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I want to solve some problems on vector
I want to solve some problems on vector
hi Abdullahi salman
Welcome to the forum.
OK. Post the first question.
Last edited by Bob (2011-07-14 20:48:01)
Children are not defined by school ...........The Fonz
You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him find it within himself..........Galileo Galilei
Sometimes I deliberately make mistakes, just to test you! …………….Bob
Example 3-D vector with (0,0,0) as start of vector and (1,1,1) as end of vector with arrow.
The magnitude of the vector is 1.7320508 approximately, the square root of 3.
Pythagoreans theorem works in 3-D as well as 2-D.
1 + 1 + 1 = 3, then square root it.
If you view, without shrinking perspective for far things, if you view
simply parallel to one of the axes, it appears to be at a 45 degree angle,
however in 3-D, the angle off the x-y plane is not 45 degrees, it is less,
coming off of the y = x line, because the cosine off the y=x line
, the cosine is 1.4142136 approximately, while the sine or height is exactly one.
This example is geometry or trigonometry, and perhaps
not what you were looking for...
igloo myrtilles fourmis