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air at pressure p=p0 is above a layer of oil of depth A and density D1.
the oil lies on water of density D2>D1.
find the pressure at a distance B>0 below the oil water boundary.
Ive looked at examples of pressure below water without an oil layer and i can see clearly how the fundamental equation of hydrostatics can be used:
but im not quite sure how to apply this to this type of question.
Here the pressure is a continuous function of position and the density varies.
can anyone please help me understand this example
You just have to apply the formula for each layer separately. Thus, the pressure at point A (bottom of oil layer) is PA = P0 + D1*g*A, while the pressure at point B (inside the water layer) is the pressure at point A plus D2*g*B. Hence, PB = PA + D2*g*B = P0 + D1*g*A +D2*g*B. As a check, note that if D1=D2=D, you just get PB = D*g*(A+B). as it should be.
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