Math Is Fun Forum

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#1 2008-01-08 04:09:54

Registered: 2008-01-08
Posts: 31

Hi, everyone


I've browsed around these forums for a few days now and decided I'd sign up and contribute the little that I can. My math history is similar to an episode of one of those mid-day talk shows where you find out that the father is actually the uncle of the nephew's son-in-law, twice removed. Actually, what I mean to say is that math and I haven't always been on such clear terms as my name would suggest. It's quite a long and boring history. But to sum it up, I began loving math when it was too late (and by 'too late' I mean too late to go back and re-learn things in school. You know, math is cumulative, and all that jazz). Now I'm a freshmen in college, and my foundation in mathematics isn't exactly solid. Which is partially why I'm here, as well. I've taken to going all the way back, and I mean all the way back, to re-learn the basics.

I should clear something up, however. I've never been terrible at mathematics. But I feel as if I'm only mediocre because of my previous non-chalant study habits concerning math. So, being who I am, I feel it's my duty to learn what I should've learned so long ago. My ultimate goal is to graduate with a degree in mathematics, and to move on to graduate school, where I can obtain my Ph.D. That's far away, and for another day, though. So, hopefully, I can learn some new things here, contribute, make a few new friends, and have fun in the process.

Don't quote me on that.


#2 2008-01-08 07:44:27

Registered: 2008-01-05
Posts: 68

Re: Hi, everyone

Welcome iheartmaths you will have fun and learn

(im an ALIEN eek) im kool tongue (WHAT what You cant steal my fridge!)]


#3 2008-01-08 09:27:45

Registered: 2008-01-07
Posts: 2

Re: Hi, everyone

hello iheartmaths i hope you learn everything in  maths as you wish to learn

Last edited by Jlegosman8 (2008-01-08 09:28:15)

im Super Jupiter MAN smile duhduhduduhhhh!


#4 2008-01-09 01:25:44

Jai Ganesh
Registered: 2005-06-28
Posts: 49,408

Re: Hi, everyone

Welcome to the forum, iheartmaths!!!

It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.

Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.


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