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#1 2018-01-24 17:16:50

Registered: 2018-01-23
Posts: 3

4th order runge kutta

Hi Guys
Hopefully I could find someone how has any idea about  4th order runge kutta method
I have 4 differential equations and I would like to use  4th order runge kutta method to numrically solve these equations
Equations are

Eq1 = -θ1 *x1*x2 +θ2*x3
Eq2 = -θ1 *x1*x2 + (θ2+θ3)*x3
Eq3= θ1 *x1*x2 - (θ2+θ3)*x3
Eq4 = θ3*x3

is there any one who can help me how to write down the 4th order runge kutta method for these equations

Thanks alot.


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