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Let me share this activity with you to illustrate the "need for equal division".
I have 2 rectangular shape. Each of these shapes are divided in three parts vertically and one part of the two rectangular shapes are shaded. The first has been divided equally into 3 parts and hence the shaded part is 1/3 whereas in the second case the rectangle has been divided into three parts but the divisions are not equal. Now if the rectangular region is 48cm^2, 1/3 of the first rectangular shape will be 16cm^2. However in the second case since the divisions were unequal it is difficult to find the fraction piece and say how much is the shaded region of the entire rectangular shape.
When we introduce fractions the first thing a learner needs to know is the fact that for a given problem to qualify as a fraction, the number of divisions needs to be equal or we need to divide the shape or the collection equally. Why is it so? Are there any activities that explains the need for equal division?
Hi Esat Pllana
Good way to approach the word problems. In fact expressing fractions using figures or shapes generally lends clarity to the problem. I have another way of doing the above problem. Express 4/7 parts in terms of figure, the way you have expressed. Now instead of multiplying 4 and 7, distribute fairly and equally 16 objects in the 4/7 parts of the circle. Each part i.e. 1/7 parts in 4/7 parts will comprise of 4 objects . Now if we are dividing the circle equally into 7 parts we are also assuming that each part will comprise of equal number of objects or headcounts. Hence in the unshaded part that is 3/7th part, each part will comprise of 4 objects, hence a total of 12 objects of boy headcount.
I think it is possible, however not so sure.
I believe something is wrong somewhere. Also average time should be equal to (Total Time)/Number. Hence Average time here should be equal to ((2 days 22:47)+8:49)/21338. Also 2 days 22:47 should be equal to 2743mins and not 4247 mins. The total time hence should be 3263 mins. The average will be 3263mins/21338, which will be equal to 0.1529 mins or 9.17secs.
However please clarify with other members.
Let me first wish you guy's a very happy new year. I hope year 2008 be the memorable year for all of us and we scale to new heights.
Thanx a lot for sharing the lcm act. Will get back soon with more lcm act and also let me see how i can develop them.
I am currently developing activities on Least Common Multiple. My objective is to make this topic interactive so i am trying to explore this topic as much as possible. Request you to give feedback and add some ideas to the existing pool of activities i plan to create.
Least common multiple is basically union of the two numbers. We can thus use factor tree to achieve the union. Say for instance the union of 6 & 9 is 18 which is also the least common multiple.
One method can be creating a two dimensional array dynamically. As you create the array for two numbers and try to equate them, you will achieve the least common multiple.
the least common multiple can be achieved by skip counting. Say for numbers 8 and 5 , we need to do skip count by 8 &5 simultaneously. As we do counting we will get the lowest common multiple which is 40
Even bar diagram can be used effectively to explain lcm.
Request you to add and provide feedback.
The difference lies in the accessories used to play both the games. In hokey you need a stick whereas in football you dont require a stick. Just guessing
Understanding math can be frustrating at times, especially if the person has not understood the topic conceptually. But it is never to late and one should never give up.
First thing first, you should try and understand whether she understands the concept of addition and subtraction correctly. What i can gather from the problem stated above, the kid has totally overlooked the symbol subtraction and has simply added the numbers. If she is not well versed with the symbols, she obviously will find the order of operations difficult to follow. So if she can be given some word problems to begin with wherein she will have to represent the question in form of numbers and corresponding symbols, she will be able to get hang of the symbols and their inherent meaning. This will facilitate her in learning the order of operations.
Just an idea ...
Other day i was trying to explain fractions and the three distinct component. I started by saying fractions as an entity just like the numbers but added that they have three distinct component whereas the numbers donot have. I then found that you cannot compare number with fractions, the reason being the number can be infinitely large and fractions can also be infinitely large so where is the comparision.
This is so very simple but really caught my fancy for sometime.
I totally agree with Ganesh. However i believe this question is very subjective...and it will differ from employer to employer. Just a viewpoint..
