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study = not failed ⇒ 1
not study = failed ⇒ 2
equation 1 + equation 2 :
study + not study = not failed + failed
study [ 1 + not ] = failed [ not + 1 ]
divide [ 1 + not ] from each side :
study = failed
so everybody don't study from this day :P
i hope you like it ...
ImPo$$!BLe = NoTH!nG
Go DowN DeeP iNTo aNyTHinG U WiLL FinD MaTHeMaTiCs ...
study + not study = not failed + failed
not study - not failed = failed - study
not (study - failed) = failed - study
not = (failed - study)/(study - failed)
not = -(study - failed)/(study - failed) = -1
Substituting this value into [1 + not] gives 0, meaning that you cannot divide by it.
Proof unproven!
So, yeah, go back to studying now.
Why did the vector cross the road?
It wanted to be normal.
lol ... it's just a joke man
btw ... thanks for your respond
ImPo$$!BLe = NoTH!nG
Go DowN DeeP iNTo aNyTHinG U WiLL FinD MaTHeMaTiCs ...
∴ We don't apply math to conceptual ideas. QED.
"In the real world, this would be a problem. But in mathematics, we can just define a place where this problem doesn't exist. So we'll go ahead and do that now..."
well this forum is 'Jokes' so why not
People don't notice whether it's winter or summer when they're happy.
~ Anton Chekhov
Cheer up, emo kid.
I'm sorry. I couldn't resist pointing that out. Besides, it turns out that we were both right.
I was thinking about it more, and my disproof relies on dividing by (study - failed), but according to your proof, study = failed, so study - failed = 0, meaning that my disproof was wrong.
So, basically, the disproof only works if we assume that what we are disproving is true, which isn't allowed. But the same can be said about your proof.
But just by looking at it we can tell that not = ± 1, meaning that study can equal either of failed or not failed and you can just manipulate it to suit your own purposes.
Sorry, I'm rambling again...
Why did the vector cross the road?
It wanted to be normal.
IM taking RauliTo's word for it and not studying cause ill fail
(im an ALIEN ) im kool (WHAT You cant steal my fridge!)]
Pages: 1