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#1026 2013-04-09 02:18:58

mandy jane
Registered: 2010-09-23
Posts: 1,169

Re: Mandy Jane's Corner

So 262.50 + 40.00 = 302.5 am I right?


#1027 2013-04-09 02:20:51

Registered: 2013-03-07
Posts: 595

Re: Mandy Jane's Corner

Correct. Good.

Can you think of any other things like that to do as a calulation ?
(One thing that springs to mind is a pay question involving Saturday and Sunday rates. Any other ideas ?)


#1028 2013-04-09 02:24:32

mandy jane
Registered: 2010-09-23
Posts: 1,169

Re: Mandy Jane's Corner

Could you give me 3 questions involving Saturday and Sundays rates in them and I will do them for you as homework and will be back on here tomorrow at 2.30pm if ok with you? Send me a message back please?


#1029 2013-04-09 02:27:57

Registered: 2013-03-07
Posts: 595

Re: Mandy Jane's Corner

Okay. I will get to work on that. Give me about ten minutes. Is email or a post to MIF better ?


#1030 2013-04-09 02:29:04

mandy jane
Registered: 2010-09-23
Posts: 1,169

Re: Mandy Jane's Corner

Send it to me by email please


#1031 2013-04-09 02:29:29

Registered: 2013-03-07
Posts: 595

Re: Mandy Jane's Corner

Okay. Logging off ...


#1032 2013-04-10 06:14:45

mandy jane
Registered: 2010-09-23
Posts: 1,169

Re: Mandy Jane's Corner

Hi steveb mandy here the answer to the question in 995 is
Q1 = £6.50 for 35 hours
Mon - Fri time and. Half
Sat overtime double time
So 35 hours
3 hours on fri
4 hours on sat
So 6.50 x 35 = 227.50
6.50 x 3 = 19.50 +9 75 = 29.20
6.50 x 4 = 26.00 x 2 = 52.00
So total is 227.50 + 29.20 + 52.00 = 308.70
Am I right?


#1033 2013-04-10 06:19:30

Registered: 2010-06-20
Posts: 10,690

Re: Mandy Jane's Corner

Mandy wrote:

6.50 x 3 = 19.50 +9 75 = 29.20

Check the adding up.


Children are not defined by school ...........The Fonz
You cannot teach a man anything;  you can only help him find it within himself..........Galileo Galilei
Sometimes I deliberately make mistakes, just to test you!  …………….Bob smile


#1034 2013-04-10 06:23:43

mandy jane
Registered: 2010-09-23
Posts: 1,169

Re: Mandy Jane's Corner

Hi is it 29.28 am I right?


#1035 2013-04-10 06:23:51

Registered: 2013-03-07
Posts: 595

Re: Mandy Jane's Corner

mandy jane wrote:

Hi steveb mandy here the answer to the question in 995 is
Q1 = £6.50 for 35 hours
Mon - Fri time and. Half
Sat overtime double time
So 35 hours
3 hours on fri
4 hours on sat
So 6.50 x 35 = 227.50
6.50 x 3 = 19.50 +9 75 = 29.20

You have lopped off the 5 at the end of 29.25 to make it 29.20. This is the only mistake.

6.50 x 4 = 26.00 x 2 = 52.00
So total is 227.50 + 29.20 + 52.00 = 308.70
Am I right?

The method is correct. There is that one mistake and the answer would/should have been 308.75
I think that is what they call a "silly mistake" as opposed to anything more serious.
Also one point about the presentation of your method. I know what you mean but you have used the equals sign
for two things that are not equal. I don't think that you would lose marks for that at GCSE, but I am not sure and
I wonder what someone like Bob thinks of that. I realise also that you are doing this using plain text, and it may
well be easier when written down to space it out and make things clearer.

EDIT: 29.28 is obviously not right. I think you can see that from the above message.

Last edited by SteveB (2013-04-10 06:34:09)


#1036 2013-04-10 06:33:35

mandy jane
Registered: 2010-09-23
Posts: 1,169

Re: Mandy Jane's Corner

Hi steveb mandy here. I will have a go with others and get back to you tomorrow at 2.30pm ok? Hope that is okay with you? Send me an massage. Back please?


#1037 2013-04-10 06:36:37

Registered: 2013-03-07
Posts: 595

Re: Mandy Jane's Corner

2:30pm is okay.

Are you sure you wouldn't rather do another maths problem now ? Or do you have to go ?


#1038 2013-04-10 06:39:42

mandy jane
Registered: 2010-09-23
Posts: 1,169

Re: Mandy Jane's Corner

Sorry Steve my husband has has just been. Sik ok so I need to sort. Him out ok sorry about this so I will see you tomorrow at 2.30pm ok? Send message back please?


#1039 2013-04-10 06:40:12

Registered: 2013-03-07
Posts: 595

Re: Mandy Jane's Corner

Okay see you tomorrow. Bye.

EDIT: By the way I hope your husband makes a speedy recovery.

Good luck with those other two questions, and please do post any answers that you have.
I can mark it earlier if necessary and I do check this website at other times.

Last edited by SteveB (2013-04-10 07:04:29)


#1040 2013-04-10 06:42:59

Registered: 2010-06-20
Posts: 10,690

Re: Mandy Jane's Corner


Steve wrote:

I don't think that you would lose marks for that at GCSE, but I am not sure and I wonder what someone like Bob thinks of that.

At GCSE, if you get the answer right, you'll get the marks however you set out the working. 

There is one exception.  Occasionally a question will tell you to show your working.  That means there are marks for this.  For an overtime question, they wouldn't expect this.

But, if you make an error, there will usually be a chance to get some marks for the bits you did correctly.  So setting out clearly does have an advantage.

Also it will help you to check that you have done the question properly, so it is good practice.

