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Please help with this problem:
Juice company produces pear, orange, lemon, tomato and apple juices, and these combined (from the previous flavors) juices H and G.
FRUIT MAX Availability (Kg) COST ($ /Kg.) Sell price ($/liter)
Orange (O) 32000 94 129
Pear ( P) 25000 87 125
Lemon (L) 21000 73 110
Tomato (T) 18000 47 88
Apple (A) 27000 68 97
Combined juices selling price and info:
COMBINED SPEC Sell price ($l/liter)
H No more than 50 % of A 100
No more than 20 % of P
No more than 10 % of L
G 40 % of O 120
35 % of L
25 % of P
Company wants to sell all the production. Each kg of fruit produces 1 liter of juice respectively.
Determine the production levels and types of juice, obtaining the maximum benefit.
I started with this exercise like this:
Z = 35x1 + 38x2 + 37x3 + 41x4 + 29x5 + 26.7x6 + 35.1x7
0.4x1+ 1x1 <= 32000
0.2x2 + 0.25x5 + 1x5 <= 25000
0.1x3 + 0.35x3 + 1x3 <= 21000
0.5x5 + 1x5 <= 27000
1x4 <= 18000
But I was told that I have to have more variables.
hi spikep
Welcome to the forum.
I'm having trouble following where your constraint inequalities came from. Please would you define your variables and then state which constraint leads to each inequality. It'll be easier then to see if you have everything covered.
Children are not defined by school ...........The Fonz
You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him find it within himself..........Galileo Galilei
Sometimes I deliberately make mistakes, just to test you! …………….Bob
I thought about it from a different perspective, so I did this table:
O P L T A Price
H x1 x2 x3 100
G x4 x5 x6 120
O x7 129
P x8 125
L x9 110
T x10 88
A x11 97
Avail. 32000 25000 21000 18000 27000 Availability
Cost 94 87 73 47 68
per kg
Revenue per juice
Juice H
C1 = 100 - 87 = 13
C2 = 100 - 73 = 27
C3 = 100 - 68 = 32
Juice G
C4 = 120 - 94 = 26
C5 = 120 - 87 = 33
C5 = 120 - 73 = 47
Juice O
C7 = 129 - 94 = 35
Juice P
C8 = 125 - 87 = 38
Juice L
C9 = 1|0 - 73 = 37
Juice T
C10 = 88 - 47 = 41
Juice A
C11 = 97 - 68 = 29
So the goal function whould be:
Z = 13x1 + 27x2 + 32x3 + 26x4 + 33x5 + 47x6 + 35x7 + 38x8 + 37x9 + 41x10 + 29x11
Contraints or restrictions:
x4 + x7 <= 32000
x1 + x5 + x8 <= 25000
x2 + x6 + x9 <= 21000
x10 <= 18000
x3 + x11 <= 27000
And here's where I think I have the problem:
x1 <= 0.20x1 If I work this ecuation
x1 - 0.20x1 <= 0
0.80x1 <= 0 <- this would be the result
The next ones already worked out:
0.9x2 >= 0
0.50x3 <= 0
0.60x4 <= 0
0.75x5 <= 0
0.65x6 <= 0
If I enter those values in QM for Windows, the value for X is 0.
I think the problem is with the restrictions, but I don't know what else to do...
Last edited by spikep (2015-10-25 09:50:05)
hi spikep
Thanks. That is much clearer.
Revenue per juice
Juice H
C1 = 100 - 87 = 13
C2 = 100 - 73 = 27
C3 = 100 - 68 = 32Juice G
C4 = 120 - 94 = 26
C5 = 120 - 87 = 33
C5 = 120 - 73 = 47
COMBINED SPEC Sell price ($l/liter)
H No more than 50 % of A 100
No more than 20 % of P
No more than 10 % of LG 40 % of O 120
35 % of L
25 % of P
I think the juice G revenue should take account of the percentages. H is harder as you're only told 'no more than'. And those percentages don't add up to 100% anyway. What goes in to make the rest?
Children are not defined by school ...........The Fonz
You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him find it within himself..........Galileo Galilei
Sometimes I deliberately make mistakes, just to test you! …………….Bob
Pages: 1