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yeah i think you would get slapped... not a girlfriend
uhh prego
wat do u mean by welcom
I don't get it
i will be your buddy if i ever see you again
i can not wait to see and play it
he is the administrator
thanks made it myself
Why did the chicken go to the other side, jumped in a puddle of mud, and went back to the other side?
He was a dirty double crosser!
haha i dont get it
wow those are some *good jokes*
cool thanks a bunch
is there a quick way to find 2 to the 51st power without using a calculator other than paper and pencil???
* Raising teenagers is like nailing jelly to a tree.
i like this one because i am a teenager:D
hi i play tanks at this website at school
hola mi amigo de matematicas
hi my math friend
what type of music do you like??
oh come on coolkiddavid those are some good jokes, especailly the golfing one
neither i
yeah i agree with zack about being in first but you could still overlap the last person if you are in 2nd 3rd etc
what are the requirements for each rank and what powers do you get on every different level.
a bounty hunter that i can not remember the name of, my guys name was darth maul first movie
i did not search thourgh all six pages but what is the max size for avatars now