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#1 2016-07-13 19:28:02

Real Member
From: Riemann Sphere
Registered: 2011-01-29
Posts: 25,008

Variance of Distances on a Square

Two points on a square are chosen at random.

What is the variance of the distance between them?

'And fun? If maths is fun, then getting a tooth extraction is fun. A viral infection is fun. Rabies shots are fun.'
'God exists because Mathematics is consistent, and the devil exists because we cannot prove it'
I'm not crazy, my mother had me tested.


#2 2016-07-14 01:58:09

From: Bumpkinland
Registered: 2009-04-12
Posts: 109,606

Re: Variance of Distances on a Square

This is a fairly well known problem in EM and a variant of it appears in the Borwein's book. I am forced to ask a question before attempting to solve it.

1) Are the two points on different sides?

In mathematics, you don't understand things. You just get used to them.
If it ain't broke, fix it until it is.
Always satisfy the Prime Directive of getting the right answer above all else.


#3 2016-07-14 03:37:12

Real Member
From: Riemann Sphere
Registered: 2011-01-29
Posts: 25,008

Re: Variance of Distances on a Square

Oh, I am sorry. The question is about points on the inside

'And fun? If maths is fun, then getting a tooth extraction is fun. A viral infection is fun. Rabies shots are fun.'
'God exists because Mathematics is consistent, and the devil exists because we cannot prove it'
I'm not crazy, my mother had me tested.


#4 2016-07-14 05:41:28

Real Member
From: Riemann Sphere
Registered: 2011-01-29
Posts: 25,008

Re: Variance of Distances on a Square

I think I did solve the problems. Although I am not sure. What answer are you getting?

'And fun? If maths is fun, then getting a tooth extraction is fun. A viral infection is fun. Rabies shots are fun.'
'God exists because Mathematics is consistent, and the devil exists because we cannot prove it'
I'm not crazy, my mother had me tested.


#5 2016-07-14 07:07:59

From: Bumpkinland
Registered: 2009-04-12
Posts: 109,606

Re: Variance of Distances on a Square

On the inside? Then the answer is well known for the unit square.

I have the answer when you need it.

In mathematics, you don't understand things. You just get used to them.
If it ain't broke, fix it until it is.
Always satisfy the Prime Directive of getting the right answer above all else.


#6 2016-07-14 13:32:43

Real Member
From: Riemann Sphere
Registered: 2011-01-29
Posts: 25,008

Re: Variance of Distances on a Square

What is the answer? And since you said well known, links please

'And fun? If maths is fun, then getting a tooth extraction is fun. A viral infection is fun. Rabies shots are fun.'
'God exists because Mathematics is consistent, and the devil exists because we cannot prove it'
I'm not crazy, my mother had me tested.


#7 2016-07-14 13:32:56

Real Member
From: Riemann Sphere
Registered: 2011-01-29
Posts: 25,008

Re: Variance of Distances on a Square

What is the answer? And since you said well known, links please

'And fun? If maths is fun, then getting a tooth extraction is fun. A viral infection is fun. Rabies shots are fun.'
'God exists because Mathematics is consistent, and the devil exists because we cannot prove it'
I'm not crazy, my mother had me tested.


#8 2016-07-14 13:38:12

From: Bumpkinland
Registered: 2009-04-12
Posts: 109,606

Re: Variance of Distances on a Square

One more bit of clarification: Is it a unit square?

In mathematics, you don't understand things. You just get used to them.
If it ain't broke, fix it until it is.
Always satisfy the Prime Directive of getting the right answer above all else.


#9 2016-07-14 13:41:56

Real Member
From: Riemann Sphere
Registered: 2011-01-29
Posts: 25,008

Re: Variance of Distances on a Square


'And fun? If maths is fun, then getting a tooth extraction is fun. A viral infection is fun. Rabies shots are fun.'
'God exists because Mathematics is consistent, and the devil exists because we cannot prove it'
I'm not crazy, my mother had me tested.


#10 2016-07-14 13:43:12

From: Bumpkinland
Registered: 2009-04-12
Posts: 109,606

Re: Variance of Distances on a Square

Then I do not have to do any more work:

There are 2 ways to make the problem harder ( at least for me ).

