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This is kind of basic compared to most of the stuff on the forum, but I was trying to find a definitive answer of n choose n-1. so n!/(n!(n-n-1)!) = n!/n!(-1)! and negatives don't have factorials. So I tried to expand (n-n-1)! To no avail. Does anyone have an answer? I tried (a+b)!(a+b-1)!(a+b-2)!.... (a+b-a+b)! But no idea how to do that.... Please help me!!
Surely (n-(n-1))! = (n-n-1)! = (0-1)! = (-1)! With bidmas
Ok but can you still expand (a+b)!
So is this as far as maths can possibly take us? What if (a+b)^(a+b)(-(1*2*3*4...a+b))
For example, (a+b)^n = sigma bla bla bla. so what is (a+b)! Expanded?
If you mean a similar identity to ( a + b )^n I am not aware of one. There are Taylor series expansions for that though.
In mathematics, you don't understand things. You just get used to them.
If it ain't broke, fix it until it is.
Always satisfy the Prime Directive of getting the right answer above all else.
Pages: 1