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What’s your favorite subject?
Personally I’m really into math and science
What about you?
Mathematics and Physics, not necessarily in that order.
In Physics, all branches, particularly, Astronomy.
A close second and third are Chemistry and Geography.
It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.
Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.
I enjoy learning about Physics, Maths, English very much.
But I think all the other subjects all subjects share the same status: they're fun!
Filling the unforgiving minute with sixty seconds’ worth of distance run!
What’s your favorite subject?
Personally I’m really into math and scienceWhat about you?
Former Navy here (1996-2000). Are you in the Navy now?
Hello there,
Arithmetic and Physical science, not be guaranteed to in a specific order.
In Physical science, all branches, especially, Stargazing.
A nearby second and third are Science and Topography.
What’s your favorite subject?
Personally I’m really into math and scienceWhat about you?
Are you in the Navy? I am former Navy.
Focus on the journey for there will be those who would love to see you fall.
I like all subjects I'm taking - except for Biology - so much so I quit it the first chance I got since I hate memorising stuff.
I like Add. Maths, Maths, Physics, English, Chinese, History, Science Computer, Moral Education, P.E. and Malay, in no particular order.
I hate Chemistry through, but I can't drop it sadly.
After tomorrow is tomorrow, so there are infinite tomorrows.
While I keep waiting for tomorrow, I procastinate a million stuff.
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