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HIya. I didnt know where to put this post so I thouht Id put it here. I just want to say thanx to everbody who helped me when I posted the Ratio problem, I got a L7 in mi maths SATs!!!!!!!! Also I got 61% in one of my end of year maths exams. So thanx again to everyone who helped me!!
Riding horses can be hard and easy, the first time u ride even if its only for a half an hour it will make ur legs really sore coz u r using them so much. It gets easier as u get used to it, a bit like riding a bike but way harder coz a horse has a mind of it's own and will do whatever it wants if you don't have proper control over it.
im in year 9 just about to start my GCSE sylabis
do you go ride often?? I love horses dey is soo cute n lovable
hey thats too bad, does that mean you can't eat chocolate??
thanx guys dis help has been really, helpful . but if any1 else has any help please give it to me!!!!! thanx again guys !!!
my fav hobbies are:
horse riding
Ron dosn't have a broken wand anymore he got a new one in the 3rd book.
Do you think that the books are better then the films or vice versa?? I think the books are better. Some of the child actors in the films are terrible
im 14. there is nothing wrong with being 10/11. it is way better than being old.
I really don't get how you work out ratio . Could anyone please explain it to me? I would very much appreciate it as it comes up in my end of year exam. Thank you!!
Hope you don't mind, but I merged your two topics together to make the forum a bit neater.
Anyway, welcome to the forum. Post any problems you have in the Help Me section and someone'll be sure to, uh, help you.
I can't tell whether I like horseriding or not, because I'm allergic to them.
Thanx for merging my posts together. i will defo put my questions in the HELP ME section. thanx for the tip.
btw, what happens when you get near horses???
I think that Dumbaldore is secretly bad but that snape is a goody. I think that Harry will die because then no one can carry on the storys after JK Rowling has stopped writing them.
Global Warming is going to happen, we can't stop it we can just try to slow it down. It probably wont happen for anougther 1000 years at least. WE wil just have to trust God.
My german teacher told us the longest word in german is: die Donaudampfschifffahrtselektrizitaetenhauptbetriebswerkbauunterbeamtengesellschaft. It can be shortened to der klub. it is judt a fancy word for a club or bar. lol
HIya, I just registered today. I joined because i am rubbish at maths but need to pass my end of year exams so I thought this might help.
Just to tell you a bit more about me. I'm 14 years old and i ahv to get a good mark in my test to get in to a good set next year in GCSE. My whole family is really good at maths apart from me. lol. I love horse riding and my fav subject is History. Does anyone else like these things?? bye for now!! :D;)
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