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Right i have a problem. I have a maths assingment due monday and i havent even started! I need to determine the correlation between the length of the arm bone/leg bone and the height of a person. I no how to do that, thats not the problem. The problem is i dont have any measurements to do the work! Please measure ur height, ur leg( from the kneecap to the top of foot) and ur arm(from ur shoulder to ur elbow. Help would be gladly appreciated.
154cm, 37cm,. 33cm.
Hope this helps!
High score in SAT's at the end of Year 6, Virgo, D'oh!,
[img]C:\Documents and Settings\Alex\Desktop\Stuff\Pictures[/img]
Hope this helps!;)
I guess there are racial gaps between the ratio of farer leg (the small leg) to height:
Africans>Caucasians>East Asians
If you like to watch sports like soccer or basketball, you can easily discover this pheonomenon.
Pages: 1