Below I have shown what I would do using your working.


Children are not defined by school ...........The Fonz
You cannot teach a man anything;  you can only help him find it within himself..........Galileo Galilei
Sometimes I deliberately make mistakes, just to test you!  …………….Bob smile


#1041 2013-04-11 01:29:22

mandy jane
Registered: 2010-09-23
Posts: 1,169

Re: Mandy Jane's Corner

Hi steveb mandy here just a quick message to say I can't be on here now but at 7.30pm ok?  Hope ok with you?


#1042 2013-04-11 01:31:45

Registered: 2013-03-07
Posts: 595

Re: Mandy Jane's Corner

I am not really available for 7:30pm but I will be able to post later on in the evening perhaps after 9pm it is difficult to be exact.
You can of course post any maths that you want marked.


#1043 2013-04-11 01:35:27

mandy jane
Registered: 2010-09-23
Posts: 1,169

Re: Mandy Jane's Corner

Ok I will send my answers to you later for you to Marland I will pop in around 9.00pm ok buy for now


#1044 2013-04-11 01:37:58

Registered: 2013-03-07
Posts: 595

Re: Mandy Jane's Corner

Okay. Bye for now.


#1045 2013-04-11 06:26:34

mandy jane
Registered: 2010-09-23
Posts: 1,169

Re: Mandy Jane's Corner

Hi steveb mandy here the answer to the question you left me is
Normal hours £7.50 x 40 = £300
3 hours extra on fri at time and a half. = £7.50 x 3 = 30
Sat overtime time and a half. = £7.50 x 2 = 22.50
Sun overtime. Double the basic rate = £7.50 x 4 = 30
Total. Is.                                          £ 382.50

Am I right?


#1046 2013-04-11 06:34:47

Registered: 2013-03-07
Posts: 595

Re: Mandy Jane's Corner

Very good answer. Correct. The layout of your method is much better as well.

By the way I do seem to be free at the moment I did the thing that I was originally going to do this evening earlier.
So I am ready now, but you are not logged on at the time of writing. So I shall check the website every so often.
9am is still okay.

EDIT: Actually I have had another look at the method bit and I can see a couple of bits where you have done something
like this:

£7.50 x 3 = £30.00

Now that was actually time and a third. You have correctly worked out that 7.50 x (1/3) = 2.50 then added the 2.50 on
to make 10.00 and then multiplied by 3 hours to get 30. Perhaps a better way of showing your method would be:

£7.50 / 3 = £2.50 (overtime to add to £7.50)
£7.50 + £2.50 = £10.00 (time and a third overtime rate)
£10.00 x 3 hours = £ 30.00 (total payment made for the 3 hours Friday overtime)


£7.50 x 3 hours = £22.50
now add on a third to allow for the time and a third bit:
22.50 / 3 = 7.50
22.50 + 7.50 = 30.00
So the Friday overtime payment is £30.00

Notice that if you use your calculator you can do this for the Friday overtime:
£7.50 x (4/3) x 3 hours = £30.00

The (4/3) fraction is a useful "factor" so to speak to allow for the "time and a third" bit.
I think that if you are allowed to use a calculator for the question this might be a good method,
provided that you understand how I got the (4/3) bit by thinking of what "one and a third" is.
If you do not have a calculator at the time, or you are in an exam where calculators are not allowed
then one of the other methods may be safer. I personally like the (4/3) method.

Last edited by SteveB (2013-04-11 08:09:05)


#1047 2013-04-11 08:26:22

Registered: 2013-03-07
Posts: 595

Re: Mandy Jane's Corner

With the Saturday bit of the overtime here are three ways that you could do this:

£ 7.50 x 2 hours = £ 15.00 (at basic rate)
Since the overtime is at time and a half:
£ 15.00 / 2 = 7.50
£ 15.00 + £ 7.50 = £ 22.50 (at Saturday overtime rate)


£ 7.50 / 2 = £ 3.75
£ 7.50 + £ 3.75 = £ 11.25
£ 11.25 x 2 hours = £ 22.50

OR if calculators are allowed

£ 7.50 x 1.5 x 2 hours = £ 22.50  (the 1.5 bit is to allow for the "time and a half" rate)


#1048 2013-04-11 08:36:09

Registered: 2013-03-07
Posts: 595

Re: Mandy Jane's Corner

With the Sunday overtime the rate is simply "double time" so this is quite easy. I suppose you could still have different methods
for it, but it is much easier to see why they are the same:

£ 7.50 x 2 hours = £ 15.00 (at basic rate)
Since overtime is "double" the basic rate:
£ 15.00 + £ 15.00 = £ 30.00


£ 7.50 x 2 = £ 15.00 (Sunday overtime rate)
£ 15.00 x 2 hours = £ 30.00 (Sunday overtime payment)

OR simply

£ 7.50 x 2 x 2 hours = £ 30.00


#1049 2013-04-12 01:44:12

mandy jane
Registered: 2010-09-23
Posts: 1,169

Re: Mandy Jane's Corner

Hi steveb I am having problems with the latest question you gave me can you help me out please?it was sent by email on 9th April ok?

Last edited by mandy jane (2013-04-12 01:51:14)


#1050 2013-04-12 01:56:32

Registered: 2013-03-07
Posts: 595

Re: Mandy Jane's Corner

£ 7.00 - hourly rate
35 hours - normal full time hours

Monday to Friday overtime: time and a quarter
Saturday overtime: time and a half
Sunday overtime: the basic rate plus 3 quarters

The employee does the 35 basic hours plus:
5 hours extra on a Friday
and 4 hours on Saturday,
and 2 hours on Sunday

Calculate the basic pay,
overtime pay on Friday,
the overtime pay for Saturday,
and the overtime pay for Sunday
Add them together to get a total.

Is is that one you are trying to do?


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