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Pages: 1
I have a problem in my mind, it is as follows:
We know that the sum of positive integer powers of a number x s.t. x is between 0 and 1 converges to 1/(1-x). Furthermore, assume that we have sequence b_{n} converging to b>0. Let
s_{n} = {sum}_{i=0}^{n}[x^{n-i}*b_{i}] (in words: s_{n} equals to sum from i=0 to n of the terms x to the n-i multiplied by b_{i})
The question is, does s_{n} converges?{may be helpful: if it converges, it converges to b/(1-x)}.
try this
consider two vectors
We know C_n is convergent, C_n is bounded by some number M
for any epsilon > 0, there exist N, such that |C_n - b| < epsilon/ M for n>N
converges as wellOffline
Pages: 1