Math Is Fun Forum

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#1 2024-03-06 17:31:54

Registered: 2024-02-16
Posts: 1

Your favorite mathematical concept

What's your favorite mathematical concept or theorem, and how has it fascinated or challenged you? Additionally, any recommended resources or mind-bending problems to share for fellow math lovers seeking inspiration?"


#2 2024-03-06 18:17:30

Jai Ganesh
Registered: 2005-06-28
Posts: 48,802

Re: Your favorite mathematical concept

Hi DavidHansen,

Welcome to the forum!

Fermat's Last Theorem.

It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.

Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.


#3 2024-03-07 01:46:48

From: Brooklyn, NY
Registered: 2024-02-24
Posts: 1,053

Re: Your favorite mathematical concept

DavidHansen wrote:

What's your favorite mathematical concept or theorem, and how has it fascinated or challenged you? Additionally, any recommended resources or mind-bending problems to share for fellow math lovers seeking inspiration?"

I say that solving word problems is the best skill a student can develop. I missed out on good jobs in the past because I simply couldn't get beyond word problems. Financial Advisor at Bank One is a perfect example. The bank representative said that my score was the lowest in the history of the bank in that particular area in Springfield Missouri in 2006. To every student out there, please do yourself a favor and master word problems.

I love geometry.


#4 2024-03-07 01:48:32

From: Brooklyn, NY
Registered: 2024-02-24
Posts: 1,053

Re: Your favorite mathematical concept

Jai Ganesh wrote:

Hi DavidHansen,

Welcome to the forum!

Fermat's Last Theorem.

I love geometry. I also enjoy word problems but greatly struggle in terms of setting up the correct equation. What about you?

I say that solving word problems is the best skill a student can develop. I missed out on good jobs in the past because I simply couldn't get beyond word problems. Financial Advisor at Bank One is a perfect example. The bank representative said that my score was the lowest in the history of the bank in that particular area in Springfield Missouri in 2006. To every student out there, please do yourself a favor and master word problems.

You say?


#5 2024-03-07 06:10:56

Phrzby Phil
From: Richmond, VA
Registered: 2022-03-29
Posts: 57

Re: Your favorite mathematical concept

Jai Ganesh wrote:

Fermat's Last Theorem.

Too bad this was finally resolved - it ruined a good joke:

A mathematician was asked to give a talk at the local college.  He told them ahead that he would be discussing his proof of Fermat's Last Theorem.
But at the symposium he actually discussed a totally different topic.
When asked later why he changed topics, he said that he told them the original topic in case he got run over by a bus on the way to the talk.

World Peace Thru Frisbee


#6 2024-03-07 06:14:03

Phrzby Phil
From: Richmond, VA
Registered: 2022-03-29
Posts: 57

Re: Your favorite mathematical concept

Set theory and the continuum hypothesis.

World Peace Thru Frisbee


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