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Hi guys, I'm stuck again!
And it's mathematical, like always (regret those lazy days back in analytic math courses, haha).
I'm in this situation:
(a is a constant value)
where y=y(t)
I want to solve this for x.
smthing like x = smthing + C (constant of integration, or what ever you want to call it)
I can recall it had something to do about, maybe substitution, but i can't see how thats going to happen...
(a is a constant value)
where y=y(t)
∫dx = ∫ asinyt dt
∫dx = a ∫sinyt dt
x = a(-cosyt/y) + Constant ???????????
It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.
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I'm not convinced... i dont get it really. Do you mead x = a(-cos(yt/y)) ?
How do i differentiate that one and get the same thing in the brickets sin(y).
Ganesh... maybe i didn't make my self clear that y is a function of t.?? Or is it
me that have misunderstood you? Coud you show me how you diferentiate the
∫dx= ∫asiny(t)dt
x=a ∫sin y(t)dt
Do we know what the function of t is? If so, the rest would be much easier...
Why did the vector cross the road?
It wanted to be normal.
Forgive me if I am wrong, but it may simply be impossible without knowing the function y(t).
dx = a sin(y(t)) dt
Let us just call the funtion "" instead of y:
dx = a sin((t)) dt
If, for example, there were no sine or factor applied, we could have:
dx = (t) dt
Which is just a general statement.
So, yes, what is y(t) ?
"The physicists defer only to mathematicians, and the mathematicians defer only to God ..." - Leon M. Lederman
So, can't we express it in the first derivates of y(t) ? Thats what i'm looking for.
some kind of chainrule or smthing?
Pages: 1