in the factory.

5. In a sale, the seller reduces the price by 16%. If the reduced price of a pair of shoes is $277.20, find its original price.

6. The salary of a clerk was increased by 7%. If his present salary is $6077.60, what was it before the increment?

7. In an examination 96% of the candidates passed and 50 failed. How many candidates appeared?

8. In a school there are 536 boys and 33 1/3% of the students are girls. Find the number of gils.

It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.

Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.


#2 2008-08-05 05:40:40

Registered: 2008-07-01
Posts: 153

Re: Percentages Vol.I

1. 308 eggs

The best thing about life is you don't know what to expect


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