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Hi team
I'm a person who have interest in matrices, now I need anyone of you team to assist me whether the matrix I'm working on can rotate or not, it's a 1by3 matrix with 4levels in 1phase,level you receive an amount from 3people and on level2 you receive an amount from 9 people. This matrix have 4levels(in one phase)
Level1 3members give 0.005=0.015
Level2 9members give 0.008=0.072
Level3 27members give 0.05=1.35
Level4 81members give 1.00=81.00
Total earning for a person on top is 82.437
For the person on top to cycle out it needs 120 people, now I need this to rotate such that all members in the matrix to benefit from it,how to rotate this matrix and how many people will it need to start rotating and how much must the person on top must put into the matrix system for it to rotate from the amount earned. (We are a team of people who needs assistance to calculate this matrix so that we make it a success, please help, we've tried the Pascal triangle but it is clear we mistaken it somewhere.
Best Regards
Mendo Mbambani
Please post those matrices.
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