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[link to gaming site removed by administrator] ybot: You'll have to describe your problem without this.
Hello, could you help me to know the exact house edge at this game?
It is a single-zero wheel, 37 slots
Two ball are launched,
one number pays 17+1
a corner bet pays 3,5+1
Has strait bet -2,78% and a corner bet no house edge?
Any help is welcome
Send any file I could fill with these data, to my email
So, what can we do?
You can open an excel file anywhere
Bobbym, any reply?
I have just sentit in csv and excel
I could copy it to a word file
Yes, excel spreadsheet
Data sent
What details do you need from data?
I don't think so
To analize these data you must know other conceps about roulette.
We know that from 100 samples , about 68 will be below 1 sd, 95 below 2 sd and 99 below 3sd.
In our example we have got 1.4sd 4 times in a row of the same play as we witnessed in the first sample.
In case you need the actual data tell me a email to send it
Coming back
Let's more events.
You recieve a roulette sample. You scan it and find the best choice you should have played.
For example, it was playing 12 numbers after some signal. This play has got +3.4 standard deviations in the first 400 trials
We make 4 more 400-trial-samples. We have got +1.4sd on each of the 4 samples playing what we found succesful in the first sample.
Supose we take the first sample(+3.4sd) as a prior probability and the 4 new samples as posterior probability.
How do you calculate backwards probability using Bayes rules?
And, what do all this test mean to determine a chance of random?
Warm regards
Soon, with the error %.
Ok. I want to find out the actual mean of numbers that we have small samples.
Supose the ratio is 1/34 for the first 1000 trials, 1/35 for the 2nd 1000 trials, 1/33 at the 3rd 1000 and 1/33 at the 4th 1000 trials.
I guess we would be able to know the actual mean when we have 20k.
But the quest is to infer it sooner.
What are the math tool that you use?
I have tons of data
As I lack of strong math knoledge I´m trying to undestand the event I withness
How could inferencial statistics help to know I want?
Can you forward a roulette example where you use the correlation, the regression, the least square method and the student distribution?
About french european roulette
the chance to hit es 1/37supose we are looking for 3 standard deviation events
43 hits in 1000 trials is 3 st dev(we played 1 number)
1)what does reaching 3 st dev mean?
2)what is the difference in strentgh of hitting 76/2000, 170/5000 or 319/10000(they are all +3sd)
3)what´s the difference in PLAYING the 1000 2000 or whatever or watch some data where we you find 1 number with 3 st dev?
4)it is the same to reach 3 st dev for 1 number or 2 numbers(neighbors)?
5)having collectede data, you pick 4 numbers(isolated, not neighbors)) that their sum reaches 3 st dev. What is the difference with item 3) or if we actually play every spin?I hope you undestood my questions
I believe they are hard to answer
Best regards
We might start again.
What does 48/1000 tell?
What are the predictions for the play of this number?
What are the chances to repeat 48/1000? (from 44 to 50/1000)
We finished 3 pages with no conclusions.
But, it happened (in this example) in the first 1000 trials. The next 1000 trials it might hit 40 30 or 50, we don´t know it yet.
The real edge isn´t 72.8%, the sample is very short to have a conclusion
Yes, we know the basics.
We know we win 35, we are paid 35+1(the one we placed).
36 to 1
48/1000 is +72.8% of the total wagged.
We have to know the real long term advantage
So, as a [deleted], playing the basic strategy you would be able to be +1,5% over the HE.
And, as a [deleted] you could have a range of advantage over other regular players.
How do you know when you have the edge and how much?
At a moment in the year/month/decade you can say that you have (for example) 5% edge over any other player or the house. How would you gauge it?