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Starting with x = 3 use trial and improvement to find correct to 2 decimals places the value of x which satisfies:
2X x X x X + 3X = 112
By the way X x X x X means X to the third power
Thank you if you answer.
I don't no how to do it.
put three into (cuberoot(112-3*x))/2. then put this answer back in. and so on.
I am not sure if this counts as trial and improvement
You need to use x=3 in the left-hand side of that equation and see what comes out.
If it's lower than 112, then 3 is too low a value for x; it's it's higher then 3 is too high.
2x3³ + 3x3 = 56 + 9 = 65, so x is higher than 3.
Now try x=4, for example. 2x4³ + 3x4 = 128 + 12 = 140, so x is lower than 4.
We now know that x is between 3 and 4, and with each trial the range of possible values gets reduced. With enough trials, you'll be able to tell what x is, accurate to 2 decimal places.
Why did the vector cross the road?
It wanted to be normal.