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Hi all,
8x8 cheesboard how many different ways can you select a block of five neighbour squares?
Two squares are neighbours if they have a common side.
(for 3x3 board = 49 ways)
i found thats answer in mathisfun from, but it is really long way, but my boss said me that it can be calculated to easily with a little code ( written by C,C++,C#...). So Does anybody have an idea ? (formulas, algorithm exc...)
Hi all,
I need to know how to write a code with C or C++ which calculates below
8x8 cheesboard how many different ways can you select a block of five neighbour squares?
Two squares are neighbours if they have a common side.
(for 3x3 board = 49 ways)
i see now thanks a lot
firs of all thanks for you answer mathsyperson ! It is really awesome...
5C3 * 7 , i understood it 7 comes from free wire, (AE,AD,BE,BD,CE,CD,DE)
but i couldnt see how 4 wires form can be 15 times in switches.
i can think only 5c4 !!
Could you explain it to me if you have a little time more ...
Hi mathsyperson,
210 - 70 - 5 = 135.
i really tought about the number that you . But i couldnt understood how to find them clearly. Could you please give me more info ?
Thanks a lot
Thanks for giving your time !
Please look at this picture
how many different ways you can connect five switches, using four wires.
Pages: 1