In mathematics, you don't understand things. You just get used to them.
If it ain't broke, fix it until it is.
Always satisfy the Prime Directive of getting the right answer above all else.


#11 2016-07-14 14:03:21

Real Member
From: Riemann Sphere
Registered: 2011-01-29
Posts: 25,008

Re: Variance of Distances on a Square

What are they?

'And fun? If maths is fun, then getting a tooth extraction is fun. A viral infection is fun. Rabies shots are fun.'
'God exists because Mathematics is consistent, and the devil exists because we cannot prove it'
I'm not crazy, my mother had me tested.


#12 2016-07-14 14:06:15

From: Bumpkinland
Registered: 2009-04-12
Posts: 109,606

Re: Variance of Distances on a Square

If I tell you then you might use them and I will be tearing my eyeballs out.

In mathematics, you don't understand things. You just get used to them.
If it ain't broke, fix it until it is.
Always satisfy the Prime Directive of getting the right answer above all else.


#13 2016-07-14 20:40:43

Real Member
From: Riemann Sphere
Registered: 2011-01-29
Posts: 25,008

Re: Variance of Distances on a Square

But you are not already tearing your eyeballs, so I think you could tell me.

'And fun? If maths is fun, then getting a tooth extraction is fun. A viral infection is fun. Rabies shots are fun.'
'God exists because Mathematics is consistent, and the devil exists because we cannot prove it'
I'm not crazy, my mother had me tested.


#14 2016-07-15 01:52:54

From: Bumpkinland
Registered: 2009-04-12
Posts: 109,606

Re: Variance of Distances on a Square

1) I have never seen the answer anywhere for an n x n square but I have solved that.

2) The second would be points on the square not inside it and I have solved that too.

In mathematics, you don't understand things. You just get used to them.
If it ain't broke, fix it until it is.
Always satisfy the Prime Directive of getting the right answer above all else.


#15 2016-07-16 00:59:00

Real Member
From: Riemann Sphere
Registered: 2011-01-29
Posts: 25,008

Re: Variance of Distances on a Square

You generalized the problem?

'And fun? If maths is fun, then getting a tooth extraction is fun. A viral infection is fun. Rabies shots are fun.'
'God exists because Mathematics is consistent, and the devil exists because we cannot prove it'
I'm not crazy, my mother had me tested.


#16 2016-07-16 03:35:20

From: Bumpkinland
Registered: 2009-04-12
Posts: 109,606

Re: Variance of Distances on a Square

Verified in 3 ways.

In mathematics, you don't understand things. You just get used to them.
If it ain't broke, fix it until it is.
Always satisfy the Prime Directive of getting the right answer above all else.


#17 2016-07-16 07:18:28

Real Member
From: Riemann Sphere
Registered: 2011-01-29
Posts: 25,008

Re: Variance of Distances on a Square

List them

'And fun? If maths is fun, then getting a tooth extraction is fun. A viral infection is fun. Rabies shots are fun.'
'God exists because Mathematics is consistent, and the devil exists because we cannot prove it'
I'm not crazy, my mother had me tested.


#18 2016-07-16 07:36:25

From: Bumpkinland
Registered: 2009-04-12
Posts: 109,606

Re: Variance of Distances on a Square

I list them in the order of importance.

I) Simulation - the best.

2) M commands

3) Math

In mathematics, you don't understand things. You just get used to them.
If it ain't broke, fix it until it is.
Always satisfy the Prime Directive of getting the right answer above all else.


#19 2016-07-16 14:55:04

Real Member
From: Riemann Sphere
Registered: 2011-01-29
Posts: 25,008

Re: Variance of Distances on a Square

Sometimes you need a combination of those approaches.

'And fun? If maths is fun, then getting a tooth extraction is fun. A viral infection is fun. Rabies shots are fun.'
'God exists because Mathematics is consistent, and the devil exists because we cannot prove it'
I'm not crazy, my mother had me tested.


#20 2016-07-16 16:17:39

From: Bumpkinland
Registered: 2009-04-12
Posts: 109,606

Re: Variance of Distances on a Square

Usually, I stop after the first two.

In mathematics, you don't understand things. You just get used to them.
If it ain't broke, fix it until it is.
Always satisfy the Prime Directive of getting the right answer above all else.


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