Thanxs George
Equivalent fraction is an important concept and designing activities to explain equivalent fraction is a tedious will have to restrict yourself beyond a point if you are trying to illustrate equivalent fractions visually but on paper it is just fine.
Dogs, Night, Water bodies, being closed up in a room, snakes, height
Are you going to derive something out of this sequence...
Here there is two situation one when the man digs and the boy pulls the top and vice versa.
Man digging= pulling tops by the boy.........1
Boy digging.......2
2(Pulling the top by man).......2
If the first situation that is 1) holds true then the money should be divided equally that is 1:1
If the second situation that is 2) holds true then the money between the man:boy should be 2:1.
Still i have my doubts..please check with other members
I really dont understand why he came up with the extra c^2. It wasnt called for. Using the above equation you ought to have more wastage as one is going to either overuse the paper or perhaps remove the unwanted there is wastage ....
Thats very right, so if the denominator is a very large number the value produced will be a small number. So when x approaches infinity, f(x) will approach 0.
Fill in the blanks:
1)Make a chain train by arranging the geometric shapes in order of increasing sides. Restrict yourself to 10 sides. Name all the shapes as you go on with the various shapes.
2)How many triangles will be used to make the parallelogram,trapezium,hexagon?
alternatively checkout this worksheet
3) What is common between rectangle and parellelogram?
4) Give examples of triangles, squares, parellelogram, rectangle, square and rombus from real life ?
This should help...let me know if any corrections are required.
I have mentioned about the simplification of the said fractions in its simplest form . 15/45 or 16/48 when reduced in their simplest form will yield 1/3.
However thankyou for the post as i have been able to resolve the conflict and get the correct explaination for the same.
In my opinion a fraction such as 1/3 can have "n" no. of equivalent fractions. The reason being that when 1/3 becomes 2/6 , the 1 part of 3 parts gets rearranged and produces 2/6.Thus it is like dividing and then rearranging them to yield the equivalent fraction.
I hope i am clear.
Thanxs & Regards
We have been struggling for quite sometime. We have gone on various websites to see how they treate equivalent fractions.
Lets assume 16/48 as one fraction. We need to find the equivalent fraction for 16/48
Now do you think 15/45 is the equivalent fraction of 16/48 because both of them when reduced in there simplest form gives 1/3 and hence logically should be equal. In my opinion 15/45 cannot be the equivalent for 16/48. When we simplify 16/48 we get 16/48=8/24=4/12=1/3. The 16 parts out of 48 parts can be grouped in 8 parts which is equivalent to 16 parts. However the 16 parts cannot be grouped in 15 parts and hence 15/45 cannot be the equivalent of 16/48. If 15/45 is true then in that case we can have "n" no. of possibilities.
What is the right explaination for it? Kindly help...
Sorry for responding so late ....thanxs for the valuable inputs...
Just a query ....
Same force is exerted when you throw a cotton ball and watermelon ....or the exertions in both the cases vary as the nature of object varies.
This question is very similar to the cotton and watermelon question..
Lets assume the weight of watermelon and cotton remains the same, they are droped from the same distance and the velocity remains the same too. There is a person lying down when these objects are being droped. Will the impact in this case be the same or different and why....
Discussion will help me develop the activity better ...
Sorry ...for that
We are talking about weight and not mass here ...
Definitely politics is really not an interesting topic for discussion ......but i believe it needs to be discussed as we need good and able leaders. We thus need to know people and why we want them to be there. ......i understand that politics is dark but the intensity of light i.e good discussion will reduce that darkness....
I am trying to prepare some activities on units of measurement. During my preparation for the same, i fumbled upon something very peculiar. Lets assume that the weight of 1kg cotton is same as the weight of 1kg water melon. Now when you are hit by both from the same distance, you get hit by the watermelon and you feel hurt but the same is not true for 1 kg of cotton. Though the weight is same still the hit impact is not the same. Why is it so?
Khushboo Singh
What is that you are trying to find from this equation? Are you trying to estimate the gradient or you want to represent the equation graphically?