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This pretty much has you set on any number of advanced math through higher level questions.
Hope it's Useful to everyone!!!
Cheers, Sven
e...the red-headed stepchild of math.
I got a Security Warning ... something about installing "Thawte Freemail". Don't like the sound of that.
"The physicists defer only to mathematicians, and the mathematicians defer only to God ..." - Leon M. Lederman
Try this one, and if you get the same warning I don't know what to tell you.
The first link is to a directory of various applications, the one in this post is to an equation plotter that vinds the volume of a solid of revolution and gives the graph as well as the 3-D picture. It's quite useful.
e...the red-headed stepchild of math.
atiptaxx.exe is running; maybe a coincidence.
ati2evxx.exe is running twice?
My svchost is running multiple times, but that normal I found out.
Oh, wiki says Thawt is like verisign, <50, >50 points,
I don't know how accurate it is for stopping viruses though.
Wow, the solid revolution thing is fun!
The graph says it uses Web Mathematica.
I made some frisbees, and you can rotate them.
volume is at the bottom in cubic units.
Last edited by John E. Franklin (2008-04-06 13:55:44)
igloo myrtilles fourmis
I promise it's secure, I use it all the time to help me when I'm doing solids of revolution, I've scanned the kernel with symantic and it's virus and spyware free. Feel free to test it and tell me what you think.
e...the red-headed stepchild of math.
Hi all.I have read you posts and I see your are afraid of catching viruses.Kaspersky antivirus,which I poses,did not let any intrruder to attack my computer.Ihave found it at top ten antiviruses also will find here the reviews of the best ten antiviruses
hope it was usefull:)
Yes, it is good but it is slow and bloated. You can do just as well running AVG or Avast or Avira. They are free!
In mathematics, you don't understand things. You just get used to them.
If it ain't broke, fix it until it is.
Always satisfy the Prime Directive of getting the right answer above all else.
AVG? *hurls* I used it for a while before leaving it for avast.
Linux FTW