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Is the equation for a straight line graph always in the form y=mx+c?
If so, is an equation for a straight line such as y=4 shorthand for y=0x+4?
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Yes, every straight line graph is in the form y=mx+c.
And yes, y=4 is a shorthand for y=0x+4, but I haven't seen something like "y=0x+n" or "y=1x+n" yet.
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Is the equation for a straight line graph always in the form y=mx+c?
It doesn't have to be; it can be Ax+By+C=0 or other alternates-- but they can all be solved for y= to get y=mx+b
If so, is an equation for a straight line such as y=4 shorthand for y=0x+4?
Exactly-- and writing it your way emphasizes that the slope is zero so the line is horizontal.
Thanks, everyone
Regards a straight line being somthing lik, Ax+By+C=0 ; would those kind of equations just be rearrangements of y=mx+c?
I can see that y=mx+c can be rearranged, for example, thus;
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So substitute A = -m B = 1 C = -c
Any equation that has x and y and no other variables nor any powers is called a linear equation, because it gives a straight line graph when y is plotted against x.
By using algebraic manipulations the equation can be written in a variety of ways.
If powers are involved the graph will be some sort of curve.
is called a quadratic and the shape is a parabola.Bob
ps. Your rearrangements need brackets in a different place:
x = (y-c)/m
Subtract c from each side and then divide the whole right hand side by m. As the m is on its own the bracket there adds nothing.
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