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Hi Guys
Hopefully I could find someone how has any idea about 4th order runge kutta method
I have 4 differential equations and I would like to use 4th order runge kutta method to numrically solve these equations
Equations are
Eq1 = -θ1 *x1*x2 +θ2*x3
Eq2 = -θ1 *x1*x2 + (θ2+θ3)*x3
Eq3= θ1 *x1*x2 - (θ2+θ3)*x3
Eq4 = θ3*x3
is there any one who can help me how to write down the 4th order runge kutta method for these equations
Thanks alot.
can any one help me please
just to send me any referemce about this method and how it could be applied to an ODE model
Hi there
Hope some one could help me
I have a biochemical systems (ODE model) and I would like to use 4th order runge kutta method as a numerical soultion.
Just exaple.
dmdm2/dt = v3 + v11 -v17
v3 = ksynMdm2*Mdm2_mRNA (ksynMdm2 is constant and Mdm2_mRNA is a varibale)
v11 = krelMdm2p53* Mdm2_p53 (krelMdm2p53 is constant and Mdm2_p53 )
v17 = kphosMdm2 * Mdm2 *ATMA (kphosMdm2 is constant and Mdm2 and ATMA are both variables)
I m just wondereing how I could write the method for this equation.
Hopefully it is clear what I need and Hopefully and I will get some help
Thansks a lot.
Pages: 1